if Biden doesn't forcefully abolish the filibuster, aggressively fight to pass Green New Deal with 50 votes+codify Roe, gay rights, & contraception...

The majority opinion disingenuously denies a religious agenda, claiming, "Our opinion is not based on any view about if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth. The dissent, by contrast, would impose on the people a particular theory about when the rights of personhood begin."

Yet every signer to the majority decision was raised Roman Catholic (with Justice Neil Gorsuch now identifying as Episcopalian). Dissenters Kagan and Breyer identify as Jewish, and Sotomayor is a liberal Catholic, more representative of the majority viewpoint of today’s American Catholic laypeople, who overwhelmingly support at least some abortion rights and are far more liberal than their church.

The opinion ignores the constitutional principle of separation between state and church and continues the trend of privileging religious persons and their beliefs over the rights of all others. The ideas and reasonings put forth are not foreign to us at the state/church separation watchdog. History and tradition have been used to condone prayers at legislative bodies and to uphold government-sponsored religious displays on public property.

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes, saying the significant subsequent rulings reaffirming Roe “must be overruled” because they too were “egregiously wrong.” Shockingly, Alito even charges that the arguments used in the 7-2 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and subsequent rulings amounted to “an abuse of judicial authority.”

He adds: “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The final opinion repeats the highly-criticized language of the leaked draft, in which Alito writes, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision… including the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

“Alito claims abortion isn’t among the enumerated rights in the U.S. Constitution, therefore it’s not a right at all — it’s to be left to the whim of whatever legislature happens to run your state — and two-thirds of those legislators, by the way, are male,” comments FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “Such reproductive tyranny is suitable for a totalitarian state — or a theocracy.”

There are many Roman Catholics who would be for abortions.
Enemy democrats are using this time to move Gavin Newsom into position.
True. He has had a lot of problems in California and now it looks like he may get the blame for a shortage of truckers at the ports in California. That may cause a shortage of merchandise at Christmas time.

He was a bad enough Governor that he had to win a recall election to stay in office. The people of California must love him but only Gid knows why.

Religious zealots have been leading that charge for 44 years, after they flip-flopped on abortion rights for women. Ya'll are the ones pretending you didn't have to change the filibuster rule to shove those ideologues down America's throat to get this theocratic change enacted.

The ladies should help the democrats take over state after state, while they still can.
Badger is a member of FFRF though there should be more organizations than this to oppose theological opportunism. Like blm, it won't chill even when a commie virus is eating just under a million Americans.
True. He has had a lot of problems in California and now it looks like he may get the blame for a shortage of truckers at the ports in California. That may cause a shortage of merchandise at Christmas time.

He was a bad enough Governor that he had to win a recall election to stay in office. The people of California must love him but only Gid knows why.

That's how we recognized the stolen Trump election. It's how Newsom got elected and how he beat the recall. We recognized the steal. We've seen it before.
That's how we recognized the stolen Trump election. It's how Newsom got elected and how he beat the recall. We recognized the steal. We've seen it before.
Spoken like a true Crybaby Loser

:206: We didn’t win…….you must have cheated
You did?

Then why can’t you identify anything that will stand up in court?
Not anything other than what millions of others have seen. After all several thousand people were in Washingon DC to protest the fraud. Enemy democrats didn't like it.
Not anything other than what millions of others have seen. After all several thousand people were in Washingon DC to protest the fraud. Enemy democrats didn't like it.

Millions of people have “seen it” but can’t identify any actual voter fraud
That's how we recognized the stolen Trump election. It's how Newsom got elected and how he beat the recall. We recognized the steal. We've seen it before.
So how do we stop such steals? If people realize their votes really are irrelevant and elections are rigged the Union will break apart. I really do not want to see that happen. I personally do not want to have to learn Mandarin Chinese.
So how do we stop such steals? If people realize their votes really are irrelevant and elections are rigged the Union will break apart. I really do not want to see that happen. I personally do not want to have to learn Mandarin Chinese.
Possibly the best outcome would be for the union to break apart. Separate out the Americans.
Did Trump?

Sure did


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