if Biden doesn't forcefully abolish the filibuster, aggressively fight to pass Green New Deal with 50 votes+codify Roe, gay rights, & contraception...

By "radical" you mean justices unwilling to ignore the Constitution and instead legislate from the bench to further the liberal agenda as an end run around the people.
No. Just those willing to use their own theology based ideology to overturn long established precedents supported by the majority of the people.
What was the theological component of the majority's decision on overturning Roe? Cite the relevant passages, please.

The majority opinion disingenuously denies a religious agenda, claiming, "Our opinion is not based on any view about if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth. The dissent, by contrast, would impose on the people a particular theory about when the rights of personhood begin."

Yet every signer to the majority decision was raised Roman Catholic (with Justice Neil Gorsuch now identifying as Episcopalian). Dissenters Kagan and Breyer identify as Jewish, and Sotomayor is a liberal Catholic, more representative of the majority viewpoint of today’s American Catholic laypeople, who overwhelmingly support at least some abortion rights and are far more liberal than their church.

The opinion ignores the constitutional principle of separation between state and church and continues the trend of privileging religious persons and their beliefs over the rights of all others. The ideas and reasonings put forth are not foreign to us at the state/church separation watchdog. History and tradition have been used to condone prayers at legislative bodies and to uphold government-sponsored religious displays on public property.

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes, saying the significant subsequent rulings reaffirming Roe “must be overruled” because they too were “egregiously wrong.” Shockingly, Alito even charges that the arguments used in the 7-2 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and subsequent rulings amounted to “an abuse of judicial authority.”

He adds: “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The final opinion repeats the highly-criticized language of the leaked draft, in which Alito writes, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision… including the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

“Alito claims abortion isn’t among the enumerated rights in the U.S. Constitution, therefore it’s not a right at all — it’s to be left to the whim of whatever legislature happens to run your state — and two-thirds of those legislators, by the way, are male,” comments FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “Such reproductive tyranny is suitable for a totalitarian state — or a theocracy.”

The majority opinion disingenuously denies a religious agenda, claiming, "Our opinion is not based on any view about if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth. The dissent, by contrast, would impose on the people a particular theory about when the rights of personhood begin."

Yet every signer to the majority decision was raised Roman Catholic (with Justice Neil Gorsuch now identifying as Episcopalian). Dissenters Kagan and Breyer identify as Jewish, and Sotomayor is a liberal Catholic, more representative of the majority viewpoint of today’s American Catholic laypeople, who overwhelmingly support at least some abortion rights and are far more liberal than their church.

The opinion ignores the constitutional principle of separation between state and church and continues the trend of privileging religious persons and their beliefs over the rights of all others. The ideas and reasonings put forth are not foreign to us at the state/church separation watchdog. History and tradition have been used to condone prayers at legislative bodies and to uphold government-sponsored religious displays on public property.

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes, saying the significant subsequent rulings reaffirming Roe “must be overruled” because they too were “egregiously wrong.” Shockingly, Alito even charges that the arguments used in the 7-2 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and subsequent rulings amounted to “an abuse of judicial authority.”

He adds: “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The final opinion repeats the highly-criticized language of the leaked draft, in which Alito writes, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision… including the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

“Alito claims abortion isn’t among the enumerated rights in the U.S. Constitution, therefore it’s not a right at all — it’s to be left to the whim of whatever legislature happens to run your state — and two-thirds of those legislators, by the way, are male,” comments FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “Such reproductive tyranny is suitable for a totalitarian state — or a theocracy.”

Got it, so you just read a religious motive into the decision because of your own bigotry. Pretty much what I expected.
What was the theological component of the majority's decision on overturning Roe? Cite the relevant passages, please.
The first thing to do is to list the theological connections of each psychopath that comprises the POSCOTUS, starting with baptisms.
Got it, so you just read a religious motive into the decision because of your own bigotry. Pretty much what I expected.
Religious zealots have been leading that charge for 44 years, after they flip-flopped on abortion rights for women. Ya'll are the ones pretending you didn't have to change the filibuster rule to shove those ideologues down America's throat to get this theocratic change enacted.

The ladies should help the democrats take over state after state, while they still can.
he should be primaried and Buttigieg should rig the election to beat Biden in the primary and Trump in the general!

So Biden does away with the filibuster and in the midterms the Republicans gain a slight majority in the Senate and full control of the House with a significant majority.

If so, Biden has effectively shot his administration and the Democratic Party in the foot.

The United States is evenly divided and polarized. Unless President Biden can get in front of an issue where he has 60% support, there is no point in expecting him to do something. President Biden is doing the best he can. He faces serious problems that lack easy and obvious solutions. Half the country wants him to fail at everything.
I don’t want to see Biden fail. I would like to see Biden resign and be replaced by someone who is not suffering from dementia. What we are seeing today is blatant adult abuse.

The problem of course is his replacement would be Kamala Harris. It’s almost like Dr. Jill picked her to be Joe’s VP knowing she was incapable of replacing Joe.

The second in line to replace Joe is Pelosi.

It looks like we are screwed.


One scenario is Joe resigns and Kamala becomes President. Kamala is stupid enough to appoint Hillary as VP. Kamala then resigns because she realizes she is not up to the job or that standing in Hillary’s way to the Oval Office could be hazardous to her health.

As I said, it looks like we are screwed.
I don’t want to see Biden fail. I would like to see Biden resign and be replaced by someone who is not suffering from dementia. What we are seeing today is blatant adult abuse.

The problem of course is his replacement would be Kamala Harris. It’s almost like Dr. Jill picked her to be Joe’s VP knowing she was incapable of replacing Joe.

The second in line to replace Joe is Pelosi.

It looks like we are screwed.

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One scenario is Joe resigns and Kamala becomes President. Kamala is stupid enough to appoint Hillary as VP. Kamala then resigns because she realizes she is not up to the job or that standing in Hillary’s way to the Oval Office could be hazardous to her health.

As I said, it looks like we are screwed.
Once Republicans take the house, Kevin McCarthy will replace Pelosi as speaker.
Once Republicans take the house, Kevin McCarthy will replace Pelosi as speaker.
That should be a major improvement. Unfortunately we have to wait for the midterm elections. Never underestimate Joe’s ability to totally fuck things up.
That should be a major improvement. Unfortunately we have to wait for the midterm elections. Never underestimate Joe’s ability to totally fuck things up.
Enemy democrats are using this time to move Gavin Newsom into position.

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