If a liberal tells you "Diversity is a strength", then tell them about the Ottoman empire's demise.

The left us very hateful.
It's all the left's fault the right is united...
I have been hearing this shit for so often right now "diversity is our strength" and in my country, its all about "cultural enrichment".

Next time a liberal lunatic tells you such nonsense, tell them to dig up the Ottomans and ask them how that worked out for the Ottoman empire, the longest lasting multiracial empire in History.

The Ottoman empire actually gave special rights to certain minorities, such as the Bosnians, who were allowed to become Jannisaries and later betrayed the ottomans anyway. The Turks gave them a hand and they ripped out their whole arm.

Or better yet, their conflict with the Kurds and Arabs and how their betrayal led to the downfall of their empire.

In my country, we have Turks and Kurds fighting each other on our streets and our government doesn't do shit, i have heard it happened in the US to a few times.

There are also other examples like Yugoslavia and the USSR. Ultimately, its Unity, not diversity that makes a country strong, a lesson that the west will elarn the hard way.
The West is doomed. By 2050, the West will likely have been erased from the history books. Then another 1,000 Dark Age will reign over the Earth.
Things are really going to heat up now that Joe is gonna add men pretending to be women to Title IX. Seriously, laws protecting the rights of women are going to simultaneously, protect men being women. Having it both ways is simply not sustainable (and biologically fraud). Let the lawsuits begin.....Hum, I wonder why Joe picked this specific person for the Supreme Court?????
Strength comes from unity, not diversity.
Exactly. The only country on the planet that lets anyone and everyone just walk right in. Millions and millions more are on their way from dozens of other countries. Why doesn't the US just build a railway from the southern tip of South America right to DC? And dedicate shipping for 10's of millions more from all the other continent's. Isn't this just the right thing to do? Come on Man.

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