I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Right now we are in a cold war civil war.
Instead of going further, and waiting until there are major civil disturbances, it would be best to split into at least two separate nations.
It could be done, but it would take a mammoth effort, and the entire nation would have to be onboard.
Dont make us have to kick your asses again like in the real Civil War. No secession is authorized. If you need to be reminded of that go ahead and do something stupid again.

My ancestors did not fight for the south dummy.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.
You should really look more closely, Goldman Sachs is all up in your white house, same as it ever was.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Wow, you forgot already.

Black women are triggering an awful lot of white fragility these days.
And why would that be?
Is it because the democrats cause large urban cities, poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, and crime?
Of is it that only democrats seem to understand the problems these large urban centers have, and offer any sort of solutions?

Yea, those "solutions" have worked wonders.

They could, if democrats were not also now in the pocket of the banks, Wall St., etc.

Sure...and pigs could fly....if it weren't for banks, wall street, etc.

It is well documented during the Teddy Roosevelt administration, that left to do what they want, banks and Wall St. types would enforce feudalism again, through economic means and police, just like they did 500 years ago with royal land ownership and armed knights.

The technology is so much better for population control these days. That’s why the police have been militarized and trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and Palestinianization. That’s why we have the most expansive incarceration and internment/detention apparatus ever known to humanity, with a for profit component and convict labor leasing to corporations. That’s why the entire population is already under constant surveillance. That’s why the public water supply is left contaminated in many communities across america as the infrastructure is being allowed to decay. We’re wandering unaware into a new feudal age in which capital no longer requires as many hominids as it once did to generate profit margin growth to infinity. Something will need to be done to “manage” the surplus of human beings; their worth as economic units will continue to evaporate as it has over the past half century.

One of the most blatant example of modern feudalism I have seen lately was the 2008 real estate bust that was deliberately caused by banks handing out deceptive ARM mortgages based on the British LIBOR, that nearly doubled the payments required, when the economy and prime rate went down. And then the government bailed out the banks who had foolishly depressed the value of their own assets in their mad greed, instead of the home owners who actually deserved being bailed out.
You do not seem to be aware of the economic situation of your majority of americans. But I do agree with you that our use of the military is for the economic and resources plunder of others and "management" of dwindling resources. You would do well to welcome economic and climate/resource migrations, there will be more in response to things like our 2009 coup in Honduras for example as well.
The 2009 coup in Honduras must have been in our interests; otherwise, we wouldn't have done it. Why did Obama order it?

The same reason we always need to "manage" other countries regardless of electoral outcomes.

There was a time when what big govt did would never have been seen as "must have been in our interests" by anyone attempting to portray himself as conservative.
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
The 2009 coup in Honduras must have been in our interests; otherwise, we wouldn't have done it. Why did Obama order it?

The same reason we always need to "manage" other countries regardless of electoral outcomes.

There was a time when what big govt did would never have been seen as "must have been in our interests" by anyone attempting to portray himself as conservative.
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.
Yea, those "solutions" have worked wonders.

They could, if democrats were not also now in the pocket of the banks, Wall St., etc.

Sure...and pigs could fly....if it weren't for banks, wall street, etc.

It is well documented during the Teddy Roosevelt administration, that left to do what they want, banks and Wall St. types would enforce feudalism again, through economic means and police, just like they did 500 years ago with royal land ownership and armed knights.

The technology is so much better for population control these days. That’s why the police have been militarized and trained by the Israeli military in population subjugation and Palestinianization. That’s why we have the most expansive incarceration and internment/detention apparatus ever known to humanity, with a for profit component and convict labor leasing to corporations. That’s why the entire population is already under constant surveillance. That’s why the public water supply is left contaminated in many communities across america as the infrastructure is being allowed to decay. We’re wandering unaware into a new feudal age in which capital no longer requires as many hominids as it once did to generate profit margin growth to infinity. Something will need to be done to “manage” the surplus of human beings; their worth as economic units will continue to evaporate as it has over the past half century.

One of the most blatant example of modern feudalism I have seen lately was the 2008 real estate bust that was deliberately caused by banks handing out deceptive ARM mortgages based on the British LIBOR, that nearly doubled the payments required, when the economy and prime rate went down. And then the government bailed out the banks who had foolishly depressed the value of their own assets in their mad greed, instead of the home owners who actually deserved being bailed out.
And we shall be doing it again soon, merely a matter of time.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for 3eeht Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profits versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
The same reason we always need to "manage" other countries regardless of electoral outcomes.

There was a time when what big govt did would never have been seen as "must have been in our interests" by anyone attempting to portray himself as conservative.
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.
Nothing has changed. War without end, Amen, Amen.
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.
You should really look more closely, Goldman Sachs is all up in your white house, same as it ever was.

Great. Show us the proof. Show us ANY proof. I'd settle for just a little objective factual evidence.

And don't forget: that has to include the fact that this is anything NEW that hasn't been going on for a long time.
Am I the only one who's noticed the huge outpouring of complaints and protests against this thread by Leftards since it opened? It must be because they know they'd lose in any such fight. Badly. Conservatives are fighters and survivors. Progressives are noodling whiners and babies.

If americans had any fight in them at all they would take on the centers concentrated wealth and power that has created the societal conditions they/we decry.
But that's not who amerians are, they/we would rather noodlingly whine and engage in self-subjugating partisanshitheadism rather than confront power.

For one thing, you can't do anything "noodlingly." Second of all, your hatred of America drips out of ever post you write. Are you that much a failure that you need blame the world for your own inadequacies? Real Americans have plenty of fight in them, you obviously haven't met any of us yet in the real world for most of them would hand you your teeth for half the crap you say, but what you are describing is civil war and anarchy---- always the very LAST resort. We have a legal process for addressing the things you describe, and one of them is in the White House right now tearing the swamp a new ass even as we speak.

No darling, no one hates america and you have no authority to assign views to anyone, your society seems to be so fragile that it cannot withstand a citizenry who questions authority. Fweedumb.

Wow, you forgot already.

Black women are triggering an awful lot of white fragility these days.

Really? How so? Link? Proof? Supporting evidence we can examine out in the open? Or just your never-ending stream of flatulent bile?
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.
Nothing has changed. War without end, Amen, Amen.
War isn't going to go away. Reality.
The same reason we always need to "manage" other countries regardless of electoral outcomes.

There was a time when what big govt did would never have been seen as "must have been in our interests" by anyone attempting to portray himself as conservative.
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.

No one is trying to excuse the illegal US military actions when Obama was president, like murdering Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, US troops in Syria, continued illegal offenses in Afghanistan, etc. We just tend to blame Hillary for most of that. Which is why Hillary did not get many of our votes.
I'm saying Obama must have thought it was in our interests. I didn't say I agreed with our involvement. That was entirely Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.

No one is trying to excuse the illegal US military actions when Obama was president, like murdering Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, US troops in Syria, continued illegal offenses in Afghanistan, etc. We just tend to blame Hillary for most of that. Which is why Hillary did not get many of our votes.
Don't forget The COUP he sponsored in Egypt or how he and Clinton used Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm Al Queda in Libya.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.

No one is trying to excuse the illegal US military actions when Obama was president, like murdering Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, US troops in Syria, continued illegal offenses in Afghanistan, etc. We just tend to blame Hillary for most of that. Which is why Hillary did not get many of our votes.
Don't forget The COUP he sponsored in Egypt or how he and Clinton used Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm Al Queda in Libya.

Correct. But while lots of bad things happened during Obama's administration, I have to wonder if that was all just Hillary?
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you

No, it was equally bad or even worse when Obama bailed out the banks instead of the home owners being foreclosed, and Hillary getting $250 million to lecture bankers on how to bank.
The problem obviously is non-partisan, and systemic to both parties.

I think that is why most people are looking for outsiders, like Trump and Bernie Sanders.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.

No one is trying to excuse the illegal US military actions when Obama was president, like murdering Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, US troops in Syria, continued illegal offenses in Afghanistan, etc. We just tend to blame Hillary for most of that. Which is why Hillary did not get many of our votes.
Don't forget The COUP he sponsored in Egypt or how he and Clinton used Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm Al Queda in Libya.
Yup, endless war is utterly bipartisan isn't it.
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you
IF our system worked at all for we the people, it would not require that the unsubstantial people be kept sniveling at each other.
Nah, the endless war machine is a permanent fixture just as surely as Goldman Sachs in the white house.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.
Nothing has changed. War without end, Amen, Amen.
War isn't going to go away. Reality.
Not for america it won't, how else can we maintain our predatory economic system? We must have war and always more war even though we are defending nothing.

Do some due dilligence into the ratio of the number of years america has existed in it's euro-colonial state versus the number of years america has been at war since its "settlement".
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