I have a serious question, How come do we shit in clean water?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This meme brings up a good point. I heard the rumors the cleanest water in your house is in your crapper tank.

download (4).jpeg

The Japanese toilet-sink combo has been around since 1956. At first, the invention was just marketed as a space-saving tool since houses and apartments in Japan tend to be smaller. Having a spacious bathroom with a separate toilet and sink was considered a luxury. The water used to flush down the toilet was just an added bonus, which is now considered a great way to conserve water.

The way it works is that when you wash your hands in the combo’s sink, the water you use is collected into a tank called the cistern, and that water, in turn, is used to flush the toilet.

Should Japan’s Water-Saving Toilet-Sink Combo Be Adopted by Other Countries? – Japan Info
I guess the serious answer is do we want unclean water sitting in the bowl all day long? ... is that what we want our dog to be drinking or the baby to play in, think of what would grow in dirty water ...

But serious is boring ... it's because it too much of a waste to use beer ...

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