Are Democrats really "disappointed" with Biden?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
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I read in an optimistic CNN story that hated for "MAGA" would be stronger than voters' disappointment in Biden.

EDIT: Can't find the CNN story again, but here's a WSJ version of the same idea:

For readers who arenā€™t consumed with politicsā€”and bless you for itā€”you might want to know that something remarkable is happening in Washington. Democrats and their media allies are having a bout of buyerā€™s remorseā€”over President Biden.

It seems theyā€™re disappointed that the one-time scrapper from Scranton isnā€™t the chief executive they thought heā€™d beā€”and, after 18 months of a united front, they are finally venting their frustration in public. A pair of notable pieces this week in Democratic Party favoritesā€” and the Washington Postā€”relate how the White House is a mess, and the President isnā€™t the strong and angry leader the times demand.

Are you Biden voters really disappointed? Disappointment implies an expectation of a good result that did not happen. Is that how you feel?


Biden told you all he was going to do, stop enforcing the border in any meaningful way, attack the fossil fuel industry (U.S. anyway), and tax, tax, tax. I'll give Biden this: he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Or someone is doing it.

Did you not anticipate the results?
I read in an optimistic CNN story that hated for "MAGA" would be stronger than voters' disappointment in Biden.

EDIT: Can't find the CNN story again, but here's a WSJ version of the same idea:

For readers who arenā€™t consumed with politicsā€”and bless you for itā€”you might want to know that something remarkable is happening in Washington. Democrats and their media allies are having a bout of buyerā€™s remorseā€”over President Biden.

It seems theyā€™re disappointed that the one-time scrapper from Scranton isnā€™t the chief executive they thought heā€™d beā€”and, after 18 months of a united front, they are finally venting their frustration in public. A pair of notable pieces this week in Democratic Party favoritesā€” and the Washington Postā€”relate how the White House is a mess, and the President isnā€™t the strong and angry leader the times demand.

Are you Biden voters really disappointed? Disappointment implies an expectation of a good result that did not happen. Is that how you feel?


Biden told you all he was going to do, stop enforcing the border in any meaningful way, attack the fossil fuel industry (U.S. anyway), and tax, tax, tax. I'll give Biden this: he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Or someone is doing it.

Did you not anticipate the results?
Rupert Murdoch's Editorial Board. šŸ„±
I assume we have many voters with "voters remorse" at this point. Many of them felt they had to eat the crap sandwich Joe Biden... After eating that sandwich, they are now seeing the entire structure of our society crumbling. I can only hope that, at some point, those voters might want to ask themselves "WHO served us this crap sandwich?"....Harris will be next on the menu after we regurgitate Biden. Yummy Yummy
Biden Voters Succeeded in NOT letting POS trump win.
Can you accept this?
I voted for Biden to stop POS trump.
Are we clear?????

Am I happy with Biden, Hell No, I HATE all politicians.

Some of my family came over for a visit a few weeks ago. My father, a former Republican, tried to defend Biden who he voted for using the same reasoning you did.

I said pop, you've always looked out for us, especially financially, and me and my sister very much appreciate that. You are very generous to us at Christmas time, our birthdays, and sometimes pass money to us out of the blue even though we really don't need it. But because you (and millions like you) voted for Biden, I lost $30,000 in my IRA. Assuming I would have made $30,000 under Trump, your vote cost me in the area of $60,000. My sister much more given she made much more than I did and has a much more attractive IRA than myself.

He stared out into nothing for a minute, and realized the impact on his family by using his vote to vent anger and hatred.

It's a shame that we have so many voters who don't consider the damage they do to their loved ones or this country in general when they vote. If my 91 year old father makes it to the next presidential election and Trump is running, I really wonder how he will vote.
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Biden Voters Succeeded in NOT letting POS trump win.
Can you accept this?
I voted for Biden to stop POS trump.
Are we clear?????

Am I happy with Biden, Hell No, I HATE all politicians.
Trump is gone. Democrats were successful. But, they need to keep the Trump hatred alive because Biden-Harris are no where near being electable for a 2nd term that Clinton, Bush, or Obama were. This is why they need to keep the hatred for Trump alive and project that onto whoever ends up as the GOP challenger.

How sad vs. celebrating and building on the momentum of the incumbent. But, there is nothing to celebrate. Theyā€™ve accomplished little and offer nothing in terms of vision.
Not even a Cool Story
You using an old guy for political gain

Sad c
I voted for Biden to stop POS trump.
Am I happy with Biden, Hell No

Pretty funny. You voted purely on emotions of personality like an animal or a moron despite the fact that Trump was giving you a veritable shinning city on a hill then compared to the swampy mop bucket full of sour puke Joe Biden has handed the country since January 2021--- even worse, you did that to yourself while admitting you hated Biden too going into it!!! :auiqs.jpg:

WHAT A KING ASS!! :laughing0301:
Blah, blah, blah! So, Democrats put politics over country because a man sent out mean tweetsā€¦. And Iā€™m supposed to take seriously what they say in here?
I read in an optimistic CNN story that hated for "MAGA" would be stronger than voters' disappointment in Biden.

EDIT: Can't find the CNN story again, but here's a WSJ version of the same idea:

For readers who arenā€™t consumed with politicsā€”and bless you for itā€”you might want to know that something remarkable is happening in Washington. Democrats and their media allies are having a bout of buyerā€™s remorseā€”over President Biden.

It seems theyā€™re disappointed that the one-time scrapper from Scranton isnā€™t the chief executive they thought heā€™d beā€”and, after 18 months of a united front, they are finally venting their frustration in public. A pair of notable pieces this week in Democratic Party favoritesā€” and the Washington Postā€”relate how the White House is a mess, and the President isnā€™t the strong and angry leader the times demand.

Are you Biden voters really disappointed? Disappointment implies an expectation of a good result that did not happen. Is that how you feel?


Biden told you all he was going to do, stop enforcing the border in any meaningful way, attack the fossil fuel industry (U.S. anyway), and tax, tax, tax. I'll give Biden this: he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Or someone is doing it.

Did you not anticipate the results?
I think Biden gets too much credit for destroying the country. It is the left who have destroyed the country, Biden just happened to be the default leader at the time. There is a small portion of the far left who believe that Biden is only a failure because progressive policies weren't passed. So, those people either blame Biden for not getting it done or blame others such as Manchin and Sinema for destroying our country by blocking the far left progressive agenda. In any event, most voters have seen that liberal policies have not worked out as advertised and would now even vote to have Trump back. As I said before, another lefty president would have made no difference. When you replace a donkey with an ass you really aren't getting anything different.
Biden Voters Succeeded in NOT letting POS trump win.
Can you accept this?
I voted for Biden to stop POS trump.
Are we clear?????
Am I happy with Biden, Hell No, I HATE all politicians.
For some reason, they just don't understand this.

They don't seem to understand that not everyone loves the blatant con man like they do.
Biden Voters Succeeded in NOT letting POS trump win.
Can you accept this?
I voted for Biden to stop POS trump.
Are we clear?????

Am I happy with Biden, Hell No, I HATE all politicians.
Vote for a loser, what a great strategy you have. Partisan idiots like this are ruining the country.
ReStating, I Hate All Politicians
Lock her Up.

Indict POS trump.

Am I wrong? ^^^^^^

You're not wrong you just make no sense.

You hate trump so much you voted for someone else to get him out, but you also hate the person you voted for.

You seem to think about politics and vote purely on the idea of "who do I hate the most?" Which is incredibly awful.

Do you even know why you hate trump? Don't think about the smear campigns and the people that only say trump sucks, don't pay attention to his personality, his tweets and so on. What exactly did he actually do policy wise that you hate so much? Examine his stats and Biden stats and compare the two.

Personally the American economy, society and so on we're in general in much better shape when trump was president than now. Again, I'm looking past who he is as a person and looking strictly at the country itself without considering who was the president, and I think we were much better off.

And I know it's going to get worse. Biden and his administration haven't even been in power half of their time yet and have messed everything up so bad and we aren't even half way done yet.

Stop being angry and reactionary. Look at the big picture, don't look at personalities, use your head and be calm. And stop searching for news sources that only say what you want to hear because you'll only find what you want.
No the deciding factor for Biden was the constant scream that hate & anger lies and distortions was the way to win.
Never a thought towards working together towards solutions.
For some reason, they just don't understand this.

They don't seem to understand that not everyone loves the blatant con man like they do.

It has nothing to do with love or hate. That's only in the minds of you leftists. It has to do with who really loves this country and will do the best job for the people.
It has nothing to do with love or hate. That's only in the minds of you leftists. It has to do with who really loves this country and will do the best job for the people.
I know. And everyone is supposed to think just like you or they hate the country.

How simple your world is.
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