If Dems Won Everything, Why Are They So Crazy Mad?

They hate themselves and the country. Govt is all they have. That's the end of the road for them.
Hmm. If government is all we have, how come you’re the ones rioting when you lose control of the government?
You interfere to much in other peoples business. You start programs and agendas and the taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. You promote group warfare in the working and retired classes as you favor your privileged groups through agendas. You do not give tax cuts and change the tax code for the same groups. You will however keep saying the rich does not pay their fair share. and somehow most of the time, they still don't by your words. When you do raise the taxes, the corporations will raise the prices of the products made and that in itself is a tax increase. And if that was rioting, it was not that good if they were not Progs. You have succeeded in having most Non Prog voters not give a damn about any Prog living in your deep blue areas. Perhaps the most religious of the Christians would. for they have been played like a fine tuned violin the last half century or so even more so then Repub voters in general.
They hate themselves and the country. Govt is all they have. That's the end of the road for them.
Hmm. If government is all we have, how come you’re the ones rioting when you lose control of the government?
You interfere to much in other peoples business. You start programs and agendas and the taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. You promote group warfare in the working and retired classes as you favor your privileged groups through agendas. You do not give tax cuts and change the tax code for the same groups. You will however keep saying the rich does not pay their fair share. and somehow most of the time, they still don't by your words. When you do raise the taxes, the corporations will raise the prices of the products made and that in itself is a tax increase. And if that was rioting, it was not that good if they were not Progs. You have succeeded in having most Non Prog voters not give a damn about any Prog living in your deep blue areas. Perhaps the most religious of the Christians would. for they have been played like a fine tuned violin the last half century or so even more so then Repub voters in general.

We try to make the county better and have been spending the better part of a century dragging conservatives along kicking and screaming. The conservative manta has always been “got mine screw you”.

Which is how we know that the policy of conservatives isn’t ever intended to help people. You say let’s lower taxes on rich and corporations and they’ll give that money to poor people? Ha! No. No, they’re going to keep that money. Oh, and they’re going to do whatever it takes to earn more too, which means they’re going to stop paying you low skill Americans and ship your job to Mexico. But you’ll pretend like capitalism cures all problems even as you watch it destroy your lives.
They hate themselves and the country. Govt is all they have. That's the end of the road for them.
Hmm. If government is all we have, how come you’re the ones rioting when you lose control of the government?
You interfere to much in other peoples business. You start programs and agendas and the taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. You promote group warfare in the working and retired classes as you favor your privileged groups through agendas. You do not give tax cuts and change the tax code for the same groups. You will however keep saying the rich does not pay their fair share. and somehow most of the time, they still don't by your words. When you do raise the taxes, the corporations will raise the prices of the products made and that in itself is a tax increase. And if that was rioting, it was not that good if they were not Progs. You have succeeded in having most Non Prog voters not give a damn about any Prog living in your deep blue areas. Perhaps the most religious of the Christians would. for they have been played like a fine tuned violin the last half century or so even more so then Repub voters in general.

We try to make the county better and have been spending the better part of a century dragging conservatives along kicking and screaming. The conservative manta has always been “got mine screw you”.

Which is how we know that the policy of conservatives isn’t ever intended to help people. You say let’s lower taxes on rich and corporations and they’ll give that money to poor people? Ha! No. No, they’re going to keep that money. Oh, and they’re going to do whatever it takes to earn more too, which means they’re going to stop paying you low skill Americans and ship your job to Mexico. But you’ll pretend like capitalism cures all problems even as you watch it destroy your lives.
You haven't been dragging us anywhere. Because we categorically refuse to go with you in your communist direction.
Ummmm, it's YOUR people hiding behind tens of thousands of soldiers. You sniveling bitch.

Ummm you’re the one throwing your little temper tantrum over your baseless conspiracy theories.

Keep crying like a little bitch for me. It amuses me.

Ummm, I'm not the one throwing the tantrum. That's you sniveling bitches whining because Trump was just acquitted. You project a lot. You should seek help before you blow a gasket, or get involved in a road rage incident that see's you severely injured.
They hate themselves and the country. Govt is all they have. That's the end of the road for them.
Hmm. If government is all we have, how come you’re the ones rioting when you lose control of the government?

Hmmm, why would a duly elected govt need thousands of troops, concertina wire, and a fence? Hint: It ain't because of a bunch of rag tag idiots wandering around the white house rotunda.
Ummm, I'm not the one throwing the tantrum.

Sure looks that way to me.

“WaAHHHHH the election was stolen!!!!”

Not that I have an issue with your little bitch fit. It makes me smile.

See, it's your "makes me smile" that is your tell. I merely stated that the election was stolen. This inauguration proves it. Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had an open inauguration with tens of thousands of celebrants. xiden, on the other hand, had to cower with 2000 hand picked ruling elites, surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers, just like in any other third world shithole we watch.

And look at the pretty picture of the North Korea esque presentation of flags. How pretty. It seems they are embarrassed by this image though as you have to search long and hard for it now. It seems google is trying to disappear it.

I merely stated that the election was stolen. This inauguration proves it.

I merely disagree on your baseless conspiracy theory.

I welcome you to continue whining about the election being stolen, about people not agreeing with your underwhelming evidence, and about people being complicit in the idiotic conspiracy theory that you’re stupid enough to believe in.


Because thieves are always looking over their shoulder afraid of their past crimes!

The demoncRats stole this election from Donald Trump and they will never be able to relax and enjoy, they will always be afraid waiting for that moment when their criminal activities will catch up with them.

May they go to Hell and burn there!
You should look at the election again in full and you will see what happened the votes for Trump were blocked and the votes were all for your favorite. Go do it, analyze well and then tell me if I'm wrong or not.

I watched it live. I was glued to the tv as it was happening.

If you have a convincing argument, then you should go present it to the courts.

You don't.

What did you watch from 3am until 8am when the leftists were manufacturing and scanning ballots?
They know they are losing power and influence over the general public. The veil has been lifted. Their last hope is to punish people.
Do you guys really think Donald Trump is popular with the public?

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