Zone1 If Jesus Was A Jew

a play of words - there is no christian bible jesus nor their moses 10 commandments, they would be anti- the heavens who believe any of the three desert religions.

is the message of the 1st century events and jesus who taught liberation theology, self determination - no where found in the desert of servitude and denial.
You WILL find out different.
1John 2:22 is a warning.
God gave all free will so you have the right to practice Judaism--It's you who are taking your stand as did the Jewish leaders in Jesus' day.
John is the most antisemitic gospel of them all - and is irrelevant to Jews.
Why do you enjoy killing? Especially as a Christian, and especially when it's unnecessary.

Did you know that the few hunters mentioned in the bible were bad characters? The main hunters mentioned were Nimrod, and Esau.

Nimrod (whose name itself means rebellion) was said to have been part Nephilim and part human, and is considered to be a figure of rebellion against God. Since there are so many parallels with Nimrod and Gilgamesh, many scholars believe Nimrod was Gilgamesh, and he was a violent, tyrannical, anti-God type of individual... as you can read here.

As for Esau, he made bad decisions that resulted in serious repercussions (like trading his birthright for a bowl of stew) and the bible says God loved Jacob but hated Esau. (Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13)

We've gone over this before on other threads, so I don't want to go over it again (especially since it's off topic) but since God's perfect will is peace and harmony between humans and animals and not needless killing.... why dismiss His perfect will to instead choose needless violence and killing?

If you enjoy killing innocent beings, you're probably not going to like the New Earth, since it will be a restoration of Eden, a place of peace and harmony among all creation, no more wars, no more slaughterhouses, no more flesh eating or any of the ways of this fallen world.

Read the following description.... it sounds to me like you probably won't like it, or be prepared for it. :dunno:

The wolf will live with the lamb,​
and the leopard will lie down with the goat.​
The calf, the young lion, and the fatling will be together,​
and a child will lead them.​
The cow and the bear will graze,​
their young ones will lie down together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.​
An infant will play beside the cobra’s pit,​
and a toddler will put his hand into a snake’s den.​
None will harm or destroy another
on My entire holy mountain,​
for the land will be as full​
of the knowledge of the Lord​
as the sea is filled with water.​

Isaiah 11:6-9​

We have gone over this before. If I recall Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this age." Until then animals can be slaughtered and eaten.

2Peter 2
But these, as natural brute beasts, (which are) made to be taken and destroyed (slaughtered and eaten), speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
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That’s not so hard. You just buy meat from the kosher butcher.

And eating out, you stick with fish or vegetarian. Or, you if you want steak, you go to a kosher restaurant. This one is just a few blocks from where I worked, and it was really good.

All "Koshering" is is properly bleeding the animal. Hunters and secular slaughterhouses do this just as efficiently. It's just not a religious ritual.
That would have been the kind thing to do, or, if unable to do it, refrain from the “pleasure” of causing an animal to suffer and die in pain in the first place.

Then again, I follow kashrut.
What are your thoughts on the resumption of the daily sacrifices once the third temple is built? One thing that Jesus did was to end all animal sacrifices. And, are you ok with the history of animal sacrifices in the OT? It was quite a bloodbath.
All "Koshering" is is properly bleeding the animal. Hunters and secular slaughterhouses do this just as efficiently. It's just not a religious ritual.
Not true. A kosher animal must be slaughtered in a particular way (by a certain person with a particular knife etc), then (for a mammal, the lungs are inspected, and then the meat (the parts that are acceptable) is salted and soaked and prepared properly.
Why do you enjoy killing? Especially as a Christian, and especially when it's unnecessary.
Killing is part of hunting. Few hunters 'enjoy' the act of killing as you portray it. I enjoy the whole experience.
Not true. A kosher animal must be slaughtered in a particular way (by a certain person with a particular knife etc), then (for a mammal, the lungs are inspected, and then the meat (the parts that are acceptable) is salted and soaked and prepared properly.
All parts are inspected in any approved slaughterhouse. It's just not a religious ritual. Also, there is no Biblical requirement for "Koshering" of animals killed for food apart from properly bleeding the animal. No priest, no special knife.
John is the most antisemitic gospel of them all - and is irrelevant to Jews.

He speaks not about the gospel - which is not anti-Semitic at all as far as I know. He speaks about the first letter of John. Different persons as far as I heard. In the gospel of John 2/22 is written they believed in the scripture (Jewish) and in Jesus (Christian).

Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

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Of course not. ;)

And also this I do not think. Your logic is not why I said so. I said something like: "You are drowning in abstracta." And I showed you the same time a way how to avoid to do so. "Speak with concrete human beings".
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It has nothing to do with state control media. Have you lost mind?
Sure it does and once again you prove your a dupe of state controlled media.

Muslims have been demonized for decades by your government and media. They would never demonize another minority or religion. Your government and media do this while destroying Muslim nation after Muslim nation, to benefit the MIC and impose authoritarianism at home. If Muslims rise up against this oppression, your told they’re terrorists.

I’m certain none of this has occurred to you.

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