

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Liberals viciously attacked President Bush with pictures of him hanging, on fire, a monkey, you name it they did it and insisted it was just politics as usual.

Obama comes along and these same liberals whine, complain and threaten anyone that had a disparaging word for Obama. Calling them racist and claiming such attacks were uncivilized and wrong.

Dodd and Franks INSISTED even just weeks before the collapse that the Housing market was sound, insisting that ANY new Government oversight would wreck a growing, sound and prosperous segment of our economy. They spent 8 years derailing any attempt by Bush ( twice) and McCain ( once) to rein in Freddy and Fannie and to more stringently regulate Housing sales and loans. The collapse occurs and suddenly Bush did it is the call heard round the Country.

Bush proposes a bail out and Liberals are aghast, Having to be talked into supporting it even after all the details are given ahead of time. Next year, Obama proposes a bailout and the Libs insist that it is to important to even read, it must be voted on unseen. It passes and this must do critical rush, can't read it legislation sits for days on the Presidents desk because he went on vacation.

The Governor of California is subject to a voter recall and the left screams how it is unfair, unjust and undemocratic. Now they are all doing back flips and happy as clams because some republicans are facing the same in another State.

Obama insists as a Senator that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan must end, that Gitmo must close. As President he escalated the war in Afghanistan , launches a military operation in Libya with OUT Congressional approval and not only does not close Gitmo but authorizes more secret prisons in Afghanistan.

Irritated and feed up constituents of Liberal members of Congress let them know at Town hall meetings. The left is aghast, how dare these voters question liberal congress members, how dare they ask tough questions at Town hall meetings, how dare they expect answers and how dare they "interrupt" the meetings. Some voters protest against a Republican congressman by booing him and disrupting his meeting and not only do the Liberals now support these behavior they laugh and applaud it.

Anyone see the theme here?
If Jesus Christ himself came down to the United States and proclaimed that he was a Republican, there would be people bitching about him and burning Bibles.
you really don't see the diff between potrayal of Bush as a monkey and Obama as a monkey? If you find a childrens book called Curious Obama I will change my mind.

RETARD ALERT. Almost NO ONE compared Obama to a monkey. Yet every complaint against him no matter what is and was met with " you are a racist".
It's as if RGS wakes up and has to relearn the concept of partisanship every day.
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Wow! When I saw the Thread title, I thought it was about the party that cried and whined and moaned about deficit reduction, while at the same time were planning some big tax breaks for their fav buddies, the Super Wealthy. That is Hypocricy, and now the American voters are beginning to see it.

Good bye House of Representatives!
Welcome to partisan politics. I imagine a suitable counterpart on the left will be along shortly with a helpful list of hypocrisies the GOP are guilty of.

I really wish all the brain dead partisans would just flat out leave so those of us actually interested in solving the problems could work in peace.
Well the Jews had the option of having him released. They didn't want to, tho.

It wasn't all the Jews, though. It was the Pharisees, and primarily one. It was politics.

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