I can no longer look at Bachmann as an honest person

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
At last nights debate she made near criminal accusations against Perry about bribes and left out the fact that parents had the right to opt out of his mandate which she claimed was forced.

Bachmann "Im offended for all the little girls and parents that didnt have a choice"

^^^^^^ That is a flat out lie and she knows it! We dont need another potus that will say anything to get what they want.

Bachmann now has 0 credibility in my book. She may have some good ideas and I can only hope others adopt them. Simply saying I will get rid of Obamacare isnt sufficient.

She is a LIAR. She is done.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIC_vc8YOj4&feature=player_detailpage]Michele Bachmann Slams Rick Perry On Gardasil During CNN/Tea Party Debate - YouTube[/ame]



“Finally, parents need to know that they have the final decision about whether or not their daughter is vaccinated. I am a strong believer in protecting parental rights, which is why this executive order allows them to opt out.”
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Sir, why don't you find me a politician who is NOT a liar, and we can compare the two.

A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.
We are not Bauchman supporters here. Hubby thinks she looks like a deer in headlights so she will not get my vote but all politicians are liars
We had this discussion last year when he did it. It was mandatory. You get the inoculations or no school.

And there has been a stink brewing over the whole thing since. It is a series of inoculations, they make the girls very sick and it provided Merk with a ton of money.

I am conflicted on this, as I think it was a good idea. But the connections between Perry and Merk stink, it was imposed by Perry rather than the legislature and the side effects are horrible and the cost to the parents, as Merk has a patent on this, is outrageous.

I am glad Bachman is raising this question now, as all the libs on the board will be raising this question later if he is the nominee. Even though I think it is a good idea, the way it was worked still stinks.
Sir, why don't you find me a politician who is NOT a liar, and we can compare the two.

A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.

ok show its a lie...make your case..

You do realize that you are defending Bachmann right?
Sir, why don't you find me a politician who is NOT a liar, and we can compare the two.

A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.

ok show its a lie...make your case..

He willfully missed the point just to take a shot at me. They are all liars. Everybody in politics. Why throw her away, when every person on the stage with her is EXACTLY the same.
Swine flue shots make people sick but the Obama adm pushed them down our throats.

Bachmann blasted to folks after the debate an unsubstiated claim that a little girl became retarded from the vaccines in Texas.

She admitted on Hannity this afternoon she didn't double-check on the claim before she used it in front of a crowd.

She lost my trust with that.
At last nights debate she made near criminal accusations against Perry about bribes and left out the fact that parents had the right to opt out of his mandate which she claimed was forced.

Bachmann "Im offended for all the little girls and parents that didnt have a choice"

^^^^^^ That is a flat out lie and she knows it! We dont need another potus that will say anything to get what they want.

Bachmann now has 0 credibility in my book. She may have some good ideas and I can only hope others adopt them. Simply saying I will get rid of Obamacare isnt sufficient.

She is a LIAR. She is done.

Michele Bachmann Slams Rick Perry On Gardasil During CNN/Tea Party Debate - YouTube

Soooooooooooo.... Up until now you viewed her as an honest person?

This is what tipped the scale for you?
A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.

ok show its a lie...make your case..

You do realize that you are defending Bachmann right?

I don't think of it as a defense of Bachman. It is a legitimate question we all need to ask about the man. (For some psychic reason I don't like her. My bad I am sure) Perry and Merk are just too cozy together, and the process by which he did it raise a ton of questions which we either get answers for now, or the libs will provide answers come October.
A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.

ok show its a lie...make your case..

You do realize that you are defending Bachmann right?

I put that idiot on ignore yesterday. Had you not quoted him I might have missed yet another chance to shove his nose in shit.

Office of the Governor Rick Perry - [Press Release] Statement of Gov. Rick Perry on HPV Vaccine Executive Order


“Finally, parents need to know that they have the final decision about whether or not their daughter is vaccinated. I am a strong believer in protecting parental rights, which is why this executive order allows them to opt out.”
What was the opt out process like? You can opt out of any inoculation that is mandatory for school but the process is usually onerous.
We had this discussion last year when he did it. It was mandatory. You get the inoculations or no school.

And there has been a stink brewing over the whole thing since. It is a series of inoculations, they make the girls very sick and it provided Merk with a ton of money.

I am conflicted on this, as I think it was a good idea. But the connections between Perry and Merk stink, it was imposed by Perry rather than the legislature and the side effects are horrible and the cost to the parents, as Merk has a patent on this, is outrageous.

I am glad Bachman is raising this question now, as all the libs on the board will be raising this question later if he is the nominee. Even though I think it is a good idea, the way it was worked still stinks.

They didn't allow any type of religious or medical exemptions?
What was the opt out process like? You can opt out of any inoculation that is mandatory for school but the process is usually onerous.

Cant speak to that. I dont live in Texas with daughters

Yeah, and it would be impossible to look it up :cuckoo:

The opt out was for religious and/or philosophical reasons. Parents needed to complete forms and provide supporting paperwork in order to qualify. They also had to re-do it all every year, and certain private school wouldn't accept the opt out, and virtually all Catholic schools didn't accept it either.

It's pretty much the same as the Obamacare mandate. Yet when Perry did it, it was about "choice".
What was the opt out process like? You can opt out of any inoculation that is mandatory for school but the process is usually onerous.

Cant speak to that. I dont live in Texas with daughters

Yeah, and it would be impossible to look it up :cuckoo:

The opt out was for religious and/or philosophical reasons. Parents needed to complete forms and provide supporting paperwork in order to qualify. They also had to re-do it all every year, and certain private school wouldn't accept the opt out, and virtually all Catholic schools didn't accept it either.

It's pretty much the same as the Obamacare mandate. Yet when Perry did it, it was about "choice".


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