I fear for Obama...

Why does Obama define himself as "black" or African American? Well....considering that the RNC made a big deal out of his skin color, as well as the media, he's trying to take the easiest identifier that most people are already familiar with.

/racist joke/ Besides.......the white part of Obama is probably in his drawers, and he's ashamed to be a 6 ft black man with a 3 inch penis. Thank goodness he can dance and play basketball, otherwise he'd be considered useless. /end racist joke/

Now....the reason that I put that little piece of trash above in this post, is because I've already heard some people murmuring it under their breaths.

Does writing a book make a person "smart"? Not really. There is a dude that has a commercial on tv. His name is Chris Prentiss, and he's the director/owner of Malibu Rehab Center. He's always hawking his book "The Alcoholism/Addiction Cure". He claims to be able to cure your drinking by reading his book.

Only trouble is, the success rate of his rehab is abysmal, so, is he "smart"? He wrote a book after all..........

Is Obama "smart"? Depends on your perspective. If you've never traveled outside of where you were born, and never went to college, well.....Obama would have more experience than you, and therefore be considered "smarter".

I think the best way to say it is thus.......

Obama's intelligence should be compared to the intelligence of presidents who have come before him, because after all, that is kind of an exclusive club that not many of us can compare ourselves to.

I do know that Obama is smarter than Bush Jr. however.

If RedDawn is correct and obamalama has never said he was a black man then he has a moral obligation to clear the record and back away from being dubbed the first African American President.
The Secret Service doesn't usually flank the president at a conference podium. There are times when the SS just has to stay out of sight. At an event like that, sweeps and searches have been done beforehand to ensure that there are no weapons. If someone throws a shoe, a life isn't in danger. The SS came out immediately after the shoe was thrown.

I always have questioned why Bush wasn't whisked away from that classroom on 9/11 though. His location was public, and the confusion was so deep at that moment, that it seems hard to fathom why they wouldn't get him the fuck out of there immediately. There's no way to have known if his location was or wasn't an imminent target. The explanation of not wanting to scare the kids was ridiculous. The SS has one job, and that job doesn't include looking out for the emotional interests of school kids when the president's life may very well be in immediate and imminent danger.

I suppose so, but never know what the shoe might have in it.

What you say about Bush and 9/11 though I agree about.

Or the fact they allowed Bush to just sit there for what was it? 10 minutes? And only then he finally left. Though I do question also why he sat there for that long. He could of simply said excuse me, be right back or something along the lines of that.

But it's also things like this that made me go huh :confused::

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If RedDawn is correct and obamalama has never said he was a black man then he has a moral obligation to clear the record and back away from being dubbed the first African American President.

Hate to tell ya.....but he's already identified himself as a black man.

Been doing it all his life actually.......

And ya know why? Most people just want a simple 1 or 2 word answer that they can nod at and be on their way.

Most people are sheep.
Hate to tell ya.....but he's already identified himself as a black man.

Been doing it all his life actually.......

And ya know why? Most people just want a simple 1 or 2 word answer that they can nod at and be on their way.

Most people are sheep.

Don't tell me. Tell it to Red Dawn, He made the assertion.
Something interesting to notice about this inauguration........

Did anyone else notice that the first black/bi-racial/whatever ya wanna call him President is going to be swearing in on MLK day?

Now......if you don't believe in God, you'd have to still call that an amazing piece of synchronicity.

If you do believe in God, then you'd have to admire His timing for this.

Either way, it's still interesting.
Something interesting to notice about this inauguration........

Did anyone else notice that the first black/bi-racial/whatever ya wanna call him President is going to be swearing in on MLK day?

Now......if you don't believe in God, you'd have to still call that an amazing piece of synchronicity.

If you do believe in God, then you'd have to admire His timing for this.

Either way, it's still interesting.

Isn't today MLK day, not tomorrow?
No need for an argument.

You are being silly.

Keep trying though. I am sure Obama will make mistakes just like any president.

No need for an argument? then why the hell are you making one?

Are you just insane?
I proudly self identify as scottish-american, even though I'm in reality less than 50% pure scottish.

Does that piss you off?

No? Didn't think so.

Therefore, your newfound "concern" about how obama self identifies is just a manifestation of your post-election bitterness.

You seem to be the only one pissed off about anything here.

But why are you ashamed of your other heritages?
Why does Obama define himself as "black" or African American? Well....considering that the RNC made a big deal out of his skin color, as well as the media, he's trying to take the easiest identifier that most people are already familiar with.

/racist joke/ Besides.......the white part of Obama is probably in his drawers, and he's ashamed to be a 6 ft black man with a 3 inch penis. Thank goodness he can dance and play basketball, otherwise he'd be considered useless. /end racist joke/

Now....the reason that I put that little piece of trash above in this post, is because I've already heard some people murmuring it under their breaths.

Does writing a book make a person "smart"? Not really. There is a dude that has a commercial on tv. His name is Chris Prentiss, and he's the director/owner of Malibu Rehab Center. He's always hawking his book "The Alcoholism/Addiction Cure". He claims to be able to cure your drinking by reading his book.

Only trouble is, the success rate of his rehab is abysmal, so, is he "smart"? He wrote a book after all..........

Is Obama "smart"? Depends on your perspective. If you've never traveled outside of where you were born, and never went to college, well.....Obama would have more experience than you, and therefore be considered "smarter".

I think the best way to say it is thus.......

Obama's intelligence should be compared to the intelligence of presidents who have come before him, because after all, that is kind of an exclusive club that not many of us can compare ourselves to.

I do know that Obama is smarter than Bush Jr. however.

The RNC never made a big deal about his skin color. I dont know why this is so difficult to understand but Republicans dont give a damn about race. We judge people by what they do not what they look like.

Id like to see evidence that Obama is more intelligent than Bush. Because honestly, I just dont see it.
The RNC never made a big deal about his skin color. I dont know why this is so difficult to understand but Republicans dont give a damn about race. We judge people by what they do not what they look like.

Id like to see evidence that Obama is more intelligent than Bush. Because honestly, I just dont see it.

Really? RNC never made a big deal of it? Well....first they started talking about his looks, then shifted over to his name. Remember the cop that used his full name? It was all over the news when it happened.

As far as the IQ thing? Well....if you'd bothered to pay attention to the ads when you sign in, they've told you that Bush is 91.

Wonder what Obama is? If I was to guess, I'd probably say right around 130 or better.

Mine is 138.
Really? RNC never made a big deal of it? Well....first they started talking about his looks, then shifted over to his name. Remember the cop that used his full name? It was all over the news when it happened.

As far as the IQ thing? Well....if you'd bothered to pay attention to the ads when you sign in, they've told you that Bush is 91.

Wonder what Obama is? If I was to guess, I'd probably say right around 130 or better.

Mine is 138.

Meh, 'they' made fun of Bush's looks too calling him a chimp. Personally, I've always thought Bush looked more like an elf. As for Obama's middle name -- I'd be surprised if no one mentioned it at some time. Hussein??
Really? RNC never made a big deal of it? Well....first they started talking about his looks, then shifted over to his name. Remember the cop that used his full name? It was all over the news when it happened.

As far as the IQ thing? Well....if you'd bothered to pay attention to the ads when you sign in, they've told you that Bush is 91.

Wonder what Obama is? If I was to guess, I'd probably say right around 130 or better.

Mine is 138.

No. that was the left accusing the right of doing so. Name a Republican who made a deal over his race.

I dont see how his full name is something that was ever a big deal. Unfortunately, the left and the media have decided that saying his middle name is something offensive. Why should you be ashamed of it?

Bush's IQ isnt 91. He scored higher than John Kerry. Are you saying Senator Kerry was 80?

Do you believe everything you see?

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