I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

My, my, Marc... you are very emotional about this. I am not 'anti-media', I am pro accurate, unbiased journalism.

You don't even live here, fool. Are they covering this story in great depth in England?? Oh wait, I forgot. You never watch the news or read a paper. They all lie. You get your news by magic. How could I forget that.

I've never claimed that I 'don't watch the news', idiot. I said I don't watch many talking head shows.... the pundits.... commentators... until very recently I didn't even have access to Fox News, yet alone actually watch it. I do watch a variety of intelligent, well presented, news organisations, including the BBC, Sky News, and some EU stations. I also do read newspapers... usually from both perspectives... that gives me balance - both sides of the same story.

The difference between us, perhaps, is that I do not take everything I read at face value. I question what I read.... I don't assume the media are presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I find that generally to be the case... they have their own agenda... and I don't like other people's agendas.

I doubt this case is being covered by the BBC.
I'm going to pass on the jump to conclusions frenzy that seems to have taken over here. Once all the facts are in it could very well go either way. The only dog I have in this fight is that justice be served. But the idea that Zimmerman has no right to patrol his own neighborhood and ask strangers about what they're up to is preposterous. We all have that right folks. Just because many or most are too timid to exercise it doesn't change the fact that it's well within our rights to do so. It's also the right of the stranger to tell you to fuck off and it's none of your business. Of course if he was up to no good he knows somebody is watching, and that's a very powerful deterrent. It's essentially the same principle that Home Depot and Best Buy employ by having a greeter get in your face and say hi every time you walk through the door. Because studies show that you're much less likely to shoplift if someone acknowledges your presence. And likewise, a burglar casing the neighborhood is more likely to go find a new neighborhood if someone asks him what he's doing.
Home Depot doesn't shoot suspicious persons. Though I guess in Florida, they could justify killing shoplifters with this law.
Mani brings up a good point.

One thing we can all agree on is what Zimmerman did before he and Martin actually came into contact: Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin because he believed Martin to be suspicious, and there is nothing illegal about that. And, there is nothing illegal about being a creepy copper wannabe.

What happened after that, I hope the courts do a good job on fact-finding. The press is no longer equipped to do that.

Regardless, there should have been an investigation since the kid was unarmed. And because he was a kid.
Home Depot doesn't shoot suspicious persons. Though I guess in Florida, they could justify killing shoplifters with this law.
Mani brings up a good point.

One thing we can all agree on is what Zimmerman did before he and Martin actually came into contact: Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin because he believed Martin to be suspicious, and there is nothing illegal about that. And, there is nothing illegal about being a creepy copper wannabe.

What happened after that, I hope the courts do a good job on fact-finding. The press is no longer equipped to do that.

Regardless, there should have been an investigation since the kid was unarmed. And because he was a kid.
I think there is one going on.
Regardless, there should have been an investigation since the kid was unarmed. And because he was a kid.

And the next person that says the police shouldn't investigate the shooting of an unarmed teenager will be the first.

Ravi, the always intrepid slayer of strawmen! :lol:
Mani brings up a good point.

One thing we can all agree on is what Zimmerman did before he and Martin actually came into contact: Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin because he believed Martin to be suspicious, and there is nothing illegal about that. And, there is nothing illegal about being a creepy copper wannabe.

What happened after that, I hope the courts do a good job on fact-finding. The press is no longer equipped to do that.

Regardless, there should have been an investigation since the kid was unarmed. And because he was a kid.
I think there is one going on.
Yes, now there is due to the public outcry.
I think there is one going on.
Yes, now there is due to the public outcry.
Hmmm. I'm not aware that the don't investigate fatal shootings in Florida.

Very strange. Everywhere else they do.
sigh....THAT is what this law is about. You can't be prosecuted if you acted in self-defense. If the police believe you when you say you acted in self defense, they don't bring charges and there is no investigation. If the DA starts an investigation and find themselves backed up against this law, they drop the case.

I read today since this law was put into place, justifiable homicides have tripled. And the vast majority were against unarmed victims.
Yes, now there is due to the public outcry.
Hmmm. I'm not aware that the don't investigate fatal shootings in Florida.

Very strange. Everywhere else they do.
sigh....THAT is what this law is about. You can't be prosecuted if you acted in self-defense. If the police believe you when you say you acted in self defense, they don't bring charges and there is no investigation. If the DA starts an investigation and find themselves backed up against this law, they drop the case.

I read today since this law was put into place, justifiable homicides have tripled. And the vast majority were against unarmed victims.
So odd. It seems to me that ANY fatal shooting should be investigated regardless of what the shooter claims.

The Florida legislature really needs to revisit this law, and soon, IMO.
You can't "confront" someone if you're actively trying to get away from them.

When and if they catch up with you after pursuing you, you aren't "confronting" them when you stand your ground.

What we have here is a case of standing your ground, and a criminal then gunning down the lawful citizen who was rightfully standing their ground.

Zimmerman is toast...TOAST I said!

Only wanna-b "authority figures" confront individuals on suspicion..

The idiot was tying to play "neighborhood hero."

The guy obviously has some authoritarian psychological complex.....

I'll call it right now - I bet the guy's life dream was to be a police officer but was rejected...
Hmmm. I'm not aware that the don't investigate fatal shootings in Florida.

Very strange. Everywhere else they do.
sigh....THAT is what this law is about. You can't be prosecuted if you acted in self-defense. If the police believe you when you say you acted in self defense, they don't bring charges and there is no investigation. If the DA starts an investigation and find themselves backed up against this law, they drop the case.

I read today since this law was put into place, justifiable homicides have tripled. And the vast majority were against unarmed victims.
So odd. It seems to me that ANY fatal shooting should be investigated regardless of what the shooter claims.

The Florida legislature really needs to revisit this law, and soon, IMO.
Yes, I agree. But the authors contend it doesn't cover what Zimmerman did.

btw, here is the link to the tripling of justifiable homicides in Florida.

Deaths Nearly Triple Since “Stand Your Ground” Enacted « CBS Miami
sigh....THAT is what this law is about. You can't be prosecuted if you acted in self-defense. If the police believe you when you say you acted in self defense, they don't bring charges and there is no investigation. If the DA starts an investigation and find themselves backed up against this law, they drop the case.

Especially if the forensic and eyewitness evidence corroborate your self-defense.
Only wanna-b "authority figures" confront individuals on suspicion.


Anyone who cares about his family and neighborhood, and has a spine, confronts suspicious individuals.

Last summer I saw a guy in a pickup driving really slowly down the street. I didn't think too much of it at first. Then I saw him swinging by a second time and I payed closer attention. On his third pass I flagged him down and asked him if he was lost. He gave me some story about looking for scrap metal in people's yards. I didn't particularly believe him, but all I said was ok, just keeping an eye out, you have a nice day. He left and never came back. If that makes me a 'wanna-b' authority figure then so be it.

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