I would rather vote for Bush

Bush told the American people the Iraq war would only cost $75 billion and that Iraq would pay us back with oil money. Well over a trillion dollars later we haven't seen a dime.
I have been a life long Republican voter. Never have I questioned my party's choice for POTUS. But today's politics is a different matter. I believe that even Donald Trump is not truly a Republican(I wonder how he has voted in previous elections). I can't understand why Jeb was not given a chance. To not like a politician because of his last name is ridiculous. He was a fine governor. The Republican party has lost it's morals and direction. If Mr. Trump can really get Congress to embrace his outlandish ideals will be a monumental accomplishment. He seems to irritate many other leaders of countries and I don't know how he can change that. He also seems to be a very egotistical braggart.
I do not feel like changing to a Democrat nor am I one to vote for Hillary Clinton. Ever since she referred to the murders in Benghazi as: "What difference, at this point, does it make"? That just sent chills down my spine and seemed to be such a cold trivial way to regard the loss of life there however it came about.
I am getting on in years and am starting to feel like politics is a lost cause. Whatever happens to or for America is as controllable as the weather.
God Bless America.
Either write in Bush or don't vote. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.
To be honest I would rather vote for George W. Bush for a third time.

You can't be serious. He is pretty much the reason the Republican Party is at its end. He did such a bad job the brand is so damaged repubs are going to a known charlatan like trump.

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