I can get behind a lot of trumps agenda

Trump is just what America needed, he refuses to put on the fake statesman costume like politicians do and pretend to be someone he's not. Do you people think politicians are any different than trump behind closed doors? Come on get real. Would you rather have a politician faking it?
Yes, the thing is with politicians is that they are predictable. Predictability means less chance of mistakes. Less mistakes means more stability. More stability means a safer nation. For instance at the moment he's in a twitter war with NBC who report that Tillerson made his moron comment because Trump has the moronic idea to increase tenfold the US nuclear arsenal. If it's true which it more then likely is, then it shows a staggering lack of knowledge concerning a weapon system that can literally destroy humanity. If not true then a strong denial and just moving on is the traditional and the best option. Regardless, things like this carry the real risk of a new arms race with all the consequences this may entail. And it all starts with the president of the United States being not a fake statesman, actually not a statesman at all.
Politicians gave you nuclear arms reductions, politicians gave you the longest period in history without full scale war between major nations, politicians postponed nuclear proliferation. Politics is not perfect, but it is preferable to running a state by the seat of your pants, trying to substitute knowledge by a massive ego and the hope your instincts are right.
Politics is the what greases the machinery of government by making it responsive to human needs. We may hate politicians but they provide a valuable service. This may contradict what what you think of politics, and it often causes people to stop and say, Why? Politics isn’t just smoke-filled rooms and corruption, but the means to make communities, states and the nation a better place.

Good politicians are basically honest but they have to make deals, that often goes against everything they stand for. To get the damn built in their state they have agree to a tax increase they don't think is needed. To pass the healthcare bill that will save millions of lives, they have to support an immigration reform bill that goes against everything they believe. This is why mothers caution their children, be a doctor, lawyer, banker, or journeyman but for God's sake, don't be a politician.

If more people understood just how important the job is, just maybe we would get better people willing to serve.
It's the basic misconception that both sides have about what an election win means. Most believe winning the election means they can get everything done that they want, while in reality it means that winning means that you can decide what issue is going to be talked about.
Trump continually sabotages his own agenda by creating unrelated crisis mostly out of his own ego. He is like a five year old who can't maintain attention for more than a few minutes

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