Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

God is not forever mocked, however.


Yet God never uttered a single word kjw, anything He had to offer humanity came through Jesus, and anything Jesus said was filtered through two millennia of socio-political reediting

The 'ones who obey' thus become no more than that which the 'ones seeking control' wish to impart themselves upon

A grand example would be the NT / OT divide, time after time we read one scripture the other doctrine has a complete about face on

You going to tell us an all loving, all knowing God who existed before time itself decided to change His stance on all of His creation ?

God inspired1540( give or take) pages called the bible= his communication to man.
Yes a new covenant was brought by Jesus= Love, not written law. God saw man could not live up to written law very well. Thus in Love its written on ones heart.
Yet God never uttered a single word kjw, anything He had to offer humanity came through Jesus, and anything Jesus said was filtered through two millennia of socio-political reediting

The 'ones who obey' thus become no more than that which the 'ones seeking control' wish to impart themselves upon

A grand example would be the NT / OT divide, time after time we read one scripture the other doctrine has a complete about face on

You going to tell us an all loving, all knowing God who existed before time itself decided to change His stance on all of His creation ?


You are too cynical. Jesus is not powerful enough to protect His Word?

That is what you are saying.

Do you think Jesus did not know what is in man (as the Word puts it)?

He knows man better than anyone

you do know you're talking to a catholic that's ben run through all the 'education' the hierarchy has to offer as far back as when LBJ was in office, as well as having a huge family of followers advocating it.....

So , my angelically enlightened one , being you're THAT up on the issue, TELL US WHAT WE"VE MISSED!

Anyone who has been in the modern Church has missed a LOT

I'd be here all day if I were to elaborate and probably 3 days more

But if one keeps his eyes on Jesus, which means attending at least Sunday Mass, preferably daily Mass

one will find Jesus, meaning he will find ANSWERS

about his number One concern: himself (his eternal destiny)
Again, a Catholic pushing this. The Mormons say the same about their church, as do the JWs. None of you understand "the Church"
No, you misunderstood rather badly what he was aiming at. You make him say that he knows which is the Church. But he only claims that there is such a thing. Your laziness is no excuse to put words in his mouth.
Again, a Catholic pushing this. The Mormons say the same about their church, as do the JWs. None of you understand "the Church"

No other "church" (so called) claims to go back to the first century and beyond like the Catholic Church does. If one of them does, anyone who knows a modicum of history would laugh in their faces. But the Catholic Church is the rightful continuation of the Jewish faith, minus all the animal sacrifices and etc...
God is not punishing the United States. Nations have a life cycle. We have reached the end of ours. This was predicted by Ben Franklin in his speech urging adoption of the Constitution.

In part
I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

we have become that corrupted.
Damn that Establishment Clause ... yeah, them Wars of Religion that swept back and forth across Europe at the time were sickening ... Christian murdering Christian over money ... sickening I say ...

We don't have that here in the United States ... isn't that a blessing? ... or do you want to go back to the bloodshed? ...
The one that told the Government what they could and couldn't do, when it came to religion and not vice versa like you think!
The one that told the Government what they could and couldn't do, when it came to religion and not vice versa like you think!

Government was Church ... to this day, Charles III is Head-of-State and Head-of-Church de jure ... meaning "in name only" ... actual power lies elsewhere ...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." ... no State Church in the United States ...

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