If a tree falls in Antarctica does that end the AGW debate?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Just read an article that scientists in Antarctica found trees and leaves dating back only 4 million years.

And just like that the debate on AGW came to a resounding end
Just read an article that scientists in Antarctica found trees and leaves dating back only 4 million years.

And just like that the debate on AGW came to a resounding end
There are areas that just recently uncovered foliage just 2,300 years old in the Arctic circle. Which means the current loss of ice is not uncommon or unprecedented. These papers were left unpublished as they fully discredit the AGW hypothesis and were stopped by the gate keepers on journals from 15 years ago. This is why the climate-gate emails were so important and why they tried so hard to stop them from coming out.
Just read an article that scientists in Antarctica found trees and leaves dating back only 4 million years.

And just like that the debate on AGW came to a resounding end
There are areas that just recently uncovered foliage just 2,300 years old in the Arctic circle. Which means the current loss of ice is not uncommon or unprecedented. These papers were left unpublished as they fully discredit the AGW hypothesis and were stopped by the gate keepers on journals from 15 years ago. This is why the climate-gate emails were so important and why they tried so hard to stop them from coming out.
It's a total scam and sham and has nothing in common with science
Still testing Relativity; Climate change, no tests, no science, just unscientific moonbats shrieking "Consensus! We have Consensus! Death to the Deniers!"
Just read an article that scientists in Antarctica found trees and leaves dating back only 4 million years.

And just like that the debate on AGW came to a resounding end
There are areas that just recently uncovered foliage just 2,300 years old in the Arctic circle. Which means the current loss of ice is not uncommon or unprecedented. These papers were left unpublished as they fully discredit the AGW hypothesis and were stopped by the gate keepers on journals from 15 years ago. This is why the climate-gate emails were so important and why they tried so hard to stop them from coming out.

This can only mean that the internal combustion engine is far, far older than we've been lead to believe!

The AGW Cult responds...
Antarctica bombshell: Four-million-year-old discovery stuns scientist – ‘Phenomenal!’

That can only mean er, um, that it was an underwater tree, because, um, er, if the ice all melted Antarctica would be under 200 feet of water, er, um or something. Let me ask Crick or Old Rocks how this works

All we know for certain is that we have consensus that the American economy must die so that One World government can life, Oh, I mean so we can stop climate change (LOlOlololololoLolOlololOloLo, you believe this right? We're gonna stop the climate from changing)
Antarctica bombshell: Four-million-year-old discovery stuns scientist – ‘Phenomenal!’

That can only mean er, um, that it was an underwater tree, because, um, er, if the ice all melted Antarctica would be under 200 feet of water, er, um or something. Let me ask Crick or Old Rocks how this works

All we know for certain is that we have consensus that the American economy must die so that One World government can life, Oh, I mean so we can stop climate change (LOlOlololololoLolOlololOloLo, you believe this right? We're gonna stop the climate from changing)
Frank, there doesn't exist a word to describe the stupid that the left really are. It hasn't been articulated yet. but someday a word will be born that explains that much stupid. Cause calling them stupid isn't nice to stupid people. Even calling them idiots, isn't fair to the real idiots. so, I challenge the people to come up with a word that can possibly describe the kind of stupid that is a leftist.

And, a day doesn't go by that they don't double down on whatever that word could teach us.

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