If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

That's your opinion....which as I've demonstrated, is not worth much concern.
Good to see you're nuttier than Jimmeh's back 40.

Good to see another willfully ignorant neocon asshole trying desperately to save the blatherings of his ideology....and failing miserably. Now he'll make another Big Fitz-ing noise of little worthy content.
Well, when your static to content ratio is almost completely static... there's not much to work with.

Reality must be so much nicer with the ability to edit to fit your dogma. Unpleasant reality? SNIP! Crop that bad boy right out of there and insert convenient (all be it incorrect) patsy.

Yes indeedy! Reality can be so much nicer when you trim out the hard parts.

So god still needs his starship eh?
With that much money he can start his own Obama Network (just like his pal Oprah). Obama propaganda 24-7-365 (or according to Napalitano 24-7-364).

Obama is really going to go 1984 with his campaign propaganda this time around...
He's unbeatable cuz he can get that amount or close to it.

I don't like it either, but he ain't losin'

It would be nice to get the white house, but it wont matter if we get the senate and hold on to the congress, at that point, obamas agenda is toast. Then we can sit for 4 more years shutting him down. He was done for on November 2nd 2010, he just does not know it yet. In 2012, we will boot the Republicans out that do not represent us and replace them with more Tea party members that will. And I can only imagine how many Democrats will fall in 2012 as well for bowing to Usama Obamas demands. He is leading the democrats off a cliff, and it's their own fault for following him. I smell another Reagan revolution coming.
He's unbeatable cuz he can get that amount or close to it.

I don't like it either, but he ain't losin'

It would be nice to get the white house, but it wont matter if we get the senate and hold on to the congress, at that point, obamas agenda is toast. Then we can sit for 4 more years shutting him down. He was done for on November 2nd 2010, he just does not know it yet. In 2012, we will boot the Republicans out that do not represent us and replace them with more Tea party members that will. And I can only imagine how many Democrats will fall in 2012 as well for bowing to Usama Obamas demands. He is leading the democrats off a cliff, and it's their own fault for following him. I smell another Reagan revolution coming.

Republicans will have a hard time holding onto the House

With a pathetically weak GOP field for President, Republicans will just stay home. House Republicans will have to explain their attempt to scrap Medicare and use the savings to give tax cuts to the wealthy. They will have to explain their attacks on the American worker.

In a Presidential election cycle with Obama being the headliner for the Dems, GOP candidates at all levels will suffer
Stupid, cowboy, seat of the pants decisions is why we are in the mess we are in today. I prefer careful, thoughtful decisions that weigh ALL the factors. I'm VERY thankful that there is finally an "adult in the room" with our current CiNC. I shudder to think of the decisions a President McCain would have made...

Yeah, 18 months isn't enough time to make a decision about invading Iraq.

The CIA was monitoring bin Laden from the house next door for 4 months. The idea that Obama didn't know about it doesn't pass the laugh test.

Who do you think you're fooling?

They didn't know if he was actually inside. Surely by now you've seen all the closeup photographs of the structure which allowed for NO one to see in. In fact, the Seals didn't know if OBL would be there even as they stormed the building.
If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Why...because he wants to really really kick your asses and that takes money to clear up the bullshit your side will be throwing out.
Defending against..

Death camps
Death panels
Gay accusations
Kenyan accusations
marxist accusations
socialist accusations
idiots defaming him even though he fucking killed bin laden
the entire fox network

Good luck to your side in 2012...he is going to beat you silly. I guarantee you he will win in 2012! Eat that.
All hail King Brackets the First! He's so awesome if you can't see his clothes you're a moron! All hail!

Seig HEIL!
Seig HEIL!

Liberal 'you godwinned yourself and we don't worship him' meltdown for making fun of those praising the inWINCEbillity of Brackets in 3...2...1...

She didn't Godwin; you did. Do you honestly think the issues she listed haven't been front/center for the right to slobber all over for over two years?
Stupid, cowboy, seat of the pants decisions is why we are in the mess we are in today. I prefer careful, thoughtful decisions that weigh ALL the factors. I'm VERY thankful that there is finally an "adult in the room" with our current CiNC. I shudder to think of the decisions a President McCain would have made...

Yeah, 18 months isn't enough time to make a decision about invading Iraq.

The CIA was monitoring bin Laden from the house next door for 4 months. The idea that Obama didn't know about it doesn't pass the laugh test.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Oh please...the idea to invade (thanks for using the appropriate term) Iraq had been planned for eons. Puppet master Cheney was just waiting for an excuse (and was willing to torture to get it).

Who is saying President Obama didn't know about it (other than you)? The fact is that President Obama was presented a number of options for "getting" bin laden. I'm thankful that we have an intelligent president who thinks thing through. He made the right decision and we have been able to recover a lot of intelligence from the compound. If he had just blown the shit out of the place as some were encouraging him to do, we would not have that intelligence.

He made the right decision, obviously at the right time, and OBL is dead as a result. Good choice, good outcome.

And if the mission had failed, Obama would be toast. He also risked his entire political career on the decision which far too many people toss aside as insignificant.

This would be a great question for Hannity and O'Reilly to ask of Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. Every Democrat Spokesperson/News Anchor has been gloating that "No One Can Beat Obama" in 2012. Right? Ok,then if Obama is a shoe in come 2012, then why does he need to campaign? If Obama is as electable as Ronald Reagan,he may as well just stay in D.C. and do his job. Hmm, Maybe Obama Is Aware Of his 40% Approval Rating? And needs to find a way to rig the election again? It does cost a lot of money to create 20 to 30 million Democrats? Maybe Obama will need the assistance of George Soros and Corrupt Union Thugs in Swing States to Pull another "Harry Reid Nevada" Stunt ? Oh, and don't forget the costs of filling up Air-Force one for every campaign trip(what is it,around $400,000 in jet fuel ?) So what are your views regarding the One Billion Dollar goal to re-elecet the "Non-Beatable" Obama? :confused:

Thanks to the USSC decision in Citizens United, there is no longer any law governing the amount of donations. Why shouldn't he reach for a billion when the other side certainly will? Perhaps George Soros will donate several million; nothing stopping him from forming dummy organizations for the purpose. You can be sure the Koch Brothers will donate at least several million to the Republican candidate.

Funny how that USSC decision has now turned a few screws on those from the right who were celebrating. :lol:

Oh, silly Maggie...

The Citizens United ruling was supposed to insure that from here on out the Dems keep bringing knives to a gunfight because of the huge cash advantage the GOP would have as a result of it. They're not supposed to be getting any big $$$ themselves.

Hope that clears things up for ya. ;)

The old adage "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.
If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Why...because he wants to really really kick your asses and that takes money to clear up the bullshit your side will be throwing out.
Defending against..

Death camps
Death panels
Gay accusations
Kenyan accusations
marxist accusations
socialist accusations
idiots defaming him even though he fucking killed bin laden
the entire fox network

Good luck to your side in 2012...he is going to beat you silly. I guarantee you he will win in 2012! Eat that.
All hail King Brackets the First! He's so awesome if you can't see his clothes you're a moron! All hail!

Seig HEIL!
Seig HEIL!

Liberal 'you godwinned yourself and we don't worship him' meltdown for making fun of those praising the inWINCEbillity of Brackets in 3...2...1...

She didn't Godwin; you did. Do you honestly think the issues she listed haven't been front/center for the right to slobber all over for over two years?

Please. Don't get it. You'll pull something and have to go on SSI.
As they say, most people vote according to their bank account, and in 2012,it will be gas prices too. So long as gas prices start with a THREE, Obama is toast !!!

Sadly, that's true. Too many Americans are completely in the dark as to who and what causes gas prices to spike and therefore the knee-jerk reaction is to blame the guy who has nothing to do with it.
As they say, most people vote according to their bank account, and in 2012,it will be gas prices too. So long as gas prices start with a THREE, Obama is toast !!!

Well, you have a point but isnt it amazing how dumb the average voter is...they forgot how close we were to a depression PRIOR to Obama taking the office.

And there's also a renewed love affair with Big Banks, the very ones who caused the economic meltdown. Why you ask? Because the OA has tried to put further regulations in that would hopefully create better oversight of shenanigans that could cause a similar global bank failure. And all a Dem has to do is mention the word "regulation" and the cons go ballistic.
Thanks to the USSC decision in Citizens United, there is no longer any law governing the amount of donations. Why shouldn't he reach for a billion when the other side certainly will? Perhaps George Soros will donate several million; nothing stopping him from forming dummy organizations for the purpose. You can be sure the Koch Brothers will donate at least several million to the Republican candidate.

Funny how that USSC decision has now turned a few screws on those from the right who were celebrating. :lol:

Oh, silly Maggie...

The Citizens United ruling was supposed to insure that from here on out the Dems keep bringing knives to a gunfight because of the huge cash advantage the GOP would have as a result of it. They're not supposed to be getting any big $$$ themselves.

Hope that clears things up for ya. ;)
Hey, I'd be fine with reversing citizens united if you included all unions, 527s and other political action groups as well. No PAC money, only hard money from individuals directly to the candidates with full track record of who paid what.

Are YOU willing to lose your unfair advantage you've enjoyed for 70 years?

You can already find out who donated what, both individual soft money and the hard money groups you mention. Navigate around this site for a while, and you'll have all the answers EXCEPT those store-front organizations that are now abundant due to Citizens.

OpenSecrets.org: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
What "unfair advantage"??? Unions have declined in influence and both sides have been able to use 527s and PACs. Furthermore, which side do you think has more people able to afford the maximum personal donation?
Unions have declined in influence
But not in giving, and you obviously don't work in a union shop if you think that's true. They just have to hide their support.

That still doesn't answer my question. Are you willing to ban support and influence from ALL these sources or not? No more side stepping.

Well, I guess if it would stop big money donors from having an undue influence on our elections, I'd support a such a ban.

But what is this horseshit about "unfair advantage" again??

The Chamber of Commerce far exceeds union donations, plus the CoC represents thousands of member businesses who also make private donations.
Oh, silly Maggie...

The Citizens United ruling was supposed to insure that from here on out the Dems keep bringing knives to a gunfight because of the huge cash advantage the GOP would have as a result of it. They're not supposed to be getting any big $$$ themselves.

Hope that clears things up for ya. ;)
Hey, I'd be fine with reversing citizens united if you included all unions, 527s and other political action groups as well. No PAC money, only hard money from individuals directly to the candidates with full track record of who paid what.

Are YOU willing to lose your unfair advantage you've enjoyed for 70 years?

You can already find out who donated what, both individual soft money and the hard money groups you mention. Navigate around this site for a while, and you'll have all the answers EXCEPT those store-front organizations that are now abundant due to Citizens.

OpenSecrets.org: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
mmmmm... cooked books... my favorite!
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from a Great Depression, all the TARP money was paid back, GM was rebuilt and is making a profit, healthcare was reformed, Wall Street was reformed, the economy is recovering, we have had 13 straight months of job growth, and Bin Laden is dead.

It helps to have a smart president, my friends.
Still trying to sell that used beater of a car, are we?

Are there untruths there? You may not like how he went about it, and I don't like some parts either, but to deny that were finally getting back on track is delusional.

Frankly, my biggest fear today is Mother Nature's wrath, which is causing record devastation across the country, including entire towns and crops and the federal government will need to spend exhorbitant amounts of money to prop up the economy again because of it.
and also, have you noticed a pattern with the NAACP? it seems every time Obama dips to 40% approval,all of a sudden we are all racists? well, anyone who attacks Obama will be declared a racist anyway. WOW, so Obama plays Basketball in his spare time,and anyone who complains about it is a RACIST according to the NAACP. What happens is Obama takes his family to Joes Ribs and Fried Chicken? will all anchors reporting the story be declared RACISITS?

I haven't noticed any of that. Which channel do you watch? I know you don't read very well.
The original question was a very good one. Has anyone really answered yet?

If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Because the opposition would use unlimited money on television ads saying anything they want, whether true or not, and there would be no contradiction because there would be no money to do so. It's a no-brainer, and a stupid question to begin with. Campaigns these days aren't about who can do the better job; they're all about who can slander the opposition best and convince potential voters that it's all true.
The original question was a very good one. Has anyone really answered yet?

If Obama Is So Unbeatable ,Then Why Does He Need A Billion Dollars In Campaign Funds?

Why does he need a billion dollars?

Respond to 24/7 FoxNews attacks $400 million
Correct damage done by birthers $ 200 million
Prove that he is not really trying to kill grandma $100 million
Respond to claims that he is a Muslim $ 150 million
Prove that Bin Laden is really dead $150 million

I think Obama is already getting out ahead of all that crap. Hopefully he'll start running a campaign based on his accomplishments and what needs to be done moving forward. But watch as the right takes every word he utters verbatim then later accuses some campaign projection as a "promise" and run with that as if he lies. Clever they are. Look how many people right on this board fall for that hogwash?
14.7 trillion in debt
3 wars and unlimited drone attacks throughout the Middle East
Unemployment at a Perpetual 9%
Tax cuts for billionaires
Gitmo got Bin Laden
Gitmo open
Military tribunuals continue
Patriot act now the Obama Act
Poverty Up up up
Forclosures up.
1/3 of US wealth lost
Bailouts for Wall St and Goldman Sachs
Stimulus 1 a Failure
Stimulus 2 A failure
Qe2 a failure
Libya is a illegal war for European oil interests (George Soros Wanted criminal )

Not one President has LOST more jobs than President Oprah


Untouchable like Jimmy Peanuts Carter

Both noble prize winners BTW.

Democrats are not bright:cuckoo:

Nice little soundbites there, fella. It's not even worth tring to 'splane' shit to someone as illiterate as you who obviously knows NOTHING of the background of anything on your "list."

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