CDZ I want to know why it is acceptable to exclude homosexuals

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
What rights are they denied? They are getting married, they are getting jobs, what else?
Can they get married everywhere in America? Can they be fired simply because they are homosexual? Can they get jobs in schools? Can a Lesbian be a Den Mother?
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
What rights are they denied? They are getting married, they are getting jobs, what else?
Can they get married everywhere in America? Can they be fired simply because they are homosexual? Can they get jobs in schools? Can a Lesbian be a Den Mother?

None of us are guaranteed those things.
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
What rights are they denied? They are getting married, they are getting jobs, what else?
Can they get married everywhere in America? Can they be fired simply because they are homosexual? Can they get jobs in schools? Can a Lesbian be a Den Mother?

Homosexuals have teaching jobs all over the country. They are getting states right to marry which is the proper legal channel.

I am discriminated against because of my age in the employment market.

People are discriminated against a night clubs, the cute girls get in, everyone else, tough.

The list of discrimination is endless, in school, the good looking kids or the athletic kids get special privileges.

If you are the bosses son, you get the promotion over the better workers.

If you have a culture at work that is hostile to thin skinned people, and a Christian women comes in and a male, you will pick the male, because he fits better. That is discrimination.
Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
probably wasting my breath, but here we go. Gay have equal rights. They have every right that every other American has. Here's the thing though. They do not have the right to get married. Marriage is between a man and a women. If two queers want some kind of union, fine. But it isn't marriage.
Why are homosexuals still regarded by some as unworthy of the exact same rights we all,should enjoy?

If you really want an answer to this question, look at the behavior "some" homosexuals exhibit towards those who disagree with their lifestyle/genetic predisposition. Hostility, anger, intolerance, insensitivity.

Even if they weren't homosexuals, I would gather society would have no place for them all the same, there is no place for that kind of behavior.
But you go right ahead and group all homosexuals the same...don't you? Can I group all heterosexuals the same based on the Kardasians?
Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
probably wasting my breath, but here we go. Gay have equal rights. They have every right that every other American has. Here's the thing though. They do not have the right to get married. Marriage is between a man and a women. If two queers want some kind of union, fine. But it isn't marriage.
It most certainly is in 36 states and many religions now. :D
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen

So, you must not think well of your fellow countrymen when they disagree with your argument. We can fix and build roads, defend our shores, attempt to eradicate poverty, but we can't breed tolerance between gay liberals and Christians.

Sad. Very sad.
Would you disown a Gay son or daughter? Would you snub a friend who comes out of the closet?

First of all, I would be upset they would hide something like that from me. Deception alone should make you angry. But if you were any real parent, you would love your son or daughter all the same if they came out. I have three friends whom are gay. I've known two of them since 2011, the other since 2012. The thing is, being a Christian and all, I can tolerate who they are, as long as they can tolerate what I am. I would never treat anyone that way.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

All's well that would end well.
But, the key here is tolerance. It works both ways, not just one.

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Matthew 7:1-3 (NIV)
Why do some people still believe that homosexuals should still be repressed. Would some have homosexuals return to closeted lives? Would they have them lose their jobs, their reputations, their credit worthiness? Would some people want a return of sodomy laws and criminalize homosexuals?

To what purpose?

Homosexuals are tax payers, property owners, business men and women, they serve our nation proudly. What makes them so worthy of scorn?

I don't want to discuss wedding vendors. I don't want to talk about 'agendas'. I want to talk about the rational behind the thoughts of exclusion, of disrespect, of denial of basic rights.

Why are the Gays so vilified by some folks?

Gays have always been in our community, our workplace, our schools, government, civic organizations, churches and yes, in our families. What makes your neighbors, your fellow citizens unworthy of the exact same rights other Americans enjoy?

Homosexuals are not committing crimes by simply being homosexual. For every bit of what is perceived as homosexual perversion, heterosexuals produce three more.

The question is: Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?
the only thing they are short on is legal weddings. Other than that they can force people to provide service for them simply by stating they are gay.

get back to me when you demand the naacp shut down.
Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
Haven't you heard? Agreeing everyone should have equal rights is not enough. Anyone who refuses to say butt sex is normal is a bigot.

Anyone who seeks to disadvantage someone based solely on his sexual orientation is a bigot.

Those who perceive homosexuality to be 'abnormal' are ignorant.

And still no one on the right has succeeded to provide objective, documented evidence justifying gay Americans be denied their civil rights, or otherwise discriminated against.
No it is not ignorant. It is not normal period. And no one is being disadvantaged, You have your rights. That's what it what all about supposedly. If that was truly the end goal you would take them and shut up. But you haven't.
Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?

How are you standing up for your faith? What faith/religion advocates being discriminatory toward another human being. I know Christians are not supposed to....Jesus said, love your neighbor as yourself, and your neighbor is any other human being. Do you throw them out of your church?
The better question is: “why does one perceive his faith as being 'under attack,'” when in fact it's not.

There is no need to 'stand up for one's faith' when no one is advocating his faith be in any way 'disadvantaged.'

If the faith claims that homosexuality is a sin, then not being homosexual is all that is required. Some Christians do not really understand Christianity and take it upon themselves to play God.
It's for the most part the consequence of fear and ignorance – fear of change, diversity, and dissent.

Indeed, many perceive gay Americans expressing their individual liberty as some sort of a 'threat,' a 'threat' to society, to religion, to 'social order'; where if the dissent of gay Americans is allowed and condoned, all other manner of dissent will follow, causing society to 'fall apart,' the consequence of 'moral decay.'

And unfortunately this fear and ignorance soon manifest as hate against gay Americans.
acceptance of the gay lifestyle is a form of moral decay. history teaches that moral decay has destroyed more nations than anything else.

So, do you think by demeaning them that you are going to get rid of gays? You don't accept a gay lifestyle by simply allowing them to have the same rights that other Americans have.
The 'religious argument' is also devoid of merit.

No act or measure anywhere in the United States – currently on the books or proposed – seeks to violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, including public accommodations laws that prohibit discrimination in the private marketplace.

And in the context of a free and democratic society, and that of the private sector, private citizens condemning the unwarranted hate exhibited toward gay Americans by some Christians does not manifest as 'denying' Christians their religious liberty, as First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to government, not private individuals or organizations.
no, it's you Christians will accept them or else. That's it.

Call a spade a spade. just say you have to accept them. Are you afraid to make that statement? Ah, yes, because then indeed you have violated their right. I'd still like to know what right? marriage isn't a right, a non catholic is not allowed to get married in the catholic church, a divorced person either. And yet, for this one, they must make it so. don't know, just stop asking someone else to accept someone. That isn't real life.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that those hostile to gay Americans have failed to meet the OP's challenge – to provide objective, documented evidence that warrants their hostility toward gay Americans, and justifies seeking to discriminate against them.

Indeed, failing to meet the challenge, those hostile to gay Americans immediately fell back to the 'religious argument' redoubt – an 'argument' devoid of objective, documented evidence in support of being hostile to gay Americans, and wishing to disadvantage them.
explain hostile?
Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
Haven't you heard? Agreeing everyone should have equal rights is not enough. Anyone who refuses to say butt sex is normal is a bigot.

Anyone who seeks to disadvantage someone based solely on his sexual orientation is a bigot.

Those who perceive homosexuality to be 'abnormal' are ignorant.

And still no one on the right has succeeded to provide objective, documented evidence justifying gay Americans be denied their civil rights, or otherwise discriminated against.
why are they ignorant? Because they don't agree with you?
Why is it socially acceptable to regard the LGBT community as not worthy of civil rights?

Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith? Why can't the advocates, activists and backers of LGBT rights measure themselves by their own standards?
Haven't you heard? Agreeing everyone should have equal rights is not enough. Anyone who refuses to say butt sex is normal is a bigot.

Anyone who seeks to disadvantage someone based solely on his sexual orientation is a bigot.

Those who perceive homosexuality to be 'abnormal' are ignorant.

And still no one on the right has succeeded to provide objective, documented evidence justifying gay Americans be denied their civil rights, or otherwise discriminated against.

“Why has it become socially acceptable to regard Christians as bigots for standing up for their faith?”

It hasn't, because no such thing has occurred.

It is correctly understood in both the public sector with regard to government policy and the private sector with regard to public accommodations laws that to seek to disadvantage a class of persons due to sexual orientation is indeed bigotry – having nothing to do with religion.

Indeed, millions of Christians practice their faith pursuing no desire to discriminate against gay Americans, where nowhere in Christian doctrine and dogma does the faith endorse discrimination against gays as a 'tenet of the faith.

It's also correctly understood that laws and measures enacted in good faith and in compliance with the Constitution cannot be violated or ignored with 'religious belief' as justification as doing so, where such laws in no way 'force' Christians to do anything 'against their will.
huh? sure it has silly person.
I don't want to exclude anyone from their civil rights.

That said, why should I even know if a person is gay or not?

Isn't that a private matter?

What we have in this whole "gay" thing is a diversion from the real problems of the country.

"Gay rights" won't fix roads, educate out dumbass kids, defend the nation, solve the issue of multi-generational poverty and dependence, or fix the issue of corruption in government.

Of course, that is exactly why it is the focus of media and governmental attention.
You must not think that much about our nation if you believe we cannot fix roads, educate our children, defend our shores, solve poverty and yet not extend equal rights to every citizen.
Are we doing it?

I pray we are doing our level best. So why deny Gays the exact same rights you and I enjoy? What makes them such an easy punching bag?

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss equal treatment under law as a mere diversion?

I can't speak for you, but equal rights in a nation that bills itself as the "Land of the Free" is a lie unless all its citizens who have not committed crimes are not free. That's my political priority. Not candidates or incumbents and how much we either hate or adore them. That's just silly for a thinking person to be involved with. If you truly cherish your citizenship you should jealously advocate for equality.

Because if some of us are free while others are not, none of us is truly free.
probably wasting my breath, but here we go. Gay have equal rights. They have every right that every other American has. Here's the thing though. They do not have the right to get married. Marriage is between a man and a women. If two queers want some kind of union, fine. But it isn't marriage.
It most certainly is in 36 states and many religions now. :D
I could care less what some Godless judge or politicians say. Marriage is between a man and a women. What will it be next? Adults marrying preteens? People marrying their pets? Group marriage? Go ahead and laugh, but this is what some people want. Now you might claim that those people are a small minority. It could never happen. Well. We used to think the same way about gay marriage. Once a society begins to slide into moral decline it starts to gain momentum. It becomes more difficult to stop, let alone reverse. Keep your eye on the news. Sometime soon, you will see other groups coming forward to get their "equal rights". I believe nambla is already trying to gain legitimacy. Think it could never happen? You're wrong. Human depravity knows no bounds. Remember that.

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