I argued against the impeachment of Biden....UNTIL NOW

Why Biden's Iran policy supports massive nuclear alliance of Iran with Russia and Russia invading the Ukraine. It's complicated, but Biden is making alliances with people who will definitely create a nuclear world war. Biden needs to get out of the White House, retire, and his wrongful acts against America are rescinded by whoever succeeds this scarey experimentations Biden has erred in executing. Giving the terroristic, America-hating Iran weaponized grade uranium horrifies those who think Biden's business with the Russians puts American citizens in harm's way. The Constitution says to provide for the common defense, not for the common offense of American haters and who have threatened us over and over and over in the last 25 years, maybe longer. The President's oath of office is severely broken. Biden has failed to uphold his obligations in his oath of office.

Title 42 still stays, it was enacted in 1944.

Whats happening now is restoring the pre-pandemic procedure. During the pandemic, the Trump admin immediately expelled asylum seekers without due process of law, which is a human rights volation. With the pandemic basically over, due process of law should be restored, to keep standards of civil liberties and human rights. The only people getting their panties in a buch about this are the bigots and racists. Title 42 is still there, just with due process of law restored, so chill out.
How dare you ignore the Constitution of the United States requirements and the Oath of Office that has been all but destroyed by the Marxists in the Democrat Deep State. It's time for Joe Biden to go.
We don't need to be playing tit for tat with the left. Aka do as they did to Trump for no reason.

Having said that it has become increasingly clear that Biden is "NOT BIDEN"
The powers that be need to invoke the 25th amendment to protect us but they are failing to do their duty. I suppose having a puppet fall guy (BIDEN) to take all the blame for your anti American progressive policies you inact is better than strengthening our nation.
Biden is not just sitting idly by as the progressives destroy our nation, he is actively helping them because he doesn't know any better. The man shakes hands with ghosts and talks to flags for fucks sake.

At this point we must take our chances with Kamala. Joe Must Go

Chant that shit all summer!

So you believe Hunter did not play on his last name and that Biden isn’t the “big guy” and you believe Bobulinski lied, even though he said he would testify in front of Congress. Correct?

Bobulinski provided no evidence of this. He can say anything he wants but his saying does not make it so. Giuliani gave the e-mails to Fox and the Wall Street Journal. Neither of them found any link between Joe Biden and Bobulinski. Biden has released his tax returns so we know where his money comes from.
I am not acquainted with Title 42, so how could I be projecting it? Your rebuttal makes no sense to me.

This nation has a problem. We need to fix it.
its explained here

Levin wants to impeach Biden because BIden is considering restoring due process to the deportations occuring under TItle 42. Trump was expelling refugees without due process, and it still continues to this day.
Bobulinski provided no evidence of this. He can say anything he wants but his saying does not make it so. Giuliani gave the e-mails to Fox and the Wall Street Journal. Neither of them found any link between Joe Biden and Bobulinski. Biden has released his tax returns so we know where his money comes from.
You didn’t answer me
its explained here

Levin wants to impeach Biden because BIden is considering restoring due process to the deportations occuring under TItle 42. Trump was expelling refugees without due process, and it still continues to this day.
Thank you for the link explaining Title 42, Mr. Muck. There is a difference between a "refugee" and a "freeloader," and using "refugee" on a foreign family who sends their children into a different country as an anchor to their bringing 60 more "relatives" into the country falls more into the category of "freeloader." At least, that's what I think. And invading freeloaders are causing the American people who are raising children to be taxed to death because it brings good votes to the undeserved people who promise one thing and deliver another should definitely be avoided. It's common sense. Some extremely enthusiastic people have such wide open minds their brains could fall out, and oh, how sad that would be. <giggle>

Again, thank you for the link.
We don't need to be playing tit for tat with the left. Aka do as they did to Trump for no reason.

Having said that it has become increasingly clear that Biden is "NOT BIDEN"
The powers that be need to invoke the 25th amendment to protect us but they are failing to do their duty. I suppose having a puppet fall guy (BIDEN) to take all the blame for your anti American progressive policies you inact is better than strengthening our nation.
Biden is not just sitting idly by as the progressives destroy our nation, he is actively helping them because he doesn't know any better. The man shakes hands with ghosts and talks to flags for fucks sake.

At this point we must take our chances with Kamala. Joe Must Go

Chant that shit all summer!

Total false equivalency, trump was impeached a record two times because he proved to be a traitor, in addition to being incompetent and a seditious criminal. President Biden who is a godsend has done a tremendous job, and now America is again respected all over the world while truppetters continue supporting the guy that promotes communist tyrants like putin and kim jong-un...

Total false equivalency, trump was impeached a record two times because he proved to be a traitor, in addition to being incompetent and a seditious criminal. President Biden who is a godsend has done a tremendous job, and now America is again respected all over the world while truppetters continue supporting the guy that promotes communist tyrants like putin and kim jong-un...
The Mueller investigation found that Trump did not collude with Russia nor did his staff. The impeachment was based on a document that was created by Hillary Clinton's war room, and it was a false flag from start to finish. The truth further found that Hillary Clinton had contacted Putin who donated $375,000,000. to the Clinton Foundation after the Secretary of State put in the good word to President Obama, and the prize for Russia was 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands that was in the Alaska purchase and belonged to the State of Alaska. Oh, and did you know that the Secretary of State made NO EFFORT TO INFORM THE STATE OF ALASKA THEY WERE GIVING AWAY OIL-RICH STATE PROPERTY TO ANOTHER COUNTRY.
Those several dealings from the Obama administration were impeachable offenses. Trump's innocence was pretty thoroughly investigated and the findings were that he was innocent of charges against him, the knowledge of which was not shared with the leftist lockstep Press who were well-paid to destroy Trump's reputation, which failed because none of the contents of the "Steele dossier" hadn't one iota of truth, it was lies, all lies, from start to finish, and some of the lies were salacious.
Do you know what the definition of a traitor is? (1) lying to a Grand Jury (2) Omission of information requested by a grand jury for the purpose of escaping responsibility to tell the truth and answer questions in a truthful way with no omissions whatever of germane materials. This is particularly important in the case where skulduggery was the basis for the impeachment of an innocent man, the basis for all lies told about Trump, and using lies to make people in the offending party suffer humiliation in the most unfair way imagined.

"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family" --from the definition of treason at the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

That's also inclusive of the lies that contradict video evidence that Jan. 6 was an attempt to overthrow the government.

Did you know that when the Steele Dossier was passed off as a bona-fide document but turned out to be an article of Hillary's imaginative calumny against her rival for President Donald Trump, was handled in a treasonous manner by Democrats who practice omeurta, no exceptions.
Cackles is the perfect example of why we have the 25th amendment. She’d be history within three months.
Right, and that is a TERRIFYING prospect to me. It opens up lots of Machiavellian options for the swamp dwellers. She knows she's out of her depth and she has no core values so Soros or some other billionaire could make her an offer she couldn't refuse and she'd cheerfully step aside for her VP.

THAT is where things would get "interesting". Imagine she names Newsome and Mitch gives his blessing by voting to approve and make him official. A few months later she has some kind of crisis and decides to resign. Voila' Newsome gets to sit in the big chair without campaigning at all. The only saving grace is that the Left is so determined to fundamentally change America that our immigration and economic misery cannot be turned around before '24. It isn't possible.

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