Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

see my very first post in response to this ridonkulous op...

seems more like conscientious leaders are simply taking the opportunity to affect change wherever and however they can.

different situations in different locations pose different political challenges, obviously.

these issues aren't all black and white across the globe, like many political hacks seem to believe...
Deutsche Bank halts North Carolina expansion over anti-LGBTQ law

N.C. expansion shelved by Deutsche Bank due to discriminatory law

What exactly is the anti LGTBQLMNOP law they're all riled up about?

how many posts have you made in this thread already? :lol:

The North Carolina state Legislature has passed a law blocking local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules to grant protections to gay and transgender people.

The law comes a month after the city of Charlotte passed a measure protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from being discriminated against by businesses.

North Carolina Passes Law Blocking Measures To Protect LGBT People
Deutsche Bank halts North Carolina expansion over anti-LGBTQ law

N.C. expansion shelved by Deutsche Bank due to discriminatory law

Deutsche Bank has branches in Saudi Arabia, which puts homosexuals to death.

But they are outraged that NC doesn't want grown men watching little girls pee-pee?

You Bolsheviks are some fucked up morons, Rati.

That is funny!

I wonder how many of these chowder heads have deposited in that bank???????????
Deutsche Bank halts North Carolina expansion over anti-LGBTQ law

N.C. expansion shelved by Deutsche Bank due to discriminatory law

What exactly is the anti LGTBQLMNOP law they're all riled up about?

how many posts have you made in this thread already? :lol:

The North Carolina state Legislature has passed a law blocking local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules to grant protections to gay and transgender people.

The law comes a month after the city of Charlotte passed a measure protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from being discriminated against by businesses.

North Carolina Passes Law Blocking Measures To Protect LGBT People

Trannies can still per in the appropriate room like everyone else

So what's the any LGBTQLMNOP law again?
You just keep telling yourself that.

You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.

Hey asswipe! Have you read what your buddies say?

Hey turd bucket......whatever was said, if it was a buddy of mine, they hit the nail on the head. You're a true retard.
If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I

But you are, but as a conservative you are obviously inflicted with the denial syndrome. Your party is totally in chaos....and I bet you think everything is working just fine.....bwahahaha.

I do not have any political affiliations and I am not eligible to participate in these fraudulent elections because I am an American and not a U.S citizen. I do not pledge loyalty to the corporate USA.INC whose business headquarters are in the city/state of Washington D.C. No matter who gets elected, stupid fucks like you are screwed either way. Hope this helps!

You're not a US citizen? Then fuck you...you have no business defending or condemning anyone that is running. You're the typical turd, that sits on the sidelines thinking he knows everything.
You just keep telling yourself that.

You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.
Ask a conservative if you know one. I do not participate in the political process. People that disagree with what I know and have to say love to name call and insult and 99 percent of them are the Fabian socialist left. While I am no fan of the neocons, I have an utter hatred for the Fabian socialist left because they have been the greatest ally of the very people that they claim to be against. Your kind have been nothing but useful idiots....nicely done, dumb ass.

Another embarrassed Republican trying to disassociate with the loony party. You're not a US citizen but you have swallowed the crap that the conservative party dishes out....probably a Faux News addict. And you are really confused, claiming that the Democratic party is the greatest ally of the rich and corporations.....we're not against the people themselves, just the greedy policies the Republican party has managed to pass that coddles them while giving the middle class and the poor a kick in the ass.

You are delusional if you think otherwise....must be all that KoolAid you've been drinking while watching Faux News spin the news for you.
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.

So, are they going to report Lesbians? Because some Lesbians really look like males.........so these "scared" women may be filing a bunch of frivolous complaints, keeping the police away from real crime. So typically conservative.
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.

So, are they going to report Lesbians? Because some Lesbians really look like males.........so these "scared" women may be filing a bunch of frivolous complaints, keeping the police away from real crime. So typically conservative.

Why point only lesbians? Do you think there aren't any straight women that look like males?

And trannies, are they going to just go around breaking this law left and right?

Oh the drama, you just love the drama.

So Mertex, tell me how anyone can tell which male is a "real" tranny, and which is just a male looking for jollies?

The way they dress? Seems a sexist notion to me. How bout you?

I've made this challenge before, if you think privacy is just such a silly concept, why not just remove the door from your bathroom and then invite your friends and family over for the day?

But that's really not fair. Just remove the existing door and install one of those "modesty" doors, like in the stalls in restrooms. They typically are about 5' 10" high, a foot gap between the floor and the bottom of the door, and never quite fit well on the sides.

I'm sure your guests will be fine, right?
Last edited:
You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.

Hey asswipe! Have you read what your buddies say?

Hey turd bucket......whatever was said, if it was a buddy of mine, they hit the nail on the head. You're a true retard.

Yes old saggy baggy worn out Kotex,,,,,,error merited. We got it. Now what?
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Uh, how much meth has your ass taken today, not to mention px drug pills, you roach egg ass ho?
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Uh, how much meth has your ass taken today, not to mention px drug pills, you roach egg ass ho?
What in the hell is a ”roach egg ass ho"?
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Uh, how much meth has your ass taken today, not to mention px drug pills, you roach egg ass ho?
What in the hell is a ”roach egg ass ho"?
notice how WHITE they are:ahole-1:
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Uh, how much meth has your ass taken today, not to mention px drug pills, you roach egg ass ho?
What in the hell is a ”roach egg ass ho"?
notice how WHITE they are:ahole-1:
Most roaches are black though.
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Uh, how much meth has your ass taken today, not to mention px drug pills, you roach egg ass ho?
What in the hell is a ”roach egg ass ho"?

It was what he ate for breakfast.
If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.

So, are they going to report Lesbians? Because some Lesbians really look like males.........so these "scared" women may be filing a bunch of frivolous complaints, keeping the police away from real crime. So typically conservative.

Why point only lesbians? Do you think there aren't any straight women that look like males?
Well, that only makes it even more nutty, are women going to report every woman they think looks like a man?

And trannies, are they going to just go around breaking this law left and right?
You don't get it, do you? A tranny (man) dressed like a woman is not interested in women....and those women who dress like men, I'm sure they're no danger to men.

Oh the drama, you just love the drama.
You all are the ones making the drama.

So Mertex, tell me how anyone can tell which male is a "real" tranny, and which is just a male looking for jollies
I've never heard of a "real" man going to the extreme of dressing like a woman to get his jollies, maybe you know more about this than I do?

The way they dress? Seems a sexist notion to me. How bout you?
Don't really understand what you're getting at here.

I've made this challenge before, if you think privacy is just such a silly concept, why not just remove the door from your bathroom and then invite your friends and family over for the day?
Speaking of drama.....aren't you a bit of a drama queen, here? I never said privacy is a silly concept, but I'm not the one afraid some transgender woman is going to try and peek at me while I'm peeing. I'm not going to go to the extreme of coming up with a bill that strips gays off their rights just to keep some transgender out of the women's bathroom.

But that's really not fair. Just remove the existing door and install one of those "modesty" doors, like in the stalls in restrooms. They typically are about 5' 10" high, a foot gap between the floor and the bottom of the door, and never quite fit well on the sides.
Better still, don't ever use public bathrooms if you're so scared someone is going to peek on your privates.

I'm sure your guests will be fine, right?
My guest are just fine.....they're not skirred of their shadow conservatives, for sure.
typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.

Hey asswipe! Have you read what your buddies say?

Hey turd bucket......whatever was said, if it was a buddy of mine, they hit the nail on the head. You're a true retard.

Yes old saggy baggy worn out Kotex,,,,,,error merited. We got it. Now what?

Typical conservative "uneducated" Trump supporter sort.......when you can't keep up with the conversation start hurling insults....that's so damn mature of you. Not only are you retarded, you're an immature retard. Come back with a response to me when you grow up.

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