Hurricane Ida


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Okay....they say that it's on the way.
Mandatory evacuations for New Orleans...(what's left of it)

But as usual it isn't so much the storm itself as it is Lake Pontchartrain overflowing and flooding the whole area.

In the meantime coffee warehouses are in the bullseye and all of the oil refineries and platforms in the gulf.

The president this afternoon gave the orders preparing for the hurricane saying there isn't enough time to prepare...(we have known for a week it was coming at this point...but whatever)

OSB and plywood manufacturing is getting a nice bump in the markets.

Our local weather guy is saying it could be a Cat 5 at landfall.
That's possible...
We are pretty sure it's going to gain strength as it gets over a section of really warm water shortly before hitting land...what that actually will be is still an educated this moment they are predicting a minimum of a Cat 4...that ain't going to be good.

And if anyone has been to New Orleans since Katrina.... well let's just say that the place is looking rough and weather worn already. Many buildings are already leaning severely...this hurricane isn't going to help matters any...
(Of course the free flowing liquor there helps with this)

But...I'm just going to watch and see what happens.
That's possible...
We are pretty sure it's going to gain strength as it gets over a section of really warm water shortly before hitting land...what that actually will be is still an educated this moment they are predicting a minimum of a Cat 4...that ain't going to be good.

And if anyone has been to New Orleans since Katrina.... well let's just say that the place is looking rough and weather worn already. Many buildings are already leaning severely...this hurricane isn't going to help matters any...
(Of course the free flowing liquor there helps with this)

But...I'm just going to watch and see what happens.
Almost without fail, as these kinds of storms hit the shallower and much warmer water of our southern coast, they grow into monsters.
Crap...I had tickets to go to New Orleans this weekend....guess I'll have to cancel that....
That's possible...
We are pretty sure it's going to gain strength as it gets over a section of really warm water shortly before hitting land...what that actually will be is still an educated this moment they are predicting a minimum of a Cat 4...that ain't going to be good.

And if anyone has been to New Orleans since Katrina.... well let's just say that the place is looking rough and weather worn already. Many buildings are already leaning severely...this hurricane isn't going to help matters any...
(Of course the free flowing liquor there helps with this)

But...I'm just going to watch and see what happens.
In the meantime coffee warehouses are in the bullseye and all of the oil refineries and platforms in the gulf.
Don't forget the Banana Boats @ Gulfport... Always a good time and we all like to

"Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana Daylight come and me wan' go home"... :banana:
They are saying the levees will be tested. Now they can find out if 16 years of reinforcement will help. It's not looking good with an estimated 15 foot storm surge incoming.
They are saying the levees will be tested. Now they can find out if 16 years of reinforcement will help. It's not looking good with an estimated 15 foot storm surge incoming.
What 16 years of reinforcement? They bulldozed the levees back into shape and hoped they would hold. Lefties blamed Katrina on George Bush. How much you wanna bet that they blame Ida on Trump if the shit hits the fan?
Looks like the normal fun and games by politicians before the storm...

Let's keep watching for the Blame Game after it's all over....

Who blames who for what.
Okay....they say that it's on the way.
Mandatory evacuations for New Orleans...(what's left of it)

But as usual it isn't so much the storm itself as it is Lake Pontchartrain overflowing and flooding the whole area.

In the meantime coffee warehouses are in the bullseye and all of the oil refineries and platforms in the gulf.

The president this afternoon gave the orders preparing for the hurricane saying there isn't enough time to prepare...(we have known for a week it was coming at this point...but whatever)

OSB and plywood manufacturing is getting a nice bump in the markets.

No one knew a week ago where Ida was going to make landfall. If you live on the gulf coast it really isn't a definite until hours before it hits and then even then can can shift east or west.

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