I want to party..


Jan 8, 2004
I have had a few tonight so i'm ready to go and party anyone want to join me? I have only two more weeks of school until I'm done..yaaa for me..
I just want to know, did she get that Death paper wrote?
HUMMMMM..no..that's why i'm drinking..:cof: don't want to do it..i'm still waitin for Dan to write it for me..i still have the two dollars for him..
Originally posted by Jmarie
HUMMMMM..no..that's why i'm drinking..:cof: don't want to do it..i'm still waitin for Dan to write it for me..i still have the two dollars for him..

Gee, I wooda done it, but wasn't asked. But now, busy busy busy
Originally posted by Kathianne
Gee, I wooda done it, but wasn't asked. But now, busy busy busy

Dam..Am I to late? I think I can found three dollars for ya..Hey Johnney can I borrow a dollar? :cof:
Originally posted by Jmarie
Dam..Am I to late? I think I can found three dollars for ya..Hey Johnney can I borrow a dollar? :cof:

LOL The last paper I wrote and 'enjoyed' was on the nature of evil. No joke. History course we nicknamed, The history of Evil. The Caesars, Napoleon, Caligula, Stalin, Hitler, and the grand daddy of them all, Satan himself.
Originally posted by Jmarie
So do you want to write my paper for me..It's close it's on death..:D

Like Dan, I don't think you have enough to overcome my principles. Low though they may be.

Get typing!

Write 1 paragraph and 6 pages will flow.
Nope, sorry, three bucks ain't enough! I'm a professional (aspiring) writer, for crying out loud! I can't compromise my principles like that.

In other words, I'm lazy. Too.:D
Originally posted by Dan
Nope, sorry, three bucks ain't enough! I'm a professional (aspiring) writer, for crying out loud! I can't compromise my principles like that.

In other words, I'm lazy. Too.:D
:p: I guess that makes me one to..But I bet I'm lazier than you are..:clap1:

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