I want Liz Warren to win

Warren vs Trump would be a donnybrook. They are both Procrustean politicians who vilify those they disagree with, even in their own parties...

Give me examples of each vilifying those in their own party they disagree with.


At debate, Warren and Sanders spar with centrists over how to beat Trump

You said and I asked for examples of vilifying not disagreeing or debating. So, get back to me when you can really put Warren on the same level as Trump. Thanks.
I don't believe Trump will debate whoever eventually gets nominated. Trump supporters look forward to something like last time when he had nothing to defend and could attack. attack, attack. This time as president he must both defend his record and make the case that he is better than the democratic nominee. He will fail so badly at this during practice debates that they will cook up some excuse to puss out. I seriously hope this does not happen as Trump has become his own worst enemy.

I think Trump's ego wouldn't allow him to bow out and if he tried he'd be too easy to goad back in.
It's all a crap shoot with that guy. My crystal ball is broken when it comes to all things Trump but one thing is clear, the end will be something we will talk about longer than Watergate.

Oh, yes. Agree with you there.
Warren vs Trump would be a donnybrook. They are both Procrustean politicians who vilify those they disagree with, even in their own parties...

Give me examples of each vilifying those in their own party they disagree with.


At debate, Warren and Sanders spar with centrists over how to beat Trump

You said and I asked for examples of vilifying not disagreeing or debating. So, get back to me when you can really put Warren on the same level as Trump. Thanks.

Nope. You moved the goalposts. Never said they were on the same level. Those are your words.

You asked a question and did not like the answer. Get back to me when you don’t want to quibble.
Warren vs Trump would be a donnybrook. They are both Procrustean politicians who vilify those they disagree with, even in their own parties...

Give me examples of each vilifying those in their own party they disagree with.


At debate, Warren and Sanders spar with centrists over how to beat Trump

You said and I asked for examples of vilifying not disagreeing or debating. So, get back to me when you can really put Warren on the same level as Trump. Thanks.

Nope. You moved the goalposts. Never said they were on the same level. Those are your words.

You asked a question and did not like the answer. Get back to me when you don’t want to quibble.

Where is the vilifying on Warren's part? Still waiting.
I'd ask you what makes Bernie crazy but we both know you can't answer that. It's just what your handlers have told you to "think".

He wants everyone educated and have healthcare. CRAZY!!!

What makes Bernie crazy? Simple, this!

Bernie Sanders’ version of the Green New Deal will accomplish the same nothing, but for a mere $16T
by Becket Adams
| August 22, 2019 10:08 AM

Bernie Sanders’ version of the Green New Deal will accomplish the same nothing, but for a mere $16T

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, nominate Bernie Sanders as the Democrat Nominee for President!

President Donald Trump would win by an even greater landslide than he did in 2016. All the great things happening in our country would continue!
The Democrat Party, in a display of stagecraft, will balk at nominating any of the cacophony of clowns contending and can only compromise on...you guessed it....Hillary.

It's inevitable.
The nomination because watching Trump vs Warren debates will be Must See TV. I honestly hope it is not Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie as they would not be nearly as fun.

Yeah and she is not exactly popular. Get her out of my state! Please!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Elizabeth Warren: Favorable/Unfavorable

Gotta be honest here.... ....as much as I myself would love to see Trump rip her up on stage, there is a possibility that such a match-up could backfire on us. People react weird to a man in a suit beating up on an old hag. For those who remember, that's what helped Hillary get elected as a NY Senator, when her opponent invaded her space at the senatorial debates.
I think I would rather see Biden up there.

Trump would get embarrassed by literally any of the democrats running. He doesn't grasp policy or understand any of the topics he is talking about. Only a low information Trump supporter wouldn't be embarrassed by watching his performance. Flies are attracted to shit.

The nomination because watching Trump vs Warren debates will be Must See TV. I honestly hope it is not Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie as they would not be nearly as fun.
It would be fun. I think you underestimate how much fun Bernie would be though.

Eh? He is so crazy it would be like watching a movie.

and watching Trump on a daily basis is not?

I do not think so. No.

Odd, I find myself 2 or 3 times a day going 'this cannot be real".

Though, I guess I often do think that is this was a movie everyone would walk out due to how unrealistic it was.

My boss who voted for Trump said the same thing today and hoped he could vote for a dem next year.
The nomination because watching Trump vs Warren debates will be Must See TV. I honestly hope it is not Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie as they would not be nearly as fun.

Yeah and she is not exactly popular. Get her out of my state! Please!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Elizabeth Warren: Favorable/Unfavorable

"Recent polling in a slew of states that carried President Trump to his thin win in 2016 show him starting 2020 in a deep hole.

"What's new: Based on demographic changes, Republicans for the first time have authentic worries about Arizona, Georgia, Texas and other states they once took for granted.

"Why it matters: Trump's margin for error this time is much smaller, because he's being squeezed from the north and the south.

  • "From the north: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are harder this time because Hillary Clinton, a turnoff for many working-class voters, won't be on the ballot.
  • From the south: Demographics are making North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Arizona more competitive, and realistically in play."
Are you expecting Trump to be out on bail in November 2020?

Trump's 2020 map from hell: Polling points to slim margin for error in slew of states

Yawn. Zero to do with the OP.
It would be fun. I think you underestimate how much fun Bernie would be though.

Eh? He is so crazy it would be like watching a movie.

and watching Trump on a daily basis is not?

I do not think so. No.

Odd, I find myself 2 or 3 times a day going 'this cannot be real".

Though, I guess I often do think that is this was a movie everyone would walk out due to how unrealistic it was.

My boss who voted for Trump said the same thing today and hoped he could vote for a dem next year.

Eh? He is so crazy it would be like watching a movie.

and watching Trump on a daily basis is not?

I do not think so. No.

Odd, I find myself 2 or 3 times a day going 'this cannot be real".

Though, I guess I often do think that is this was a movie everyone would walk out due to how unrealistic it was.

My boss who voted for Trump said the same thing today and hoped he could vote for a dem next year.


He would vote for Biden if he received the nomination and no others.
Biden has Dementia and Warren a shrill bitch like Hillary. You folks will have to do better.
and watching Trump on a daily basis is not?

I do not think so. No.

Odd, I find myself 2 or 3 times a day going 'this cannot be real".

Though, I guess I often do think that is this was a movie everyone would walk out due to how unrealistic it was.

My boss who voted for Trump said the same thing today and hoped he could vote for a dem next year.


He would vote for Biden if he received the nomination and no others.

Ahhhh. I would Vote for Tulsi but the Democrats are too stupid to get behind her.
I do not think so. No.

Odd, I find myself 2 or 3 times a day going 'this cannot be real".

Though, I guess I often do think that is this was a movie everyone would walk out due to how unrealistic it was.

My boss who voted for Trump said the same thing today and hoped he could vote for a dem next year.


He would vote for Biden if he received the nomination and no others.

Ahhhh. I would Vote for Tulsi but the Democrats are too stupid to get behind her.

The powers that be are mad at Tulsi for taking out Harris, they aren't bringing her to the next debate.
No, quite literally the world laughed at him at the U.N. He's the joke on every late night tv show, people laugh at him a lot.

Yes, fools.

And President Donald Trump continues to do great things for our country leaving the far left with nothing to do but make childish attempts to ridicule a great man.
I don't believe Trump will debate whoever eventually gets nominated. Trump supporters look forward to something like last time when he had nothing to defend and could attack. attack, attack. This time as president he must both defend his record and make the case that he is better than the democratic nominee. He will fail so badly at this during practice debates that they will cook up some excuse to puss out. I seriously hope this does not happen as Trump has become his own worst enemy.

You're joking, right? Being facetious?

Incredible, historic great economy. Far superior trade agreements in place and in the works. Peace around the world.

The Democrats/Progressives are so desperate and beside themselves that they are actually wasting oxygen trying to make jokes of the fact that President Trump has not AGED while in office as other Presidents have done.

Who can make these things up?

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