If Libs Want to LEGITIMATELY Criticize Trump, Start HERE:

I think you are a liar and or a dope.
Of course you do because you're a brainwashed, indoctrinated, party-1st snowflake who hates Trump because he beat Hillary.

Yo want so badly to see the crime in Jr meeting with a women who had no connection to the Russian govt, a meeting in which no information exchanged hands meaning no law was broken....while adamantly refusing to acknowledge the well-known fact that Hillary / the DNC broke election law by purchasing information from a foreign agent whose source was a member of Putin's circle.

You are blinded by hate, rage, and radical loyalty to a PARTY, not to his country. You are driven by hate over the worst, most criminal candidate in us history was beaten by a man who only won his party's nomination because enough Americans were tired of politicians just like Hillary, who they rejected.

'nuff said...
1st post
Jr only went public because he knew the story was coming out anyways???


By Howard KurtzPublished July 12, 2017
Fox News

Kurtz: Donald Trump Jr. preempts the New York Times

Donald Trump Jr. said he was being “fully transparent” yesterday by releasing the emails that led to his meeting with a Russian lawyer that has caused a media uproar.

It was not a pretty picture, and it confirmed the latest New York Times story on the controversy.

The move temporarily put Don Jr. back in control of the narrative rather than playing catchup after each newspaper story. The president applauded his “transparency” in a terse statement. But that transparency wasn’t entirely voluntary: the Times says he posted the emails after being told that the paper was about to publish them.

The Don Jr. emails: Playing defense after purported offer from Russian 'government'
“The text of the emails provide very clear evidence of participation in a scheme to involve the Russian government in federal election interference, in a form that is prohibited by federal criminal law.”

You leave out the fact, though, that the Russian government was NOT involved.


Now let's look at Hillary / the DNC and the Fake News Trump Dossier. Hillary / the DNC bought information from a foreign operative whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council. Information changed hands....

OOPS - congratulations, Democrats! you just broke the law!

First off, the Clinton Campaign didn't buy the dossier. So your whole argument falls apart. The Jeb Bush campaign hired a former MI5 operative to investigate Trump's ties to Russia so that's not a crime. Had they paid a member of Putin's government for information, while believing that Putin was informed and wanted to help their candidate, that would be a crime.

You keep trying to compare what Junior has admitted doing, to what others are rumoured to have done, but in fact did not do at all.

No one touched or used that dossier. They (quite rightly) turned it over to the FBI and the CIA. If the Russian lawyer had given Junior the information he had hoped she had, he would be legally obligated to do the same. To do otherwise, constitutes treason.

And Donald J. Trump told reporters two days before Junior met with the lawyer that by Monday he would have the goods on Hillary. There's your smoking gun on collusion.

Can you spell "impeachment" boys and girls?

It's now down to "when", not "if" for the impeachment. But keep telling us this Russian thing is "fake news" because every day, in every way, it's being proven Trump lied.
Where are you hearing that she has no connections with the russian government ....

It would help if you opened your eyes. It's all over the news - almost everyone is reporting how she has stated she has no connection to the Russian govt (unlike the source of the Trump Dossier, who is a member of Putin's inner circle) and how the Russian govt has said they have no idea who she is.
I think you are a liar and or a dope.
Of course you do because you're a brainwashed, indoctrinated, party-1st snowflake who hates Trump because he beat Hillary.

Yo want so badly to see the crime in Jr meeting with a women who had no connection to the Russian govt, a meeting in which no information exchanged hands meaning no law was broken....while adamantly refusing to acknowledge the well-known fact that Hillary / the DNC broke election law by purchasing information from a foreign agent whose source was a member of Putin's circle.

You are blinded by hate, rage, and radical loyalty to a PARTY, not to his country. You are driven by hate over the worst, most criminal candidate in us history was beaten by a man who only won his party's nomination because enough Americans were tired of politicians just like Hillary, who they rejected.

'nuff said...

I am??? This coming from Fox:

The 2016 meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, which apparently led nowhere, may indeed turn out to be a blip. But Trump supporters who are denouncing it as fake news are missing the point. Most of what we now know about the matter—now including the emails--comes from the president’s son.

And while there’s plenty of room to debate whether this is a “nothing-burger,” as Reince Preibus put it, some on the right would be screaming if Chelsea Clinton had had taken such a meeting with a Russian lawyer supposedly offering dirt on Trump. Politics is built on selective outrage.
Jr only went public because he knew the story was coming out anyways???

No crime.
No collusion.
No Russian Govt.
No info exchanged hands.
No crime. No case.

...unlike with the Democrats and the Trump Dossier.
5th post
Where are you hearing that she has no connections with the russian government ....

It would help if you opened your eyes. It's all over the news - almost everyone is reporting how she has stated she has no connection to the Russian govt (unlike the source of the Trump Dossier, who is a member of Putin's inner circle) and how the Russian govt has said they have no idea who she is.
What a fucking dope you are. You believe Russia now?
I am??? This coming from Fox:
No, this coming from your own rabid partisanship, your refusal to accept reality / fact, and your continued unsubstantiated / debunked conspiracy theories and false claims.
“The text of the emails provide very clear evidence of participation in a scheme to involve the Russian government in federal election interference, in a form that is prohibited by federal criminal law.”

You leave out the fact, though, that the Russian government was NOT involved.


Now let's look at Hillary / the DNC and the Fake News Trump Dossier. Hillary / the DNC bought information from a foreign operative whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council. Information changed hands....

OOPS - congratulations, Democrats! you just broke the law!

First off, the Clinton Campaign didn't buy the dossier. So your whole argument falls apart. The Jeb Bush campaign hired a former MI5 operative to investigate Trump's ties to Russia so that's not a crime. Had they paid a member of Putin's government for information, while believing that Putin was informed and wanted to help their candidate, that would be a crime.

You keep trying to compare what Junior has admitted doing, to what others are rumoured to have done, but in fact did not do at all.

No one touched or used that dossier. They (quite rightly) turned it over to the FBI and the CIA. If the Russian lawyer had given Junior the information he had hoped she had, he would be legally obligated to do the same. To do otherwise, constitutes treason.

And Donald J. Trump told reporters two days before Junior met with the lawyer that by Monday he would have the goods on Hillary. There's your smoking gun on collusion.

Can you spell "impeachment" boys and girls?

It's now down to "when", not "if" for the impeachment. But keep telling us this Russian thing is "fake news" because every day, in every way, it's being proven Trump lied.

Easy is a really fucking stupid brainwashed ignorant loyal cock sucker and I can't stand people who even when they are dead wrong insist they are right.

I'm still waiting for easy to show me this woman isn't a Russian lawyer. Apparently she was born in the Ukraine. Does that even matter? I bet a person can be born in the Ukraine and grow up to be a loyal Russian citizen who's willing to work for the Kremlin.

And they probably won't even do anything to Don Jr. but people need to realize that Hillary isn't the only liar in Washington. The Trumps are even bigger liars. And they are above the law. They are not draining the swamp except to maybe make it easier to catch frogs snakes and fish.
10th post
First off, the Clinton Campaign didn't buy the dossier. So your whole argument falls apart.
No it doesn't. Democrats bought the Dossier from an ex-MI6 operative whose source was a member of Putin's inner circle (Millan) in an effort to use it to effect the election against Trump. THAT IS A CRIME.

You keep trying to compare what Junior has admitted doing, to what others are rumoured to have done...
No, snowflake - I am comparing what Jr was rumored to have done to what has been proven the Democrats did.

If the Russian lawyer had given Junior the information he had hoped she had, he would be legally obligated to do the same. To do otherwise, constitutes treason.
No, you ignorant snowflake - it would have been a violation of election law, but since information never changed hands, as in the case of the Trump Dossier, there was no crime. Nice try, buttercup.

And Donald J. Trump told reporters two days before Junior met with the lawyer that by Monday he would have the goods on Hillary. There's your smoking gun on collusion.

According to the lawyer no information changed hands. No crime, no collusion, and your smoking gun ain't smoking.

'Another one bites the dust....'
Where are you hearing that she has no connections with the russian government ....

It would help if you opened your eyes. It's all over the news - almost everyone is reporting how she has stated she has no connection to the Russian govt (unlike the source of the Trump Dossier, who is a member of Putin's inner circle) and how the Russian govt has said they have no idea who she is.

The source of the Trump Russian dossier is a retired MI5 agent. He collected the information and wrote the report, giving it to the Bush Campaign who passed it around to top Republicans, who then gave it to the CIA and FBI. The author had no connection to Putin's inner circle. And no American had any part in the intelligence gathering.
Easy is a really fucking stupid brainwashed ignorant loyal cock sucker and I can't stand people who even when they are dead wrong insist they are right.
There he goes, full-blown triggered rant...and if you hate people who insist they are right when they are wrong you must really hate yourself...which explains why you are always consumed by hate.

No crime.
No Collusion.
No Evidence.
No case.
You leave out the fact, though, that the Russian government was NOT involved.


Now let's look at Hillary / the DNC and the Fake News Trump Dossier. Hillary / the DNC bought information from a foreign operative whose source was a member of Putin's inner Council. Information changed hands....

OOPS - congratulations, Democrats! you just broke the law!

Wrong! Liar! And no, lets not even talk about Hillary.

Donald Trump Jr. was told campaign meeting would be with ‘Russian government attorney,’ according to emails

It's not a lie. It was a lawyer from the Ukraine.
Stop reading propaganda that's not real.
Ah the old fake news argument.

And yea yea yea, technically Don. Jr. isn't part of the administration either, right? Well Jared and Rappaport were involved too. 2 down, 1 to go. LOL.

And who is this woman? Do you have a link to back up your fake ass comment? You are a liar and a joke.

MOSCOW — When American prosecutors accused a senior Russian official’s son of laundering $14 million by investing in Manhattan property and other assets, she was called to defend him. When Moscow regional officials battled Ikea over the Swedish retailer’s expansion, she took on their case.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. last year to discuss possible compromising material on the Democrats, has been widely depicted as a one-issue activist consumed with getting Congress to repeal sanctions against Russian businessmen.

But lawyers and others in Moscow’s legal community called her a trusted insider, one who could be counted on to argue and win important high-profile court cases that matter to the government and to one senior, well-connected official in particular.

I love it how you believe these liars and a lawyer. LOL A RUSSIAN Lawyer to boot. Not the most trustworthy people. They care more about mother russia, you care more about your party.

Geez perfect example of snowflake.

Where are you hearing that she has no connections with the russian government and that's she's ukranian? I'm not seeing that no matter how hard I look. Maybe I'll check Drudge or Fox or Rush.

From her she is Russian but works or worked for a Ukraine Diplomat. My bad :redface:
At least I admit when I'm wrong.
She says she does not work for the Russian government.
She lives in Ukraine.
The lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. is well-connected in Russia
The author had no connection to Putin's inner circle.
As proven by several links, the author's source was a member of Putin's inner circle.

PHOTOS: Trump Dossier Source Met With Kremlin Crony At Russian Expo

"The alleged source of some of the most jarring allegations in the Trump dossier met in June with a Russian oligarch who is both a member of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and a former business partner of Paul Manafort, President Trump’s one-time campaign chairman.

Sergei Millian, a Belarusian businessman identified as a dossier source, met the Putin insider, Oleg Deripaska, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, held in the northern Russian city between June 16 and 18.

Two days after the forum ended, Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent conducting research on Trump, wrote a memo based on information from an intermediary who spoke to a source later identified as Millian."
She works for HRAGI
They work with American congress to get rid of the adoption ban put in place by Putin.
Does that sound like she wants to work in collusion with Russia when she works with lobbyists against Putin.
Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney

"Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration."


"But he’s also donated more than $225,000 to Republicans, with most of the money coming in recent years. In 2015 he sent cash to Kelly Ayotte’s Senate campaign in New Hampshire and Tom Cotton’s in Arkansas. He donated to Marco Rubio’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination but not Trump’s, records show.

After a campaign in which he decried the influence of big banks and international financial institutions, Trump has leaned heavily on Wall Street executives as he prepares to take office. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon, campaign finance chairman Steven Mnuchin, who is said to be a contender for Treasury secretary, and transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci are all Goldman Sachs alumni."

(Merry Christmas & You're welcome, Snowflakes. :p )
I would start with this:

Report: Trump Did Not Donate Money He Promised To 9/11 Charities Following Attacks

and this:

Trump won’t name any of the ‘hundreds of friends’ he says he lost in 9/11 attacks
Easy is a really fucking stupid brainwashed ignorant loyal cock sucker and I can't stand people who even when they are dead wrong insist they are right.
There he goes, full-blown triggered rant...and if you hate people who insist they are right when they are wrong you must really hate yourself...which explains why you are always consumed by hate.

No crime.
No Collusion.
No Evidence.
No case.
Perhaps you should look at some of the threads right here on the USMB:

The Full Transcript of Donnie's Awesome Email Adventure

That's a good one to start with.
Trump's birthers? You still haven't gotten over that Hillary campaign worker admitting they passed around that crap in 2008...poor snowflake.

Yes it was brought up in the Clinton camp and immediately discarded. Trump raised the issue and ran with it for 5 years - knowing he was lying the whole time.

It's very sweet karma that the guy who made his political name by lying about Barack Obama in an effort to delegitimize his Presidency, has delegitimized his own Presidency but using help from Putin and his Russian friends.

Junior only released that email because the New York Times already had it. The rats are jumping ship. When Junior is ready to fall on his sword, you l know the jig is up.

Not even 6 months have passed since the Orange Oaf was sworn in.
Miracle of miracles...a snowflake finally admits Hillary's team started the whole birther thing. Who'd a thunk it...especially coming from YOU?! :p
But it's not true but that won't stop you

It is true that Hillary's friend raised the issue privately but the Clinton campaign discarded it. They never started the rumours nor did they ever make an issue of it so no, the birther thing was started by Trump.
Again, thank you for setting the record straight, admitting the Birther movement was created by a deperate Hillary )

LOL- that lie again? You Birthers are such nuts.

Hillary never once questioned Barack Obama's legitimacy- or his place of birth.

The King of Birthers- Donald Trump- pushed that idea for 5 years.

Why do you Birthers want to believe that Donald Trump was just a gullible idiot who was fooled by Hillary Clinton?

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