I prayed to the Lord and it appears my prayer has been answered. Now what?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?
What did you pray for, hit the lottery?
Has anybody ever told you that you OVERTHUNK things?

Thank Him & move on with your life. SHEEEESH!
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?
You wait. You asked, He answered. Now you wait.
However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

It is almost as if you feel guilt about how amazed and glad you are--and that this very amazement and gladness points that you kind of doubted God would hear and answer this prayer. Perhaps that feeling of insulting God comes not from giving thanks, but because of doubt? If this is the case, then you have true cause to give thanks to God. Thank Him for your gift, and thank Him for opening your eyes to your doubts. Could this have been the true gift?
no god answered your prayer. You either made it happen yourself or got lucky.
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?
So what did you pray for and what happened?
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?

I was reminiscing on what I once believed was a tough, challenging, low point in my life, when I started thinking about all the Good that came from it! Through my tears I heard the Lord tell me, "Trust me. I know what I'm doing"
I've always been at odds with this one. It wasn't a selfish prayer per se, but, it was answered, which is rare I must say (sadly). I will sometimes give thanks in that "he-hears-all-knows-all" sort of manner, 'thank you Lord" once it comes to fruition. However, I almost feel that it's insulting to acknowledge that my request was answered.

I don't want to antagonize G_d as if I am somehow so important. Maybe it happened as it was supposed to unfold and I am attributing it incorrectly to my efforts. That would presumptuous and insulting, no?
You wait. You asked, He answered. Now you wait.

wait for what? If you father gives you a super gift...do you thank him or do you wait....to thank him? I dont think good old dad would be so inclined to give you anything that super again if you are so ungrateful that you don't bother to thank him immediately and properly. Perhaps you are thinking of what you're supposed to do after you pray for something....then you wait on the LORD. But don't stop praying.....the point is..communication.
In sheer desperation I once prayed for a car. Dead end job, shit income. I was unable to afford squat and my car was unreliable likely to leave me stranded and had. Left with all options cut off and nowhere to turn, I prayed. God answered my prayer by giving me what I really needed instead of what I wanted.
In sheer desperation I once prayed for a car. Dead end job, shit income. I was unable to afford squat and my car was unreliable likely to leave me stranded and had. Left with all options cut off and nowhere to turn, I prayed. God answered my prayer by giving me what I really needed instead of what I wanted.

He gave you antipsychotic drugs?
In sheer desperation I once prayed for a car. Dead end job, shit income. I was unable to afford squat and my car was unreliable likely to leave me stranded and had. Left with all options cut off and nowhere to turn, I prayed. God answered my prayer by giving me what I really needed instead of what I wanted.

He gave you antipsychotic drugs?
He gave me a vial of slow acting poison with no antidote with instructions to make sure you took it. That's answering EVERYONE'S prayer.
"Some day, and that day may never
come, I'll ask a service of you.
But until that day
accept this justice as a gift
on my daughter's wedding day."
Don Corleone
In sheer desperation I once prayed for a car. Dead end job, shit income. I was unable to afford squat and my car was unreliable likely to leave me stranded and had. Left with all options cut off and nowhere to turn, I prayed. God answered my prayer by giving me what I really needed instead of what I wanted.

He gave you antipsychotic drugs?
He gave me a vial of slow acting poison with no antidote with instructions to make sure you took it. That's answering EVERYONE'S prayer.
Extra Strength Tylenol ???

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