If Dems Won Everything, Why Are They So Crazy Mad?

People tend to get pissed off at dictator wannabe's who try to kill them and overthrown the government.

Donald Trump has just spent four years trying attacking, lying about, and attempting to jail Obama, Biden, and Clinton. And then he tried to kill the leadership of both parties and take over the government.

In most of the countries in the world, they wouldn't even have a trial. They would have just taken Trump out and shot him when the coup failed.
People tend to get pissed off at dictator wannabe's who try to kill them and overthrown the government.
Topic is Trump, not Democrats.
An objective judge would allow evidence to be presented. Every case that was launched the judges refused to allow the evidence to be presented. That makes them complicit.
Do you think that if this is repeated often enough, it will become true?
Trump is the most acquitted President in history.
Probably you didn't see anything because it all suits you well.

I'm being objective and the courts agree with me, even the conservative judges.

I would argue that you see a conspiracy theory without any evidence because that's what you want to be true.

To each their own.
You stole the election. Beijing Biden has D.C. looking like Berlin during Hitler's reign of power. 100 Days of the Dragon!
Because they are emotionally ill, wedded to vengeful and wishful emotion rather than effective thought and fact.
The must have things they don’t like obliterated from sight or record. This is because they are frail in having any actual convictions

This latest dog and pony witch hunt is to UnPresident Trump forever in the present and in history. It’s the only way they can let loose of their pearl clutching; if he is UnPresidented . Even as this latest hoax impeachment attempt failed they are plotting other retaliatory action. They cant savor victory because they achieve so little of it thus the only emotionally satisfying thing is to seek retaliation and obliteration.

They are very very emotionally ill and are desperately trying to force that upon everyone.
You stole the election.

We disagree. I don’t believe in your conspiracy theory nonsense.
To each their own. If our Fiat Currency was in most parts of the world, we'd be in deep trouble. Remember, I live here too. living in 1910 as compared to now is a lot different. The Fiat currency needs to be kept under control. And time after time, governments use it to benefit the politicians as people learn to vote themselves goodies. A major reason Progs are loved. They will dole out every dollar they can for any program and agendas their masters decide for them.

People tend to get pissed off at dictator wannabe's who try to kill them and overthrown the government.

Donald Trump has just spent four years trying attacking, lying about, and attempting to jail Obama, Biden, and Clinton. And then he tried to kill the leadership of both parties and take over the government.

In most of the countries in the world, they wouldn't even have a trial. They would have just taken Trump out and shot him when the coup failed.

Good gosh but you are stupid. If Trump were the dictator you sniveling retards claimed he was, you would all be in a gulag you ignorant twat.
Just proves that the swamp is large, and more corrupt than ever.

Yea. Or it proves that you’re a crybaby bitch who is going to throw a fit and make up conspiracy theories when you don’t get your way.

Ummmm, it's YOUR people hiding behind tens of thousands of soldiers. You sniveling bitch.
You stole the election.

We disagree. I don’t believe in your conspiracy theory nonsense.
To each their own. If our Fiat Currency was in most parts of the world, we'd be in deep trouble. Remember, I live here too. living in 1910 as compared to now is a lot different. The Fiat currency needs to be kept under control. And time after time, governments use it to benefit the politicians as people learn to vote themselves goodies. A major reason Progs are loved. They will dole out every dollar they can for any program and agendas their masters decide for them.

We’ll be fine.
I'm very pleased. And even more relieved.
If Beijing Biden really did win, then why are lefties pushing censorship, cancel culture, and suppression of speech?
The Regressive Left is going to do what it has always done.

And ironically, the Trumpsters are making it damn easy for them.
This is some weird shit. You just posted something about lefties as if you were not the lefty that you are.
I'm just honest.

And obviously you don't know my politics.

Not my problem.
I know your politics, but I will spare these poor folks and not sport with their intelligence by describing it.
Ummmm, it's YOUR people hiding behind tens of thousands of soldiers. You sniveling bitch.

Ummm you’re the one throwing your little temper tantrum over your baseless conspiracy theories.

Keep crying like a little bitch for me. It amuses me.
We know you need the fake riot starter to aid in you false emotional fact absent pearl clutch fake narrative
Sure. The Capitol riot had nothing to do with Trump.

Good luck with your narrative.
We know you need to feel strongly he did. My narrative has been perfectly confirmed. That makes you emotionally wiggly and unsatisfied. It’s a poor choice of a way to go thru life
Any rational person KNOWS that “go down there and cheer some but not some others and fight for your rights” is NO signal to destroy and get people killed. But this is your emotional child’s stuffed animal that you must cling to.
You stole the election.

We disagree. I don’t believe in your conspiracy theory nonsense.
To each their own. If our Fiat Currency was in most parts of the world, we'd be in deep trouble. Remember, I live here too. living in 1910 as compared to now is a lot different. The Fiat currency needs to be kept under control. And time after time, governments use it to benefit the politicians as people learn to vote themselves goodies. A major reason Progs are loved. They will dole out every dollar they can for any program and agendas their masters decide for them.

We’ll be fine.
When the social programs expanded mightily from government legislation we were told a generation will become poorer then all generations before. Millennials are the first generation to be poorer. And the younger Generation Z and Generation Alpha are not in the best shape either. We were told in the 1990's with the trade deals and sending manufacturing jobs overseas that we will lose our premier status in the world. In a coupe of decades, China will be top dog. And that means the problems and issues we have no will be minor compared to living within our means a lot more. China is serious in its military buildup. They build things several times cheaper then we can. And out out a Naval vessel every several weeks. That is not a joke. Their technology in some ways have caught up and in others have not. It is going to be interesting to see if the Progs cut the defense budget. Declining nations leaves a vacuum in the world and the globe destabilizes until the next leader emerges. It becomes dangerous. And the declining nation may not want to go so easy. Nukes are possible.
We know you need to feel strongly he did. My narrative has been perfectly confirmed. That makes you emotionally wiggly and unsatisfied. It’s a poor choice of a way to go thru life
Any rational person KNOWS that “go down there and cheer some but not some others and fight for your rights” is NO signal to destroy and get people killed. But this is your emotional child’s stuffed animal that you must cling to.
History is not going to be so kind to Trump. The fact is that he spent months whipping up the anger and rage of his supporters and invited them to DC on the 6th at the peak of their desperation.

The riot is the logical conclusion of his pathetic behavior.
You stole the election.

We disagree. I don’t believe in your conspiracy theory nonsense.
To each their own. If our Fiat Currency was in most parts of the world, we'd be in deep trouble. Remember, I live here too. living in 1910 as compared to now is a lot different. The Fiat currency needs to be kept under control. And time after time, governments use it to benefit the politicians as people learn to vote themselves goodies. A major reason Progs are loved. They will dole out every dollar they can for any program and agendas their masters decide for them.

We’ll be fine.
When the social programs expanded mightily from government legislation we were told a generation will become poorer then all generations before. Millennials are the first generation to be poorer. And the younger Generation Z and Generation Alpha are not in the best shape either. We were told in the 1990's with the trade deals and sending manufacturing jobs overseas that we will lose our premier status in the world. In a coupe of decades, China will be top dog. And that means the problems and issues we have no will be minor compared to living within our means a lot more. China is serious in its military buildup. They build things several times cheaper then we can. And out out a Naval vessel every several weeks. That is not a joke. Their technology in some ways have caught up and in others have not. It is going to be interesting to see if the Progs cut the defense budget. Declining nations leaves a vacuum in the world and the globe destabilizes until the next leader emerges. It becomes dangerous. And the declining nation may not want to go so easy. Nukes are possible.

We’ll be fine.

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