I have a question


I'm less likely to accept information on this topic without seeing credentials and a lot more research.
I'm actually going to look at material on the matter with increased scrutiny.
It doesn't matter to me what color they were because all color is beautiful.
It matters if the information is wrong because I'm looking for clarity and relevance on top of Biblical truth.

The reality is that you probably aren't going to change the museums by yourself without the scholar's help.


I appreciate your help. I find it odd that so much has been lied about and it concerns me that this is allowed to go on. We should know the truth not someone else's version of it.

One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.
I don't think the images that have been painted of Christ over the last 2,000 years were painted with US slaves in mind. More of an attempt to make Him less Jewish, not more white.

The trend seems to show the opposite. He had grown progressively more European to the point he was blond with blue eyes. You cant get more white than that. I dont think it was done specifically for US slaves but there is no doubt it was a powerful weapon when invading other countries in the name of God and converting them to Christians.

Mildly OT: You have to kill the missionaries as soon as you see them. Because if they get a chance to say anything? You're going to hell.


The message is that God so loved the world (John 3:16) and that He came to save you from hell that he died on the cross for your sins and rose again the third day. Set them straight because one is the gospel and your version is not.

I'm less likely to accept information on this topic without seeing credentials and a lot more research.
I'm actually going to look at material on the matter with increased scrutiny.
It doesn't matter to me what color they were because all color is beautiful.
It matters if the information is wrong because I'm looking for clarity and relevance on top of Biblical truth.

The reality is that you probably aren't going to change the museums by yourself without the scholar's help.


I appreciate your help. I find it odd that so much has been lied about and it concerns me that this is allowed to go on. We should know the truth not someone else's version of it.

One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.

Snark much?
The trend seems to show the opposite. He had grown progressively more European to the point he was blond with blue eyes. You cant get more white than that. I dont think it was done specifically for US slaves but there is no doubt it was a powerful weapon when invading other countries in the name of God and converting them to Christians.

Mildly OT: You have to kill the missionaries as soon as you see them. Because if they get a chance to say anything? You're going to hell.


The message is that God so loved the world (John 3:16) and that He came to save you from hell that he died on the cross for your sins and rose again the third day. Set them straight because one is the gospel and your version is not.

Do you miss your sense of humor? Or did you never have one.

I'm less likely to accept information on this topic without seeing credentials and a lot more research.
I'm actually going to look at material on the matter with increased scrutiny.
It doesn't matter to me what color they were because all color is beautiful.
It matters if the information is wrong because I'm looking for clarity and relevance on top of Biblical truth.

The reality is that you probably aren't going to change the museums by yourself without the scholar's help.


I appreciate your help. I find it odd that so much has been lied about and it concerns me that this is allowed to go on. We should know the truth not someone else's version of it.

One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.

Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator. You haven't produced one image of Jesus or the Jewish people prior to his death. I've produced some evidence which is better than none. Basically what you are saying is I trust the people that have lied to me before.
I appreciate your help. I find it odd that so much has been lied about and it concerns me that this is allowed to go on. We should know the truth not someone else's version of it.

One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.

Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator. You haven't produced one image of Jesus or the Jewish people prior to his death. I've produced some evidence which is better than none. Basically what you are saying is I trust the people that have lied to me before.

King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

I don't have any images.
One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.

Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator. You haven't produced one image of Jesus or the Jewish people prior to his death. I've produced some evidence which is better than none. Basically what you are saying is I trust the people that have lied to me before.

King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

I don't have any images.

Wow. Best cop-out ever, truly.
Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator.
I found this at Wikipedia...

Old Testament references about a coming Messiah (whom Christians believe to be Jesus) have been projected forward to form conjectures about the appearance of Jesus on theological, rather than historical, grounds; e.g. Isaiah 53:2 which refers to the scourged Messiah with "no beauty that we should desire him" and Psalm 45:2-3 which describes him as "fairer than the children of men", often interpreted as his physical description.[18][19][20][21] Clarks' commentary accepts Lamentations 4:7 "whiter than milk" as referring to skin color.[22] 1 Samuel 16:12 describes David, the ancestor of Jesus, as having "beautiful eyes" or "fair countenance."[22]

Race and appearance of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator.
I found this at Wikipedia...

Old Testament references about a coming Messiah (whom Christians believe to be Jesus) have been projected forward to form conjectures about the appearance of Jesus on theological, rather than historical, grounds; e.g. Isaiah 53:2 which refers to the scourged Messiah with "no beauty that we should desire him" and Psalm 45:2-3 which describes him as "fairer than the children of men", often interpreted as his physical description.[18][19][20][21] Clarks' commentary accepts Lamentations 4:7 "whiter than milk" as referring to skin color.[22] 1 Samuel 16:12 describes David, the ancestor of Jesus, as having "beautiful eyes" or "fair countenance."[22]

Race and appearance of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adam Clark also didn't believe in the eternal sonship of Christ:

Perhaps his most controversial position regarded the eternal Sonship of Jesus. Clarke did not believe it biblically faithful to affirm this doctrine, maintaining that prior to the Incarnation, Jesus was "unoriginated."

Adam Clarke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One website is worth nothing academically and there is no proof of there being any scholars on the website yet. You won't change the museums or the scholars that have spent 20 or 30 years studying it.

Let me know where you can get college credit for studying your website.

Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator. You haven't produced one image of Jesus or the Jewish people prior to his death. I've produced some evidence which is better than none. Basically what you are saying is I trust the people that have lied to me before.

King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

I don't have any images.

I'm not talking about God to which that quote is refering to if I am correct. I am speaking about Jesus. Following his family lineage in the Bible it appears he at least had some Black in him if not mostly Black. i will detail my findings later but maybe on another thread.
Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator. You haven't produced one image of Jesus or the Jewish people prior to his death. I've produced some evidence which is better than none. Basically what you are saying is I trust the people that have lied to me before.

King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

I don't have any images.

I'm not talking about God to which that quote is refering to if I am correct. I am speaking about Jesus. Following his family lineage in the Bible it appears he at least had some Black in him if not mostly Black. i will detail my findings later but maybe on another thread.

We believe Jesus is God.
Let me know when you can produce anything that proves Jesus or any of the Jewish were white even though they lived by the equator.
I found this at Wikipedia...

Old Testament references about a coming Messiah (whom Christians believe to be Jesus) have been projected forward to form conjectures about the appearance of Jesus on theological, rather than historical, grounds; e.g. Isaiah 53:2 which refers to the scourged Messiah with "no beauty that we should desire him" and Psalm 45:2-3 which describes him as "fairer than the children of men", often interpreted as his physical description.[18][19][20][21] Clarks' commentary accepts Lamentations 4:7 "whiter than milk" as referring to skin color.[22] 1 Samuel 16:12 describes David, the ancestor of Jesus, as having "beautiful eyes" or "fair countenance."[22]

Race and appearance of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for helping. Especially with Lamentations 4:7 "whiter than milk" This one is odd

7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

sounds like a reference to some jewel but I looked up Nazarites and they seem to be some special sect that grew dreadlocks as part of their status? Albino Blacks?

Psalm 45:2-3 which describes him as "fairer than the children of men", often interpreted as his physical description. Fair could mean honest or trustworthy

Samuel 16:12 describes David, the ancestor of Jesus, as having "beautiful eyes" or "fair countenance."[22] There are some black women with beautiful eyes that look pretty honest and trustworthy.
King James Bible
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

I don't have any images.

I'm not talking about God to which that quote is refering to if I am correct. I am speaking about Jesus. Following his family lineage in the Bible it appears he at least had some Black in him if not mostly Black. i will detail my findings later but maybe on another thread.

We believe Jesus is God.

He was a man before he was God or Mary would not have been needed. Doesnt make sense he would be white when everyone else around him was Black or mixed.
"His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red"

"Swarthy complexion, though this from exposure"

"Olive complexion"

"Wheat colored complexion"

"Somewhat ruddy complexion of the oval face"

"Ashen complexion"

Among others...

Physical Descriptions of Jesus - The Oldest Views and Literary Data on the External Appearance of Jesus the Nazarene

This looks a little more promising.


I guess I have to take that back. These descriptions are all over the place and some were translated during times when it would be politically expedient to render Jesus as being white. Its almost like he appeared totally different to different people. Nazarites are known to wear dreadlocks which it appears jesus was in some descriptions of him.
Last edited:
"His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red"

"Swarthy complexion, though this from exposure"

"Olive complexion"

"Wheat colored complexion"

"Somewhat ruddy complexion of the oval face"

"Ashen complexion"

Among others...

Physical Descriptions of Jesus - The Oldest Views and Literary Data on the External Appearance of Jesus the Nazarene

This looks a little more promising.


I guess I have to take that back. These descriptions are all over the place and some were translated during times when it would be politically expedient to render Jesus as being white. Its almost like he appeared totally different to different people. Nazarites are known to wear dreadlocks which it appears jesus was in some descriptions of him.

what difference could it possibly make if Jesus was light or dark or somewhere in between colored skinned?

how is your desire for him to be black or at least partially black (with dreadlocks) any different from white people wanting to see him blue eyed and blond?

You are all hung up on complete bullshit.

Let it go dude......
Last edited:
"His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red"

"Swarthy complexion, though this from exposure"

"Olive complexion"

"Wheat colored complexion"

"Somewhat ruddy complexion of the oval face"

"Ashen complexion"

Among others...

Physical Descriptions of Jesus - The Oldest Views and Literary Data on the External Appearance of Jesus the Nazarene

This looks a little more promising.


I guess I have to take that back. These descriptions are all over the place and some were translated during times when it would be politically expedient to render Jesus as being white. Its almost like he appeared totally different to different people. Nazarites are known to wear dreadlocks which it appears jesus was in some descriptions of him.

what difference could it possibly make if Jesus was light or dark or somewhere in between colored skinned?

how is your desire for him to be black or at least partially black (with dreadlocks) any different from white people wanting to see him blue eyed and blond?

You are all hung up on complete bullshit.

Let it go dude......

Hello, this is a discussion board.

We're discussing.
This looks a little more promising.


I guess I have to take that back. These descriptions are all over the place and some were translated during times when it would be politically expedient to render Jesus as being white. Its almost like he appeared totally different to different people. Nazarites are known to wear dreadlocks which it appears jesus was in some descriptions of him.

what difference could it possibly make if Jesus was light or dark or somewhere in between colored skinned?

how is your desire for him to be black or at least partially black (with dreadlocks) any different from white people wanting to see him blue eyed and blond?

You are all hung up on complete bullshit.

Let it go dude......

Hello, this is a discussion board.

We're discussing.

Yeah well forgive me for putting in my two cents.

I couldn't help but notice the hypocrisy of someone accusing others of being racist by being racist themselves while you all were discussing such an important topic as the most likely skin color of a first century Jew who didn't think very highly of your ancestors..

Maybe the discussion can move on to whether Jesus wore underwear or not......
what difference could it possibly make if Jesus was light or dark or somewhere in between colored skinned?

how is your desire for him to be black or at least partially black (with dreadlocks) any different from white people wanting to see him blue eyed and blond?

You are all hung up on complete bullshit.

Let it go dude......

Hello, this is a discussion board.

We're discussing.

Yeah well forgive me for putting in my two cents.

I couldn't help but notice the hypocrisy of someone accusing others of being racist by being racist themselves while you all were discussing such an important topic as the most likely skin color of a first century Jew who didn't think very highly of your ancestors..

Maybe the discussion can move on to whether Jesus wore underwear or not......


Say no more.


No, really. You shouldn't post again, because I think so, therefore.

"His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red"

"Swarthy complexion, though this from exposure"

"Olive complexion"

"Wheat colored complexion"

"Somewhat ruddy complexion of the oval face"

"Ashen complexion"

Among others...

Physical Descriptions of Jesus - The Oldest Views and Literary Data on the External Appearance of Jesus the Nazarene

This looks a little more promising.


I guess I have to take that back. These descriptions are all over the place and some were translated during times when it would be politically expedient to render Jesus as being white. Its almost like he appeared totally different to different people. Nazarites are known to wear dreadlocks which it appears jesus was in some descriptions of him.

what difference could it possibly make if Jesus was light or dark or somewhere in between colored skinned?

how is your desire for him to be black or at least partially black (with dreadlocks) any different from white people wanting to see him blue eyed and blond?

You are all hung up on complete bullshit.

Let it go dude......

If it didnt make a difference then why was he portrayed as white, blond with blue eyes? Evidently someone had a reason to lie so I want to know the truth and why. Its different because if white people had not lied we would know that truth.

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