If God doesn't exist...

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some people try and contribute to a thread to reach a conclusion, the conclusion that christianity is a contrivance more for addicts, bing than a serious religion should allow for a more constructive discussion resolving the existence or necessity of an Almighty for the sake of sanctity for an individuals Spirit. and the possibility of a Spirit reaching the Everlasting with nothing there to great them - than other successful Spirits.

I do, with the exception of War. And I would say the same to you. If you want to credit God with all of the good things that happen in life, you must also hold him responsible for all of the bad. You wanna compare the two? Bear in mind, I specifically said all of the things God did, and does, not anything that people do in the name of God. So, all of those hospitals, charities, etc. don't count. God isn't doing any of those things; people are. That those people think they are being "directed by God", is irrelevant. The people who strap on bombs, and blow shit up think they are being directed by God, too, and all of us - Christian theists included - think they are out of their fucking minds. So, again, if you are going to credit your god with the positive things people do in his name, then you have to hold him responsible for the negative things they do in his name, as well.

So, I say again, shall we make a comparative list?
I do and I have. The funny thing is that you don't believe in God and you only blame Him for the bad and give Him no credit for the good.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So you admit that you're a tool. Good for you. :D
Just like you.
I'm nobody's tool, that's for sure. :cool:
I do and I have. The funny thing is that you don't believe in God and you only blame Him for the bad and give Him no credit for the good.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So, the terrorist bombers are tools of God? Good to know. I'll add that to list of your God's crimes...

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If that is how you want to see it then sure. Just don't forget to credit him for the good too.

That's how you see it: "People are the tools of God". Your own words. Unless you only think that people are God's tools when they do things you can point to as good things. I mean that seems kind of biased, doesn't it?

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It's an oversimplification but sure. Just make sure you give God the credit for the good too. Ok?
I do and I have. The funny thing is that you don't believe in God and you only blame Him for the bad and give Him no credit for the good.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So you admit that you're a tool. Good for you. :D
Just like you.
I'm nobody's tool, that's for sure. :cool:
You are my tool.
some people try and contribute to a thread to reach a conclusion, the conclusion that christianity is a contrivance more for addicts, bing than a serious religion should allow for a more constructive discussion resolving the existence or necessity of an Almighty for the sake of sanctity for an individuals Spirit. and the possibility of a Spirit reaching the Everlasting with nothing there to great them - than other successful Spirits.

I see. Anything else?
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So, the terrorist bombers are tools of God? Good to know. I'll add that to list of your God's crimes...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
If that is how you want to see it then sure. Just don't forget to credit him for the good too.

That's how you see it: "People are the tools of God". Your own words. Unless you only think that people are God's tools when they do things you can point to as good things. I mean that seems kind of biased, doesn't it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
It's an oversimplification but sure. Just make sure you give God the credit for the good too. Ok?
I have. Unfortunately in the bad greatly outweighs the good. When you compare all of the pain, suffering, and death inflicted on us by your God, to what little benefit he has seen fit to dribble down, the undeniable reality is that you serve an evil God who, at best, is negligent, at worst enjoys inflicting pain.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I do and I have. The funny thing is that you don't believe in God and you only blame Him for the bad and give Him no credit for the good.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So, the terrorist bombers are tools of God? Good to know. I'll add that to list of your God's crimes...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
If that is how you want to see it then sure. Just don't forget to credit him for the good too.

That's how you see it: "People are the tools of God". Your own words. Unless you only think that people are God's tools when they do things you can point to as good things. I mean that seems kind of biased, doesn't it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Like I said it is an over simplification but it works for this purpose. Just make sure you weigh the good and the bad and you'll be ok.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So, the terrorist bombers are tools of God? Good to know. I'll add that to list of your God's crimes...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
If that is how you want to see it then sure. Just don't forget to credit him for the good too.

That's how you see it: "People are the tools of God". Your own words. Unless you only think that people are God's tools when they do things you can point to as good things. I mean that seems kind of biased, doesn't it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Like I said it is an over simplification but it works for this purpose. Just make sure you weigh the good and the bad and you'll be ok.

Read post #2346.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So, the terrorist bombers are tools of God? Good to know. I'll add that to list of your God's crimes...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
If that is how you want to see it then sure. Just don't forget to credit him for the good too.

That's how you see it: "People are the tools of God". Your own words. Unless you only think that people are God's tools when they do things you can point to as good things. I mean that seems kind of biased, doesn't it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Like I said it is an over simplification but it works for this purpose. Just make sure you weigh the good and the bad and you'll be ok.

Read post #2346.
That is because you are not objective and cannot see reality. For instance, you totally overlook the 200 million people who were murdered by atheists in the 20th century.
Such as? And don't bother listing all that crap that "religion" promotes; religion is a tool of people. I'm looking for a list of things that God does. You know...healing the sick, making the blind see, preventing a fire from destroying an entire community. Oh, and the Bible doesn't work, either. Even if I believed the stories in the Bible - which I don't - at best that is your God resting on his laurels; the question "What have you done for me lately?" comes screaming to mind. List for me all of the verifiable things God has done. "He helped me find my car keys", or "He cured my little sister's acne" doesn't count, as it is not verifiable. It's easy to make up a bunch of personal anecdotes; looking for verifiable shit here. Go ahead. I'll wait.
And people are a tool of God. No need to wait.
So you admit that you're a tool. Good for you. :D
Just like you.
I'm nobody's tool, that's for sure. :cool:
You are my tool.
My gaydar just went off... again!
If God doesn't exist


obviously certain areas haven't much of a thought for the subject or is that true in our own Garden where appearance is only skin deep ... or written text's worshiped by some when bared open prove similar to the nearness of an Almighty as the above moonscape.

it is those who read religion that in fact are the least religious. and prove by their actions the figment of their imagination.

Given that you believe that religion has never had a positive influence, when you look at it over time, and is only responsible for bad, wouldn't it make sense to abolish religion?
It's like a cancer, takes time.

Eventually truth will conquer lies, and these religions will fall by the wayside. I just hope it happens before it's too late, and they kill us all with their false hatred.
It's like a cancer, takes time.
Thank you for proving my point, british boy.
What? That your god gives people cancer? Good call.
If that's what you want to believe, go for it. I couldn't care less.
Are you saying that your God didn't create cancer?
Cancer is a disease and a part of the human condition. If you would like to argue that God is responsible for cancer then don't stop there. You can blame Him for everything else that you perceive as being bad such as war, famine, forest fires, etc. But to be objective, you would also need to credit Him for everything that is good too.

There is no good that "god" created, fool. The "goods" you imagine are part of evolution and natural selection, which dictate that we should protect our own so we can live longer and make more kids...

But religion says that we should kill our own... and kids... and goes completely against the betterment of our society.

So the "goods" you are trying to attribute to your false belief, are not due to your false belief. Stop trying to say that your religion has created any benefit for humankind. Anything they built as monuments, were borne on the backs of slavery, torture, and genocide, and helped paid for by the tributes from the poor and helpless that your religion sucked in.

Speaking of "sucking", that brings me to pedophilia, and how that has been rampant in the Church. And allowed for over a thousand years.

This is what you think is the great "truth"?

I suggest you study a little bit...
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Because here's another thing to consider...

God in your view is an omnipotent, all-knowing, benevolent Creator.

For Him to allow the atrocities and wickedness that has occurred in His Church without smiting anybody, and also for other monotheistic religions in His name, guilty of equal crimes, and which span thousands of years without godly punishment... means one of 4 options:

1. He doesn't know
2. He doesn't care
3. He doesn't exist
4. He is evil

Which option do you think is correct?

Let's take a vote...
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For Him to allow the atrocities and wickedness that has occurred in His Church without smiting anybody, and also for other monotheistic religions in His name, guilty of equal crimes, and which span thousands of years without godly punishment... means one of 4 options:

1. He doesn't know
2. He doesn't care
3. He doesn't exist
4. He is evil

Maybe those thousands of years insanity are merely the consequences, the natural result, of people giving their minds over to superstitious archaic lore, irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices..

How could you blame that on God?


If you take your own children and instill in them a mental illness since birth by teaching them to believe in irrational nonsense how can you then turn around and blame God for the stupid things they might say or do in life?

Wouldn't it be your own fault?

Thank you for proving my point, british boy.
What? That your god gives people cancer? Good call.
If that's what you want to believe, go for it. I couldn't care less.
Are you saying that your God didn't create cancer?
Cancer is a disease and a part of the human condition. If you would like to argue that God is responsible for cancer then don't stop there. You can blame Him for everything else that you perceive as being bad such as war, famine, forest fires, etc. But to be objective, you would also need to credit Him for everything that is good too.

There is no good that "god" created, fool. The "goods" you imagine are part of evolution and natural selection, which dictate that we should protect our own so we can live longer and make more kids...

But religion says that we should kill our own... and kids... and goes completely against the betterment of our society.

So the "goods" you are trying to attribute to your false belief, are not due to your false belief. Stop trying to say that your religion has created any benefit for humankind. Anything they built as monuments, were borne on the backs of slavery, torture, and genocide, and helped paid for by the tributes from the poor and helpless that your religion sucked in.

Speaking of "sucking", that brings me to pedophilia, and how that has been rampant in the Church. And allowed for over a thousand years.

This is what you think is the great "truth"?

I suggest you study a little bit...
Your argument has two major flaws which are common to all critical theory arguments; 1. your analysis was made in a vacuum; 2. what you did analyze lacked objectivity.

It seems that you want to separate God from religion, whereas Czernobog wanted to separate religion from God. I am afraid both are hopelessly intertwined and cannot be separated for the purpose of this discussion. Man is hardwired to worship. So whether he chooses to worship God or not, he will end up worshiping something. Often times, himself. Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.

So getting back to my point that your argument has two major flaws; your argument that God and religion have done little good is not objective and you have yet to tell us what good the alternative to religion has done. Exactly what has atheism done? Because as near as I can tell, atheism's claim to fame is murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Again, here's another example, "2) Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon." Religion has separated everyone into little groups that all hate each other and think that everyone else is wrong. The result has been a never ending cycle of wars, hatred and the enslavement of women.

Wrong. It's people's greed, lust, pride, anger and jealousy that were the cause of all those things. Religions attempt to deal with these negative aspects.
You want greedy? The Catholic church is the richest entity in the world and have their hand out every time you go to church.

That is an example of human greed not a greedy religion. You're confusing the two.
Enlighten us, what good has religion brought?

Religions have helped some of us become more loving and compassionate people, lessened our fears and brought much inner peace. This radiates out into society in large and small ways.
I dunno brah, don't you watch the news? Christians shooting doctors, Muslims wanting to kill everyone, Sikhs and Hindus at each other throats... What your talking about is what religion is supposed to do. That wasn't the question. Please try again.

All you doing is cherry-picking to make your case. Everything I mentioned is grounded in reality. You can find case after case of people saying how their faith has changed them and how they're doing positive things in the world. You ignore these things because they don't fit you narrative.

And Again you're confusing the bad actions of some Christians with the religion they're supposed to be following. These bad people would commit bad actions whether they were Christians or not.
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