The wall will never be built for a variety of reasons, but even if it miraculously got built...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...then what?

Do republicans just have this delusion that it will turn America into some magical utopia? Let’s take the fantasy further and pretend that the wall would reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to 0% and we magically deported all undocumented immigrants. Then what? What the fuck do republicans expect to happen? More jobs? The unemployment rate is what, 4% now? Why would businesses nationwide collectively say “well all those illegals that I chose to hire to begin with are gone. I guess I’ll start paying my employees more out out of the kindness of my own heart. My profit margins are of course less important than that.”

It’s amazing what simple reasoning will get you.

Of course, we know the wall won’t be built. Hell, Trump had two years to do that with a republican Congress and his dumbass still failed.
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
...then what?

Do republicans just have this delusion that it will turn America into some magical utopia? Let’s take the fantasy further and pretend that the wall would reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to 0% and we magically deported all undocumented immigrants. Then what? What the fuck do republicans expect to happen? More jobs? The unemployment rate is what, 4% now? Why would businesses nationwide collectively say “well all those illegals that I chose to hire to begin with are gone. I guess I’ll start paying my employees more out out of the kindness of my own heart. My profit margins are of course less important than that.”

It’s amazing what simple reasoning will get you.

Of course, we know the wall won’t be built. Hell, Trump had two years to do that with a republican Congress and his dumbass still failed.

$25 dollar an hour jobs to flip burgers.

If an illegal immigrant really wants in and makes the however far trip to make the attempt, then a wall isn't going to stop them. However, a wall will slow down and re-direct many to a point of entry. To do nothing and keep the status quo isn't working.
For me, it’s not about stopping Mexicans from coming here. We need them and they are welcome, but we need to have a prescribed path for entry, documentation and citizenship. An open border where anybody can wander across is worse than a wall.
...then what?

Do republicans just have this delusion that it will turn America into some magical utopia? Let’s take the fantasy further and pretend that the wall would reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to 0% and we magically deported all undocumented immigrants. Then what? What the fuck do republicans expect to happen? More jobs? The unemployment rate is what, 4% now? Why would businesses nationwide collectively say “well all those illegals that I chose to hire to begin with are gone. I guess I’ll start paying my employees more out out of the kindness of my own heart. My profit margins are of course less important than that.”

It’s amazing what simple reasoning will get you.

Of course, we know the wall won’t be built. Hell, Trump had two years to do that with a republican Congress and his dumbass still failed.
It's been established over and over again. The best way to stay in power is to scare people with an internal and an external threat. Trump has illegal immigrants to fill both roles. Without them (and Muslims to a lesser degree) he would have had a much harder time getting elected.
For one thing, it might stop these poor people from dying in the desert.
Right as if you actually care.
That’s not nice.

I do care. Why don’t you?
Who are we even talking about exactly?
You mean you aren’t aware of the thousands of immigrants who have died in the AZ desert. You need to get informed before posting.

If you read a few of Billytriplezero’s post, you’ll discover he isn’t aware of much, and what he is aware of is usually wrong.
For one thing, it might stop these poor people from dying in the desert.
Right as if you actually care.
Immigrants dying in the desert is not political it is basic humanity. That is why Democrats typically ignore the thousands of immigrants AND their children who have died hideous deaths in 110 degree deserts or drowning in the Rio Grande . If there is no political gain, then it doesn't matter to Democrats.

The only reason you suddenly cared was your Media pumped a photo of an immigrant Father and daughter who drowned. They used it for political gain to attack Trump and oh wow all of a sudden now Democrats care about illegal immigrants dying!
...then what?

Do republicans just have this delusion that it will turn America into some magical utopia? Let’s take the fantasy further and pretend that the wall would reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to 0% and we magically deported all undocumented immigrants. Then what? What the fuck do republicans expect to happen? More jobs? The unemployment rate is what, 4% now? Why would businesses nationwide collectively say “well all those illegals that I chose to hire to begin with are gone. I guess I’ll start paying my employees more out out of the kindness of my own heart. My profit margins are of course less important than that.”

It’s amazing what simple reasoning will get you.

Of course, we know the wall won’t be built. Hell, Trump had two years to do that with a republican Congress and his dumbass still failed.
Not a Republican, but if it keeps out ONE filthy illegal, its worth every penny.
If an illegal immigrant really wants in and makes the however far trip to make the attempt, then a wall isn't going to stop them. However, a wall will slow down and re-direct many to a point of entry. To do nothing and keep the status quo isn't working.
and we can at least start with this area:

look how close that is to the central America shit holes.


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