I fear for Obama...

If RedDawn is correct and obamalama has never said he was a black man then he has a moral obligation to clear the record and back away from being dubbed the first African American President.

A moral obligation? What the fuck are you talking about? You're not mixed and with that being the case you have a moral obligation to shut the hell up when discussing what someone of which YOU ARE NOT should or shouldn't do. Then you wonder why some say here and around the world that certain white people think they own the world and we should all do it like them. What an asshole
A moral obligation? What the fuck are you talking about? You're not mixed and with that being the case you have a moral obligation to shut the hell up when discussing what someone of which YOU ARE NOT should or shouldn't do. Then you wonder why some say here and around the world that certain white people think they own the world and we should all do it like them. What an asshole

I don't wonder bout nuttin honey. I am referring to Red Dawn's claim that obamalama never claimed to be a black man. That's what the fuck I'm talking about.
Ok Dan Rather, how did Bush get an MBA if he is illiterate ? :eusa_whistle:

Most people with any degree are NOT that intelligent. Some get away with it by specializing, many by just buying it. Most cheat to get through school and party most of the time there. I hear business people with MBA "talking like this and like totally like not even like English." It is possible, and I wouldn't trust a person with a degree to clean my toilet.
Most people with any degree are NOT that intelligent. Some get away with it by specializing, many by just buying it. Most cheat to get through school and party most of the time there. I hear business people with MBA "talking like this and like totally like not even like English." It is possible, and I wouldn't trust a person with a degree to clean my toilet.

So you haven't a degree? Not even HS?
I thought GWB's IQ being 91 was false?

snopes.com: Presidential IQ Hoax

Personally, I've met people with high IQs that had intelligence in certains areas but were dopes in other areas. A high IQ doesn't automatically or necessarily make one smart, imo.

Meh .. I agree. My social skills just plain suck. Also I am not good at putting ideas into words at all. I can give speeches as long as I sit and write them before giving them, but many concepts I just cannot explain to people without previous knowledge (like computer tech for instance).

... oh, and the higher the IQ the worse the memory for everyday stuff. *sighs*
Degrees are over rated.

All I needed to know I learned in kindergarten.

But....science, physics, math, reading, and chemistry? VERY NECESSARY to live in this world comfortably.

Also helps to have a good amount of theology to back you up and guide you.
Most people with any degree are NOT that intelligent. Some get away with it by specializing, many by just buying it. Most cheat to get through school and party most of the time there. I hear business people with MBA "talking like this and like totally like not even like English." It is possible, and I wouldn't trust a person with a degree to clean my toilet.

Ok, you got me, there are plenty of people with Harvard MBA's that are illiterate.... :cuckoo:

Or are you saying Bush is the only one ? ..... :eusa_whistle:
Most people with any degree are NOT that intelligent. Some get away with it by specializing, many by just buying it. Most cheat to get through school and party most of the time there. I hear business people with MBA "talking like this and like totally like not even like English." It is possible, and I wouldn't trust a person with a degree to clean my toilet.

Pretty much what I think about Obama's JD.
Bush ain't the only one.


He IS the stupidest so far. Dunno if anyone else can achieve the level of incompetence that this particular president has achieved.

He made his own league of stupidity.
Bush ain't the only one.


He IS the stupidest so far. Dunno if anyone else can achieve the level of incompetence that this particular president has achieved.

He made his own league of stupidity.

Ok, i'll play along, a little.

Bad judgement, ok, that's one thing, but illiterate ? no way ...
I don't agree with all of his ideas, but I think he'll make an excellent president. I think that his popularity is so overwhelming right now, it's on the level of JFK, RFK, Pope John Paul II, MLK and Reagan. What is the one thing each of those have in common? Assasination attemps. Some successful. Some not. I really, really hope the secret service does its job to the best if not better than it is capable of. If you think the stock market went down when the bailout bill failed, the market is 100% controlled by speculators right now it would PLUNGE if Obama was killed. Not to mention riots in many cities and neighborhoods and a bigger Washington insider than McCain himself would be at the helm, running our country. Most importantly, he has a wife and two little girls who adore him. I fear for his family and I fear for this country and I fear for the world if Obama is killed. May God protect him and his family.

ROFL... yeah the ideological left has a real problem with the purveyors of hope that fail to live up to their empty promises; but I'm with you, I hope they hold their hatred and leave the man to raise his family in peace, after his policies lead to the long term economic crippling of the us economy.

It is true though the the popularity of Hussein is yet another example of 'irrational exuberance;' a man with absolutely no history as anything other than a political opportunist, whose entire political history rests upon his relationships with rancid, unapologetic anti-American, domestic terrorists and whose birth origins remain unknown, despite numerous honest attempts to merely clarify that the man is constitutional qualified to even RUN for President... add to that, that he is a Muslim with a Marxist political philosophy and that he is receiving such an ubjustified level of support is truly astounding.
Didn't say illiterate........


For christ sake, my argument the whole time with kitty litter was that the man is not ILLITERATE, looked to me like you were jumping in to support her argument that Bush is ILLITERATE....:cuckoo::lol:
Bush ain't the only one.


He IS the stupidest so far. Dunno if anyone else can achieve the level of incompetence that this particular president has achieved.

He made his own league of stupidity.

WOW! Talk about your spewing irony... A leftist denigrating someone's intellectual means...

ROFL... Oh GOD that's precious.

And THIS while proclaiming the certainty that Bush is incompetence... opting to avoid any actual examples of that incompetence. This is usually a function of their wanting to point to his domestic policy, but they've come to find that a difficult discussion, due to their record of support and advocacy of precisely the same policy...

Funny stuff...

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