I don't believe in heaven

There is nothing left of the self when a person's body dies. .....

You suppose, because you think that YOUR self is nothing right now.
The mind is a product of the brain.

You cannot separate the two.

When the brain dies the mind dies. .
You suppose. If you were interested in growth, you would dedicate quite a bit of time trying to understand why you need to believe that so badly. It’s pretty obvious.


How is believing that my life is finite hampering my growth? If anything that knowledge makes me more aware of every moment I live and I take nothing for granted.

Why is it you need to believe that you are in some way eternal?
I understand that you’re frightened, and that’s natural.

There is nothing left of the self when a person's body dies. .....

You suppose, because you think that YOUR self is nothing right now.
The mind is a product of the brain.

You cannot separate the two.

When the brain dies the mind dies. .
You suppose. If you were interested in growth, you would dedicate quite a bit of time trying to understand why you need to believe that so badly. It’s pretty obvious.


How is believing that my life is finite hampering my growth? If anything that knowledge makes me more aware of every moment I live and I take nothing for granted.

Why is it you need to believe that you are in some way eternal?
I understand that you’re frightened, and that’s natural.
I'm not afraid of death.

Why do you need to believe that you are somehow eternal if not because you fear death?

Or maybe you can offer some proof that the self exists if the brain does not or that the concept of self in unchanged if the brain is altered by injury.

You know something useful to the discussion rather than your ham handed attempts at psychoanalysis.

There is nothing left of the self when a person's body dies. .....

You suppose, because you think that YOUR self is nothing right now.
The mind is a product of the brain.

You cannot separate the two.

When the brain dies the mind dies. .
You suppose. If you were interested in growth, you would dedicate quite a bit of time trying to understand why you need to believe that so badly. It’s pretty obvious.


How is believing that my life is finite hampering my growth? If anything that knowledge makes me more aware of every moment I live and I take nothing for granted.

Why is it you need to believe that you are in some way eternal?
I understand that you’re frightened, and that’s natural.
I'm not afraid of death.

Yes you are, but you’re more afraid of life.
Of course you can believe whatever you want.

My father told me that when I asked about religion. He then added, “However you will be way ahead of the game if you believe in the Christian God, Jesus, and he actually exists.”

My father was agnostic at best however he was raised Catholic and had a considerable knowledge of the Bible. He loved to argue with Jehovah’s witnesses.

My father never told me he was talking about Pascal’s Wager.

But if you read the bible it clearly states not all will be saved in the book of Matthew
Saved from what?
Read the bible you ignorant clown
can't answer the simple question - typical of decomposing mortals.
you quote matthew on a false translation and interpretation of eternal damnation, but deny matthew about reincarnation.
then you have dingdong laughing with you.
who is the idiot ass-clown, whore-child now?
My ass, Jesus clearly said in Matthew not all will go to heaven
not in their current incarnation - like you, they'll die, be reincarnated, and have another go at it.
You suppose, because you think that YOUR self is nothing right now.
No, he "supposes" because it is self evidently true and rational. Nobody whose mind is not addled by magical hoo-ha would come to any other conclusion.
When you die, where does that energy go?
It's still there in your dead cells. Then it dissipates via heat, decomposition, etc. There is nothing magical about human bodies. they are physical systems that follow all the same laws of physics as any other physical system.
If energy can't die, then it can't dissipate and decomposition. They are just two different words that are the same as vanish/go away, essentially.
It's fun to watch children play with faith and philosophy they are not educated, experienced, or particularly equipped to understand. They think ego and insistence covers their fear and ignorance.
It's fun to watch children play with faith and philosophy they are not educated, experienced, or particularly equipped to understand. They think ego and insistence covers their fear and ignorance.
Its also funny to watch religious folks pretend their childish, faith based beliefs are complicated.
When you die, where does that energy go?
It's still there in your dead cells. Then it dissipates via heat, decomposition, etc. There is nothing magical about human bodies. they are physical systems that follow all the same laws of physics as any other physical system.
as usual, so wrong - physiology is a metaphysical astrological substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
usual, so wrong - physiology is a metaphysical astrological substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
Useless, meaningless drivel. No useful predictions, makes no difference if it is correct or wrong. Useless and meaningless.
usual, so wrong - physiology is a metaphysical astrological substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
Useless, meaningless drivel. No useful predictions, makes no difference if it is correct or wrong. Useless and meaningless.
Useless, meaningless drivel. No useful predictions, makes no difference if it is correct or wrong. Useless and meaningless.
then tell all, holy oak - from where does physiology originate, appear ... and surly, its functionality. and do include flora.
I think there's got to be something when we die.

The notion of heaven and hell is probably well wide of the mark in the sense we all stereotype it but think about this ;

You body is full of energy. It's literally made up of energy. It's not a cliche or a figure of speech it's a medical/biological fact.

When you die, where does that energy go? it's the same energy that makes up your mindset, thought process and conscious. It's got to go somewhere - where does it go? remember that energy cannot be destroyed.
It is all spirit. Spirit as we don't know here in description. More than a dream, perhaps not. All of this bullsit called life didn't happen by accident. No way. There is something. Might be near nothing. I can't see going through all the bullshit of life to end up with nuttin for the grueling effort.
Who knows? no-one knows I suppose.

That's why these shouty atheists always make me laugh. They're so sure they know all the answers but they don't know shit, yet sound so convinced of something they don't know/can't prove - I'm not talking about the topic creator with her OP when I say that, I just mean in general.

Hey dumbass. All atheist say they don’t know. Are you stupid as a big duck or just lie like a crooked snake? Atheist don’t know at all. Christians don’t know at all. Christians lie like hell and say they know every thing for a fact. Atheist say nobody has ever proved a goddamn thing to them in any way shape or form. Please consider refraining from lying like a disgusting filthy sack of shit that deserves to be beat into a bloody pulp. Atheist yell and scream, cuss and spit because vile filth is constantly spoken with authority. Nobody knows a goddamn thing. Admitting it is 99.999999998999999999999999% of the battle. Geez. Atheist don’t know dick. Christians don’t know dick. Every human that has ever lived is in the exact same boat. We are all agnostics. Theism and atheism are opinions. Every human that was ever born or ever will be born is an agnostic by definition. Of course you know all of this. Dishonesty is just a speciality that you enjoy oh so much for some fucking reason. I don’t get it. It pissed me off.
Just my two cents but I have experienced an NDE in my waking hours and know for sure there is life beyond this mortal experience. Others have experienced NDEs as well. Take it to heart, there is life beyond mortality.
I believe in heaven but it's a struggle to do what is required to get there. Catholicism teaches we will all spend time in purgatory first, and that's a bummer because Earth is bad enough.
No, they don't teach everybody makes a stop in purgatory...

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