Zone1 If Palestine rejected Hamas what is on the table ?

Your country was the one deliberately bombing German civilians to “de house” them in WWII. You didn’t even attempt to accurately bomb strategic targets.
The only side that seeks civilian death is "Palestine" regime - for propaganda. Dead Baby Strategy Since Arafat days..


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It's not a good time for this Tommy. Can't you see that America and the Zionist apartheid regime is close to blowing up the entire world over nothing but silly bible prophesies. guys are telling Israel to what do you say to them about Hamas? What do they do? They raped, tortured, mutilated, and murdered men, women and even children, including babies......So what does Israel do about this?

Come want them to stop, so what do they do to stop Iran and hamas...?
Some say that it is about leftists racism against Arabs of low expectations - which drives so many to put the blame on the non Arab side while fully acknowledging it's all Hanas fault 7 Oct or Shifa Hospital .
In Ulster the catholic population saw the IRA as a force for good because they protected republican areas against protestant death squads. To outsiders it seemed incredible that people who bombed and killed should get support.

I thought that for years. I couldnt understand the support for the hunger strikers who seemed like monsters to me.
But the more I learned about the history the better I understood the situation. Support for the IRA grew out of boneheaded british attitudes. The initial british troops were welcomed with cake and cups of tea. It didnt take long for attitudes to change,
Bloody Sunday was the biggest recruiting tool for the IRA,
What was a civil rights call for jobs,housing and votes turned into a struggle for independence
Ireland changed only when the people were offered something better,
Israel has been feeding terrorism for decades. They are bombing infants every day. The ones who survive will join militant forces when they grow up. They are l;iterally breeding the people who will kill their children and grandchildren.
So life in Gaza, and now Israel, is crap.What is the offer to Palestinians that they will be excited about ? What can be done to stop the killing ?
Wouldnt it be better to live in peace than in fear of atttack ?

Ive put this here in the hope that thre might be some debate. I have seen very little of that on the site.
You either now wipe them off the face of the earth or pay with greater suffering and deaths in toto
To say Israel has no right to exist is 'Kill me or I will kill you"
NO ONE lives in peace with the wolf at the door.
does it matter? no not really Arab peace is just in case usa is killed by christendom if christendom lives

or attempted Arab normalization don't tell the Americans the gay advocates who don't want to exist will be upset about it
In Ulster the catholic population saw the IRA as a force for good because they protected republican areas against protestant death squads. To outsiders it seemed incredible that people who bombed and killed should get support.

I thought that for years. I couldnt understand the support for the hunger strikers who seemed like monsters to me.
But the more I learned about the history the better I understood the situation. Support for the IRA grew out of boneheaded british attitudes. The initial british troops were welcomed with cake and cups of tea. It didnt take long for attitudes to change,
Bloody Sunday was the biggest recruiting tool for the IRA,
What was a civil rights call for jobs,housing and votes turned into a struggle for independence
Ireland changed only when the people were offered something better,
Israel has been feeding terrorism for decades. They are bombing infants every day. The ones who survive will join militant forces when they grow up. They are l;iterally breeding the people who will kill their children and grandchildren.
So life in Gaza, and now Israel, is crap.What is the offer to Palestinians that they will be excited about ? What can be done to stop the killing ?
Wouldnt it be better to live in peace than in fear of atttack ?

Ive put this here in the hope that thre might be some debate. I have seen very little of that on the site.
Israel has not been bombing ANYONE "every day"----most of the bombing in the area is TO Israel not from Israel or in Israel from jews. What is the OFFER to Israel ? Approximately half of the Israeli population carries a family legacy of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION-----what is the "offer" to them? It is interesting that you predict that arabs who experience bombing WILL BECOME MILITANT MURDERERS----but the same is not true of jews who
experience bombing or other overt forms of oppression
Israel has not been bombing ANYONE "every day"----most of the bombing in the area is TO Israel not from Israel or in Israel from jews. What is the OFFER to Israel ? Approximately half of the Israeli population carries a family legacy of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION-----what is the "offer" to them? It is interesting that you predict that arabs who experience bombing WILL BECOME MILITANT MURDERERS----but the same is not true of jews who
experience bombing or other overt forms of oppression
It should be pointed out that the preferred method of murder for Muslim fanatics originally was to plant a knife in the back of some innocent man woman and or child who was walking by minding his or her own business when that proved not efficient enough hidden bombs filled with nails and assorted deadly projectiles were placed in strategic areas to murdeer and maim as many innocents as could be gotten to rat poison might coat the projectiles because it stops the blood from coagulating hoping the victims bleed to death before help arrives)Then it was graduated to bomb vests followed by car and truck bombsto takeout busses of people just going quietly about their business… I could go on here but most will get the jit’s if it ..The missiles are just the latest in a long line attempting the murder of innocent Israelis( don’t forget Israel is made up of just 73 or so per cent of Jews the rest are muslims Christian’s etc etc) Fun times in Hamasis tan to say the least…
It should be pointed out that the preferred method of murder for Muslim fanatics originally was to plant a knife in the back of some innocent man woman and or child who was walking by minding his or her own business when that proved not efficient enough hidden bombs filled with nails and assorted deadly projectiles were placed in strategic areas to murdeer and maim as many innocents as could be gotten to rat poison might coat the projectiles because it stops the blood from coagulating hoping the victims bleed to death before help arrives)Then it was graduated to bomb vests followed by car and truck bombsto takeout busses of people just going quietly about their business… I could go on here but most will get the jit’s if it ..The missiles are just the latest in a long line attempting the murder of innocent Israelis( don’t forget Israel is made up of just 73 or so per cent of Jews the rest are muslims Christian’s etc etc) Fun times in Hamasis tan to say the least…
you are amusing the "usual suspects"
you are amusing the "usual suspects"
When the tormented little child in the playground is taught self defence out of necessity and “ fights back” the bullies scream and cry and shout and shake their fist and scream how dare he because he is ruining their sport and fun… The bullies all the nations and people that hate the little kid ( Israel) are in a rage because they face real consequences for attacking the lonely little kid who they now know will kick their ass for bullying and taunting him when he was small and weak…
Which brings us back to the OP. What better life is being offered ?
They are under attack most of the time anyway.
Israel offered them a good life. When Israel pulled out of Gaza they left a prosperous, thriving economy. The Palestinians immediately wrecked everything the hated Jews had left and have spent every day since living on charity from both Israel AND the western world. Gaza has received a half billion dollars in aid each and every year for the last decade, plus free water, power and gainful employment at good wages from Israel. I have a feeling none of that will return after the war.
Most of the worlds problems are a legacy of empire.
Bullcrap. Most of the world’s problems are the result of the Empires NOT controlling the destructive primitives any more. As soon as the civilized world pulled out, the savages just resumed the behaviors and hatred’s the empires kept a lid on.
Israel has not been bombing ANYONE "every day"----most of the bombing in the area is TO Israel not from Israel or in Israel from jews. What is the OFFER to Israel ? Approximately half of the Israeli population carries a family legacy of ISLAMIC OPPRESSION-----what is the "offer" to them? It is interesting that you predict that arabs who experience bombing WILL BECOME MILITANT MURDERERS----but the same is not true of jews who
experience bombing or other overt forms of oppression
It's not a good time for this Tommy. Can't you see that America and the Zionist apartheid regime is close to blowing up the entire world over nothing but silly bible prophesies.
Can you define that "ENTIRE WORLD" that you claim "the zionists" is close to
blowing up, donnie dear? For those who are not familiar with the islamo nazi
propaganda------know this bit of koranic filth-----DA JOOS CREATE EVIL IN THE WORLD ---
the idea was actually initiated by the EMPEROR OF THE 'holy' roman empire when
he ran out of other humans to feed to his lions to excite his sluts. Poor adolf had a
similar problem---he was running out of jews and gypsies to murder to excite his
sluts and poles were not up for it
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The Ottoman empire ended over a hundred years ago.
The Ottoman empire----which Erdogan ET AL---(the et al includes an
incipient alliance with Iran, China, Hamas and Russia---- seeks to
RE IMPOSE, is that which needs annihilating)------it has meant death
and misery from even before the time of Constantine---onto the dark days of
Muhummad and his minions------AND COUNTING. ----ie more than
2500 years
They only talk when they are on the receiving end of looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. The people of Palestine made a choice, they chose Hamas over prosperity and subsistence.
When one side has all the guns the other side capitulates. When people realize that Hamas governs its people with fear they realize what absolute power in the hands of a few is all about.

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