“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Good piece from the Great Allen West::thup:

Three Types of People
Allen West | Oct 07, 2015


During the period of 1936-1939 the great Western Powers were still reeling from the “war to end all wars,” World War I. They sought to avoid and evade any semblance of confrontation and escalation of violence. They truly believed that they could engage despots and dictators with the incessant rhetoric of peace. They were the sheep of the day. See, sheep only want one simple thing – to be herded to green pastures and provided safe passage in doing so. They do not want to engage trouble, and will huddle together closer when danger confronts them.

it is as Alexander the Great stated, “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by asheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Isaiah Chapter Six, Verse Eight asks a very simple question, New International Version (NIV), “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” That was Isaiah’s response, but who will answer, “Send Me” -- who will be the sheepdog? Who will be the Lion?

Just as Churchill stood up, so did Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last week before the UN General Assembly. In a time of sheep and wolves, we saw the Lion of Judah.

Sheep find comfort in the incessant noise of empty rhetoric. Wolves make their howl to instill fear. But sheepdogs stand firm issuing their bark of confidence – and lions roar in defiance, strength, and victory.


Three Types of People
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

So are social liberals- atheist- etc.... !
Apparently Allen West doesn't pay attention to what goes on in the world or reading much about history.
Apparently Allen West doesn't pay attention to what goes on in the world or reading much about history.

He's brillant and an expert in miltary history boy:slap:

The causes of war, and how wars are fought are two entirely different things.

All wars are caused because of banking and resources. Not because populations want to or refuse to fight. What tripe.

The Allies and their puppet masters had blood on their hands before WWII, just as the US and her allies have blood on their hands now. If there is to be a war, the elites that run things will have them. Apparently, this Allen West is one of their propagandists that helps drag the people along. :bs1:


If you want the history this guy isn't telling you, go to page 16.
Apparently Allen West doesn't pay attention to what goes on in the world or reading much about history.

He's brillant and an expert in miltary history boy:slap:

The causes of war, and how wars are fought are two entirely different things.

All wars are caused because of banking and resources. Not because populations want to or refuse to fight. What tripe.

The Allies and their puppet masters had blood on their hands before WWII, just as the US and her allies have blood on their hands now. If there is to be a war, the elites that run things will have them. Apparently, this Allen West is one of their propagandists that helps drag the people along. :bs1:


If you want the history this guy isn't telling you, go to page 16.
The conspiracy theorist of the board...it's the bankers:uhoh3:
He's brillant and an expert in miltary history boy

which is why the Army threw him out, after he abused a prisoner who hadn't done anything.

Who you calling uncle Tom, white boy? Allen West is a real solder. Not some fake as, hashish smoking, do nothing like you.

Yes, but you see, I didn't get thrown out after torturing a prisoner like he did.

CNN.com - U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics - Dec. 13, 2003

TIKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- The commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division on Friday accepted a U.S. military investigator's recommendation and ordered administrative action against Lt. Col. Allen West, who was accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee.

Following a military hearing, West was fined $5,000 over two months, according to West's civillian attorney, Neal Puckett.

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.

In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.

But while West's supporters call him a hero, military prosecutors said his actions amounted to torture and violated articles 128 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Prosecutor Capt. Magdalena Pezytulska said West should be tried for assault and for communicating a threat. "This is a case about a man who lost his temper," she argued. "There are consequences for [West's] actions."
Good piece from the Great Allen West::thup:

Three Types of People
Allen West | Oct 07, 2015


During the period of 1936-1939 the great Western Powers were still reeling from the “war to end all wars,” World War I. They sought to avoid and evade any semblance of confrontation and escalation of violence. They truly believed that they could engage despots and dictators with the incessant rhetoric of peace. They were the sheep of the day. See, sheep only want one simple thing – to be herded to green pastures and provided safe passage in doing so. They do not want to engage trouble, and will huddle together closer when danger confronts them.

it is as Alexander the Great stated, “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by asheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Isaiah Chapter Six, Verse Eight asks a very simple question, New International Version (NIV), “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” That was Isaiah’s response, but who will answer, “Send Me” -- who will be the sheepdog? Who will be the Lion?

Just as Churchill stood up, so did Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last week before the UN General Assembly. In a time of sheep and wolves, we saw the Lion of Judah.

Sheep find comfort in the incessant noise of empty rhetoric. Wolves make their howl to instill fear. But sheepdogs stand firm issuing their bark of confidence – and lions roar in defiance, strength, and victory.


Three Types of People

You know JROC I'm getting tired of your incessant "war's swell and I'm a badass." If you're such a badass and war's so groovy why aren't you off somewhere fighting? You're like a coward politician leading from the rear. Ushering others foward to do the fight and dying while you talk shit from a position of safety.
Apparently Allen West doesn't pay attention to what goes on in the world or reading much about history.

He's brillant and an expert in miltary history boy:slap:

The causes of war, and how wars are fought are two entirely different things.

All wars are caused because of banking and resources. Not because populations want to or refuse to fight. What tripe.

The Allies and their puppet masters had blood on their hands before WWII, just as the US and her allies have blood on their hands now. If there is to be a war, the elites that run things will have them. Apparently, this Allen West is one of their propagandists that helps drag the people along. :bs1:


If you want the history this guy isn't telling you, go to page 16.
The conspiracy theorist of the board...it's the bankers:uhoh3:
Ah yes, when you got nothing, resort to Ad hominem.


Good piece from the Great Allen West::thup:

Three Types of People
Allen West | Oct 07, 2015


During the period of 1936-1939 the great Western Powers were still reeling from the “war to end all wars,” World War I. They sought to avoid and evade any semblance of confrontation and escalation of violence. They truly believed that they could engage despots and dictators with the incessant rhetoric of peace. They were the sheep of the day. See, sheep only want one simple thing – to be herded to green pastures and provided safe passage in doing so. They do not want to engage trouble, and will huddle together closer when danger confronts them.

it is as Alexander the Great stated, “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by asheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Isaiah Chapter Six, Verse Eight asks a very simple question, New International Version (NIV), “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” That was Isaiah’s response, but who will answer, “Send Me” -- who will be the sheepdog? Who will be the Lion?

Just as Churchill stood up, so did Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last week before the UN General Assembly. In a time of sheep and wolves, we saw the Lion of Judah.

Sheep find comfort in the incessant noise of empty rhetoric. Wolves make their howl to instill fear. But sheepdogs stand firm issuing their bark of confidence – and lions roar in defiance, strength, and victory.


Three Types of People

You know JROC I'm getting tired of your incessant "war's swell and I'm a badass." If you're such a badass and war's so groovy why aren't you off somewhere fighting? You're like a coward politician leading from the rear. Ushering others foward to do the fight and dying while you talk shit from a position of safety.
Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.:slap:
Last edited:
He's brillant and an expert in miltary history boy

which is why the Army threw him out, after he abused a prisoner who hadn't done anything.

Who you calling uncle Tom, white boy? Allen West is a real solder. Not some fake as, hashish smoking, do nothing like you.

Yes, but you see, I didn't get thrown out after torturing a prisoner like he did.

CNN.com - U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics - Dec. 13, 2003

TIKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- The commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division on Friday accepted a U.S. military investigator's recommendation and ordered administrative action against Lt. Col. Allen West, who was accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee.

Following a military hearing, West was fined $5,000 over two months, according to West's civillian attorney, Neal Puckett.

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.

In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.

But while West's supporters call him a hero, military prosecutors said his actions amounted to torture and violated articles 128 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Prosecutor Capt. Magdalena Pezytulska said West should be tried for assault and for communicating a threat. "This is a case about a man who lost his temper," she argued. "There are consequences for [West's] actions."

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Good piece from the Great Allen West::thup:

Three Types of People
Allen West | Oct 07, 2015


During the period of 1936-1939 the great Western Powers were still reeling from the “war to end all wars,” World War I. They sought to avoid and evade any semblance of confrontation and escalation of violence. They truly believed that they could engage despots and dictators with the incessant rhetoric of peace. They were the sheep of the day. See, sheep only want one simple thing – to be herded to green pastures and provided safe passage in doing so. They do not want to engage trouble, and will huddle together closer when danger confronts them.

it is as Alexander the Great stated, “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by asheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

Isaiah Chapter Six, Verse Eight asks a very simple question, New International Version (NIV), “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” That was Isaiah’s response, but who will answer, “Send Me” -- who will be the sheepdog? Who will be the Lion?

Just as Churchill stood up, so did Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last week before the UN General Assembly. In a time of sheep and wolves, we saw the Lion of Judah.

Sheep find comfort in the incessant noise of empty rhetoric. Wolves make their howl to instill fear. But sheepdogs stand firm issuing their bark of confidence – and lions roar in defiance, strength, and victory.


Three Types of People

You know JROC I'm getting tired of your incessant "war's swell and I'm a badass." If you're such a badass and war's so groovy why aren't you off somewhere fighting? You're like a coward politician leading from the rear. Ushering others foward to do the fight and dying while you talk shit from a position of safety.
You're an idiot.

Our foreign policy is not the sole domain of combat vets. Every citizen has a say in how we deploy our forces. Most people cannot serve in a combat role and some, like myself, have already served overseas. Even as a vet, my opinion is no more valid than anyone else's.

You're an idiot.
Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.

War doesn't bring peace. It just brings more war. You think you Zionists, who've been pretty much at war with your neighbors for 70 years, would get that.

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Actually, the guy he tortured in violation of military regulations, had no information. He was an innocent Iraqi policeman who really didn't know anything about IED's.

Also, when you go into a country to "liberate" it (the people, not the oil) its' really, really bad form to torture the people who've enlisted to help you.
Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.

War doesn't bring peace. It just brings more war. You think you Zionists, who've been pretty much at war with your neighbors for 70 years, would get that.

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Actually, the guy he tortured in violation of military regulations, had no information. He was an innocent Iraqi policeman who really didn't know anything about IED's.

Also, when you go into a country to "liberate" it (the people, not the oil) its' really, really bad form to torture the people who've enlisted to help you.

Lol..torture? Firing a couple shots above the mans head?:slap:

Gotta love Allen West:cool:

Without war, and victory, there is no peace, and yes you're a dumb ass, islamonazi apologist. If all Jews were like you, there would be no Jews.

War doesn't bring peace. It just brings more war. You think you Zionists, who've been pretty much at war with your neighbors for 70 years, would get that.

Military prosecutors didn't save any American lives sickly boy, Allen West did. Traitors like this are more your type of hero..

Actually, the guy he tortured in violation of military regulations, had no information. He was an innocent Iraqi policeman who really didn't know anything about IED's.

Also, when you go into a country to "liberate" it (the people, not the oil) its' really, really bad form to torture the people who've enlisted to help you.
I only partly agree with you. Namby pamby wars lead to more wars like the kind the Decider engaged us in, a decade long "hearts and minds" campaign to make our enemies think we're really nice guys. That only invites ongoing aggression.

We should be reticent to war, but when we do go to war, we need to take off the gloves and hit them. Hard. I don't want our enemies thinking we're nice, I want them to think we're mean, ruthless, and after we decimate their POS country, we're not rebuilding it. Wars properly fought, brutally, do lead to peace.
Not all wars are caused because of banking and resources. There are things like 911. Now, if you are talking about happy coincidence & mutually exclusiveness, that's different & irrelevant.
Not all wars are caused because of banking and resources. There are things like 911. Now, if you are talking about happy coincidence & mutually exclusiveness, that's different & irrelevant.
If you understand why 911 happened, either by blow-back, being allowed to happen, or by being engineered, (I'll not engage in that discussion), you'll understand that was a symptom of resource wars and banking as well. Before that period in time, there was around six or seven nations that weren't integrated into the international banking regime. The US and her allies have since that period invaded or helped topple; Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Libya. . . . See the interview with Gen. Clark. (Syria is on that list as well as Lebanon.) Oh yeah. . . . so is Iran. :ack-1:

"We're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.."

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