Zone1 I Can Smoke a Menthol Cigarette


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
The Las Vegas Metro Police Department when they started lying about that mass shooting a couple years ago it worked out so good they realized to keep it up to support their anti Second Amendment agenda. ‘Good Guy With Gun’ Swept Under Rug by Las Vegas Police
Even after social media and the Daily Signal ran the story of the hero who stopped the shooter, but Vegas cops still wouldn't supply any info on good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun before he got started. Still they say it will take a request of a Freedom of Information Act before they give any info on good guy with gun. That isn't in their policy. But we are to believe one man shooting down hill 450 yards took out a battalion of concert goers with so called bump stock rifles. None with the sense to duck or find cover.
Now let's go to New Mexico where it's governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham thinks she is above the law and plans on passing an unconstitutional law banning public carry. Against what every one of her advisors told her was unconstitutional this tyrant bitch will pass it any way. USSC will find it unconstitutional but what about the Gov tyrant that robbed the people of New Mexico? Will she be punished? Yea right! If the people of New Mexico don't recall this unAmerican they might as well be from California that allows their smilin tyrant pass any law they can come up with and the last thing these clowns will do is worry if it's constitutional. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Just ask the people from California, or New Mexico, or DC. Never mind.
NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Anti-Gun House Bill 44 to Receive Public Hearing on Saturday, February 7
Kalifornia, New Mexico, New York and all the rest that ignore the constitution should be dumped in the middle of North Korea. I'm sure those Leftist would have a lot in common with that murdering butcher. California had the chance to dump Newsome but allowed him to keep being a gutless tyrant and they deserve anything that ass clown dishes out including a gang rape by a large group of well hung homosexuals. The state is nothing to do with the United States and most states don't want nothing to do with California that is over due to sink below the waves and I will finally get the beach front property I so much deserve. You see the state I was raised in was California before the dawn of the Shit Hole. It's what happens when you let drugged out Hippies grow up to run your government, your life, But hay it's a Shit Hole.
As far as my state you can still go out for an all nighter with a 4 x 4 and a bunch of guns. It's the ammunition that's hard to keep up with. The days of 1440 rounds on stripper clips for 75 bills and free elections are long gone. Our new Gov. a 10 point under dog, who would not debate or even talk on any issue, her only ad said her republican counterpart was Satan. To make a long story short Biden owed her a favor giving her the same kind of win as he was given by her. By illegal means, in the dead of night . One dirty hand washes the other. Hobbs is one of those stupid Leftist too. Follows the way of the Shit Hole and drags everyone with her. She is only fooling herself and probably Joe. Arizona is one of the most pro Second Amendment states in the Union but this Leftist maggit is vetoing every thing our Houses pass having to do with our and others' freedoms. Leftist, ya can't live with em and ya can't kill em yet.
The OP leaves nothing clean to debate ... just venting and shutting down any response ... conservatives hate local control, we get that ...

Article 1, Section 11 of the Nevada State Constitution:
"Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes."

They should be teaching gun safety in their high schools ... at least teach the girls, for self-defense, in their purse ...
The Las Vegas Metro Police Department when they started lying about that mass shooting a couple years ago it worked out so good they realized to keep it up to support their anti Second Amendment agenda. ‘Good Guy With Gun’ Swept Under Rug by Las Vegas Police
Even after social media and the Daily Signal ran the story of the hero who stopped the shooter, but Vegas cops still wouldn't supply any info on good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun before he got started. Still they say it will take a request of a Freedom of Information Act before they give any info on good guy with gun. That isn't in their policy. But we are to believe one man shooting down hill 450 yards took out a battalion of concert goers with so called bump stock rifles. None with the sense to duck or find cover.
Now let's go to New Mexico where it's governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham thinks she is above the law and plans on passing an unconstitutional law banning public carry. Against what every one of her advisors told her was unconstitutional this tyrant bitch will pass it any way. USSC will find it unconstitutional but what about the Gov tyrant that robbed the people of New Mexico? Will she be punished? Yea right! If the people of New Mexico don't recall this unAmerican they might as well be from California that allows their smilin tyrant pass any law they can come up with and the last thing these clowns will do is worry if it's constitutional. If you don't know your rights then you have none. Just ask the people from California, or New Mexico, or DC. Never mind.
NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Anti-Gun House Bill 44 to Receive Public Hearing on Saturday, February 7
Kalifornia, New Mexico, New York and all the rest that ignore the constitution should be dumped in the middle of North Korea. I'm sure those Leftist would have a lot in common with that murdering butcher. California had the chance to dump Newsome but allowed him to keep being a gutless tyrant and they deserve anything that ass clown dishes out including a gang rape by a large group of well hung homosexuals. The state is nothing to do with the United States and most states don't want nothing to do with California that is over due to sink below the waves and I will finally get the beach front property I so much deserve. You see the state I was raised in was California before the dawn of the Shit Hole. It's what happens when you let drugged out Hippies grow up to run your government, your life, But hay it's a Shit Hole.
As far as my state you can still go out for an all nighter with a 4 x 4 and a bunch of guns. It's the ammunition that's hard to keep up with. The days of 1440 rounds on stripper clips for 75 bills and free elections are long gone. Our new Gov. a 10 point under dog, who would not debate or even talk on any issue, her only ad said her republican counterpart was Satan. To make a long story short Biden owed her a favor giving her the same kind of win as he was given by her. By illegal means, in the dead of night . One dirty hand washes the other. Hobbs is one of those stupid Leftist too. Follows the way of the Shit Hole and drags everyone with her. She is only fooling herself and probably Joe. Arizona is one of the most pro Second Amendment states in the Union but this Leftist maggit is vetoing every thing our Houses pass having to do with our and others' freedoms. Leftist, ya can't live with em and ya can't kill em yet.
Yeah, I’m not reading through this mess, learn writing skills and get back to us.
The OP leaves nothing clean to debate ... just venting and shutting down any response ... conservatives hate local control, we get that ...

Article 1, Section 11 of the Nevada State Constitution:
"Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes."

They should be teaching gun safety in their high schools ... at least teach the girls, for self-defense, in their purse ...
It was taught in our jr.high schools by the NRA. A course in gun safety that lasted 2 or 3 nights after school. Once passed most boys got their first .22. But now the NRA has been pulled from the schools by ones with no sense and we all learn to shoot from TV, as many rounds, as fast as you can in all directions, hitting only the innocent. And we always need more gun free zones where even a stupid crazed wack job can gain a large body count.
It seems only you had a problem understanding. You a citizen of California?

I don't know about him but your writing skills are abysmal. It's just a wall of text with terrible punctuation and paragraphing is non existent.

It also seems to be mostly rambling and ranting vs actually making a coherent point.

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