I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.

No one is trying to excuse the illegal US military actions when Obama was president, like murdering Qaddafi, the coup in Egypt, US troops in Syria, continued illegal offenses in Afghanistan, etc. We just tend to blame Hillary for most of that. Which is why Hillary did not get many of our votes.
Don't forget The COUP he sponsored in Egypt or how he and Clinton used Benghazi as a weapons depot to arm Al Queda in Libya.
Yup, endless war is utterly bipartisan isn't it.
War is never going away.
Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was his tool during the coup. Why can't you hold them responsible?
Because it is all utterly bipartisan. Go look you americas global militarist empire and 8 current generational wars. Its the system, we cabn swap personalities out all day long it ya like, the caterwauling will remain.
Balderdash. Obama was the Commander in Chief and Hillary was the Secretary of State and they were the only ones involved.
Nothing has changed. War without end, Amen, Amen.
War isn't going to go away. Reality.
Not for america it won't, how else can we maintain our predatory economic system? We must have war and always more war even though we are defending nothing.

Do some due dilligence into the ratio of the number of years america has existed in it's euro-colonial state versus the number of years america has been at war since its "settlement".
Please explain what you mean by "predatory economic system".
And before bush America didn’t put up with sanctuary corporations. The bush regime stopped raiding companies who hire illegals.

Sanctuary cities are any city that has a corporation that hires illegals. Go after them illegals will leave sanctuary cities because it’s the jobs that attract them
Sanctuary cities are a democrat policy. It's the democrat policy that protects them.
Don't blame us. We have no power. Who started this? Churches. Republicans are the religious ones. You don't know who's screwing you.

Also you should be worrying about santuary companies not cities.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family


But you won't.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
Sanctuary cities are a democrat policy. It's the democrat policy that protects them.
Don't blame us. We have no power. Who started this? Churches. Republicans are the religious ones. You don't know who's screwing you.

Also you should be worrying about santuary companies not cities.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family


But you won't.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you
IF our system worked at all for we the people, it would not require that the unsubstantial people be kept sniveling at each other.

Just what and who are "unsubstantial people," and just how does the "system" keep them sniveling at each other, and just what does any of that accomplish?
Don't blame us. We have no power. Who started this? Churches. Republicans are the religious ones. You don't know who's screwing you.

Also you should be worrying about santuary companies not cities.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts’ murder worked on farm owned by Iowa GOP family


But you won't.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you
IF our system worked at all for we the people, it would not require that the unsubstantial people be kept sniveling at each other.

Just what and who are "unsubstantial people," and just how does the "system" keep them sniveling at each other, and just what does any of that accomplish?

If that needs to be explained to you, just keep blaming whomever your particular version of "the other" is and wait for things to get better while you vote. The Powell Memorandum is nice reading.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.

Who is the customer base for these drugs again?
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you
IF our system worked at all for we the people, it would not require that the unsubstantial people be kept sniveling at each other.

Son our system was lost in 1913.
Nobody wants to kill you...we enjoy laughing at you too much! We'd miss you!

If you had any power, you would march us all into death camps, and we all know it.

Seriously? You seem to suffer from advanced paranoia.

I've been friends with lots of conservatives - and lot's of 'Rednecks'. I like them on a personal level...fun people to party with. I just learned not to bother discussing politics with them because it's like talking to a child.

Notice that I usually don't get into debates with you...now you know why.
Wrong, Democrats run cities like Frisco, Oakland, Chicago, etc. To say that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat policy is a lie. You have absolutely no integrity or credibility.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.
What is an illegal doing in a sanctuary city? They are working for corporations who hire illegals.

We sent the national guard down to Alabama to stop crackers from picking on blacks I'm sure Trump could send ICE to go raid companies who are hiring illegals and guess what would happen to that sanctuary city? All the illegals would leave.

But Republicans won't go after illegal employers. Need proof?

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So you tell me why Bill Clinton raided 417 companies but Bush only raided 3 in 2004. And then you dumb mother fucking Republicans will deny which party was the party who defended illegal immigrants. It was Bush, McCain and Mitt.

My how quickly they flip flop and forget.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.

But for 200 years we didn’t need a wall. What has changed?
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.

But for 200 years we didn’t need a wall. What has changed?

15 Million illegals...dumbass.
11 million and declining'

They're finding tunnels under the existing walls every day.

Build another 1600 miles and you'll have underground highways
Working for the President Is What Goldman Sachs People Do. Even When It’s for Donald Trump.

Why Donald Trump Keeps Hiring Goldman Sachs Bankers
Because working in government is what Goldman people do.

DEC 09, 2016

We get it , when GS folks works Dems it ok. When they work for Pubs it's bad. How enlightened of you
IF our system worked at all for we the people, it would not require that the unsubstantial people be kept sniveling at each other.

Just what and who are "unsubstantial people," and just how does the "system" keep them sniveling at each other, and just what does any of that accomplish?

If that needs to be explained to you, just keep blaming whomever your particular version of "the other" is and wait for things to get better while you vote. The Powell Memorandum is nice reading.

In other words, YOU DON'T KNOW, and can't be bothered to write even ONE substantive post showing a real handle on anything so you write 150 meaningless, blathering ones instead, while leaning on some 1/2 century old memorandum for moral support. I get it.
Are you really denying that sanctuary cities isn't a Democrat agenda?
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.

But for 200 years we didn’t need a wall. What has changed?
I don't know.. Why don't you ask Bill Gates why he needed a firewall on the windows systems ?? Wasn't it to keep out those hackers etc who would destroy his project if they could ??

What's the difference on the border security ??

We need it, and it needs to be done right.
Pretty lame analogy ...I get that you think it's brilliant...but it just isn't.

Another 1600 miles of wall or fence or steel slats or marshmellow or whatever Trump is proposing now...isn't going to change a damn thing...and 5 billion won't get it done
11 million and declining'

They're finding tunnels under the existing walls every day.

Build another 1600 miles and you'll have underground highways

Sweet! Then we'll have free, ready-made expressways for shipping all the illegals back over to the Mexican side, free of charge. Then we can mine them all with trip wires and blow their fricking heads in as they try to cross again and cover them all over with dirt, hopefully with a camera in there to catch the surprised look on their faces as they realize what happened.
Well under the current situation I get it. The system is so corrupt why go after the illegal immigrants but not go after the illegal employers in those santuary cities?

It's like the war on drugs. You went after the addicts and locked them up but didn't go after the drug dealers. Almost as if the system is rigged. Same with illegals. You want us to chase our tales arguing about santuary cities and building walls to distract from the real problems.

Santuary employers like this


If a Mara Largo employee is an illegal and kill someone, blame Trump. The wall isn't the problem trump is.
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.

But for 200 years we didn’t need a wall. What has changed?
I don't know.. Why don't you ask Bill Gates why he needed a firewall on the windows systems ?? Wasn't it to keep out those hackers etc who would destroy his project if they could ??

What's the difference on the border security ??

We need it, and it needs to be done right.
We sure do need to figure out how to stop illegals from crossing the border it’s just that a two trillion dollar wall isn’t the answer
So you agree with the democrat policy of sanctuary cities. You can't have it both ways. If you're protecting illegals, then don't squawk when they get jobs. If they weren't here, they wouldn't be able to get a job here. Idiot.
How ridiculous. That's like saying if you are against building the stupid wall you are for illegal immigration. Just not true.

Sanctuary cities probably realize the hypocracy of your policies and so they don't allow you to go after the drug user when you ignore the drug dealers.

The corporations you protect being the dealers. The drug cartels.
You know, when Bill Gates created the Microsoft Windows system, what did he include in that system, and why did he include that into his system ???


Now why did he add this into his platform/ virtual world he created ??

It was put there to PROTECT THE SYSTEM against who ???? Hackers and you name it right ?

So why is it that millennials think that we don't need security on our border, yet they have embraced the Microsoft platform with open arms ????? Are mellenials just stupid or busy picking and choosing what they think is important these days, and to hell with 200+ years of progress ??

Are we the ones stupid for trusting liberals today ?? I mean come on already.

But for 200 years we didn’t need a wall. What has changed?
I don't know.. Why don't you ask Bill Gates why he needed a firewall on the windows systems ?? Wasn't it to keep out those hackers etc who would destroy his project if they could ??

What's the difference on the border security ??

We need it, and it needs to be done right.
We sure do need to figure out how to stop illegals from crossing the border it’s just that a two trillion dollar wall isn’t the answer

Two Trillion? Oh, now we are just making up numbers escalating the maximum cost of the wall by a factor of a HUNDRED in order to rationalize not building it? Meantime, still not cognizant that this is not a static figure, for every 1 billion we spend on the wall, we get paid back 7 billion in costs we save in fewer illegals to deal with. THE FIRST YEAR.


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