I am Woman!

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Stop misgendering me

Girl power!

So..............was screaming "I am a Woman" supposed to be a get out of jail free card?
Oh, yeah.............a modern day Samson and Delilah.
That is more the desire of a woman, to have a man's hair cut, his eyes put out, and have him put in prison, rather than physically overpowering him, if that were possible in some cases.
Din't that meathead on the top left earn a purple dildo or something ?
There's something funny about that. It's an overwhelming lust to put a targeted individual in prison, that overrides the most powerful passions that any human feels in most circumstances.

These are the false criminal charges straight out of Democrat City Hall, which disproportionately affect black men — from the very same Democratic Party which proposes "affirmative action" for employment in regard to race, sex, and age.

So the Democrats, the same old party of slavers since the Civil War, is offering employment to blacks on an affirmative action basis subject to the constant and disproportionate threat of false or arbitrary criminal charges. There's just no way to sort out all the lies from City Hall.
How long until certain people do not want to be identified as people/humans?
That was the desire of Delilah with respect to Samson in Biblical times. Certain women who feel wronged by some men are consumed by an inordinate lust and overpowering sense of entitlement to torture, main, imprison, and kill other men.

This is why romance-novel rapists and muscle-bound bullies get away with their abusive and forcible sexual indiscretions, while other guys who are more the geeks and nerds, have to take the fall for the college campus rape charges and the corporate/government sexual harassment lawsuits.

That hot attractive Adonis, lusted after by such women, needs a "whipping boy" like a prince of medieval Europe, to placate the women's desire for vengeance and punishment.

All too often, a woman cannot believe that the object of her love affection is the guy who abused her, so some other guy inevitably has to take the fall and go to prison for her.

Are men in prison jealous of free men?

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