Hunter Biden’s Business


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hunter Biden’s Business
A Senate report reveals Joe’s passivity amid his son’s influence-peddling.

23 Sep 2020 ~~ By WSJ Editorial Board
Joe Biden is running against Donald Trump’s character and supposed corruption, so a Senate report documenting the Biden family’s ethical swampiness certainly counts as news.
Senate committee Chairmen Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley on Wednesday released the findings of their year-long investigation into the problems that the business dealings of Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, presented to the Obama-Biden administration. The report makes clear Hunter was profiting off his father’s position—in Ukraine, and notably in China. Foreigners knew they were buying influence by association.
The Ukrainian gas company Burisma hired Hunter to “consult” on corporate governance in May 2014, only weeks after Vice President Biden took the U.S. lead in helping Ukraine fight corruption. Burisma was a top investigation target, and U.K. officials had seized the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner. Hunter had no experience in Ukraine or natural gas. The report cites emails showing Hunter and his business associate, Devon Archer, requesting meetings with State Department officials after their Burisma appointments. A U.S. lobbying firm working for Burisma invoked Hunter’s name as it sought a State Department meeting.
Former State official George Kent wrote to superiors in 2016 that Hunter’s Burisma position made it “very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine.” He testified that officials had to worry about “opponents” saying “What about Hunter Biden?” State Department email chains show U.S. officials mulling how to handle the Hunter problem.
Committee documents show Hunter’s businesses received millions of dollars from other deals with foreigners during the Obama years. This included a $3.5 million wire transfer in 2014 from Elena Baturina, the widow of the former mayor of Moscow.
The report details a “vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals.”
Democrats and the press are dismissing this as old news, but the facts show this was a legitimate area for investigation—especially after Democrats made Ukraine the center of their impeachment case. At best Hunter’s tale is an example of egregious Beltway influence-peddling and a father’s passivity despite warnings. Voters can now add this to their election calculus, and decide whether this is what Joe Biden means by a return to normalcy.

Unfortunately China Joe, his son Hunter and his brother Jim have involved themselves in official state business mingled with family influence peddling and de facto quid pro quo, effectively obstructing an official investigation. We have to thank the Obama administration for documenting these facts.
The Biden Family Crime Syndicate is supposedly knee deep in this as well:
Joe Biden said last year that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” But the report includes testimony that he was informed and discussed it with Hunter. Obviously a big lie that the MSM has never questioned Joey Xi about...
Hunter Biden's business is being The Bag Guy for The Big Guy.
Well, he's certainly not the master-mind, the Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden, uses his son as the bribe mule. Hunter's not the issue, Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden, is.
Hunter Biden's business is being The Bag Guy for The Big Guy.
Well, he's certainly not the master-mind, the Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden, uses his son as the bribe mule. Hunter's not the issue, Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden, is.

Which is funny because although he figured out how to make money selling out his country he is dumber than a door knob on just about everything else.

I guess crooks don't have to be smart, just have the opportunity. That dipshit Obama gave him the opportunity. He put Biden in charge of the foreign policy and Biden sold his influence. Poor ole cokehead son became the bag boy.

Cokehead so dumb he left his computers with all the corruption evidence at a computer store.

At least Crooked Hillary had the smarts to destroy all the evidence.

You can't make this shit up.
It must be every Democrat politicians' (or their kids') dream to have a job where they don't have to know anything, don't have to do anything, get paid $50,000 a month, do crack /drugs all the time, party, drink, have sex with under-aged child trafficked kids (and / or your under-aged cousin), have sex with strippers and pole dancers, run out on the ones who bear your children - never pay child support, go home to your wife who remains faithful to you no matter what, launder money from people all over the world, get the occasional deal for doing nothing from the Chinese earning a cool $1,5 BILLION, and if you het in trouble your daddy, the Democratic party, the Deep State, the majority of the US leftist media, big Tech internet and social media giants, and gullible idiot hate-driven snowflakes defend and protect you, no matter how damning the evidence against you is.

Bill Clinton thought HE had it good as President...he would give his left nut to have the life Hunter Biden does.


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