Hungarian gangster George Soros gives Hillary $8 million


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
And the chinese have paid her millions for putting classified national secrets on an insecure server which they could easily hack into. She's a traitor and a crook and will do anything for a buck.

George Soros donates $8 million to boost Hillary

jan 31 2016 George Soros in December donated $6 million to the leading super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, marking the return of the billionaire financier as among the biggest givers in all of American politics.
The massive check brings to $8 million the Hungarian-born investor's total 2015 giving to pro-Clinton groups.

The super PAC that received the $6-million check, Priorities USA Action, raised $25 million in the second half of 2015, according to a report it filed Sunday evening with the Federal Election Commission. The haul brings the PAC’s tally to $41 million for the year, and left it with a strong $36 million in the bank headed into the year.
And the chinese have paid her millions for putting classified national secrets on an insecure server which they could easily hack into. She's a traitor and a crook and will do anything for a buck.

And the Demwits don't care...
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The Gay (Soros) Funding Hillary = Me not voting for Hillary. I'd like to say this news surprises me, but alas it does not. I believe LGBT Agenda Uber-Advocate George Soros funded a large part of the Obama campaign(s). And hence the reason why gay marriage was shoved down the throats of hundreds of millions in majority who do not want it in their state. Money buys not just presidents, but judges too apparently..and many others...

...It's truly is amazing how one rich man can carve humanity itself into a completely different future rut by just throwing a couple million around here and there...And there's ALWAYS a corrupt public official waiting with their left hand out to take the cash while their right hand pens unpopular laws as a favor..


The Soros Gay Marriage Timeline

Since Barack Obama announced his spontaneous, evolutionary support for gay marriage, strong support has rolled out pretty quickly. To look it all over, it might almost appear orchestrated. Always a pet cause of George Soros', here is a timeline of some of his Center for American Progress' involvement:

A panel discussion followed the presentation by Mushovic and Krehely. The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart moderated the panel, which included Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family Equality Council; Bryan Samuels, commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families; and the Reverend Dr. Dennis W. Wiley, of the Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ.
  • May 8th, 2012- The Center for American Progress gives Obama permission to "come out" on gay marriage. The piece was titled "Race & Beyond: Obama Can Come Out on Gay Marriage":
Black voters will be enthusiastic and fully supportive of the president. Gay and lesbian voters, too. Why am I so sure? Well, it’s the nature of politics. At some points along the way, even the most favored politician will make decisions or behave in ways that even ardent supporters dislike. In this case I’d prefer to hear President Obama be as clear and affirmative on gay marriage as others in his cabinet have. In time, I believe he will.
Permission granted! The very next day...

  • May 9th, 2012- Obama announces his support for making gay marriage legal.
  • May 17th, 2012- In less than a week, according to the Center for American Progress, Obama has already converted black voters to his newly evolved opinion. That was quick! In their piece, titled "President Obama Is Ending Black America's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy":
President Obama has single-handedly dismantled the "don't ask, don't tell" policy within the black church -- that silent disdain on issues of sexuality that renders black gay and transgender people all but invisible, shames people living with HIV, and masquerades as love-the-sinner-hate-the-sin compassion.
From what has been reported, Obama has not exactly "dismantled" anything, but after the current shaming of the black church, they can only hope to get the result this writer has already attributed to Obama.

  • May 23, 2012- Target Stores unveil a new line of pro-gay marriage apparel for "National Pride Month" (H/T to Bill Clinton on the National Pride Month thing). 100% of the proceeds are going to the Family Equality Council. It's unclear what a department store chain has to do with promoting an issue unpopular with so many of their shoppers, but apparently someone has convinced them it is a wise move....
Just one more side note- apparently George Soros bought 500,000+ shares of Target stock, reported by in the fall of 2011:

Soros bought more than 500,000 shares during the second quarter of this year and according to the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal “A half-million shares in Target isn’t that much…” I hope you all read that quote for what it was and took it too heart because 500,000 shares multiplied by approximately $50 per share...…
As originally reported:

Soros is a big-name investor, and the fact that he's buying Target (while selling some other retail stocks, including Macy's, Lowe's and has attracted attention.
Draw your own conclusions. The Soros Gay Marriage Timeline

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This is why Sanders / Trump are doing well... People can see through that crap..
Sanders and Hillary were vying for this man's money...and to do his bidding just like Obama did.

Seems Hillary got the "gay marriage down your stop forced gay adoption, wedding cakes, photos and more Kim Davis jailings!" nod over Sanders...
This is why Sanders / Trump are doing well... People can see through that crap..
Sanders and Hillary were vying for this man's money...and to do his bidding just like Obama did.

Seems Hillary got the "gay marriage down your stop forced gay adoption, wedding cakes, photos and more Kim Davis jailings!" nod over Sanders...

On the other side...the Koch brothers backed Bush, a woman, mexican, canadian, ect. and are going to lose their shirts..
Makes me laugh...
On the other side...the Koch brothers backed Bush, a woman, mexican, canadian, ect. and are going to lose their shirts..
Makes me laugh...

Got a point there.... But don't count Fiorina out of the veep slot just yet.. Especially if Hillary gets the Soros-nomination..
The Gay (Soros) Funding Hillary = Me not voting for Hillary. I'd like to say this news surprises me, but alas it does not. I believe LGBT Agenda Uber-Advocate George Soros funded a large part of the Obama campaign(s). And hence the reason why gay marriage was shoved down the throats of hundreds of millions in majority who do not want it in their state. Money buys not just presidents, but judges too apparently..and many others...

...It's truly is amazing how one rich man can carve humanity itself into a completely different future rut by just throwing a couple million around here and there...And there's ALWAYS a corrupt public official waiting with their left hand out to take the cash while their right hand pens unpopular laws as a favor..


The Soros Gay Marriage Timeline

Since Barack Obama announced his spontaneous, evolutionary support for gay marriage, strong support has rolled out pretty quickly. To look it all over, it might almost appear orchestrated. Always a pet cause of George Soros', here is a timeline of some of his Center for American Progress' involvement:

A panel discussion followed the presentation by Mushovic and Krehely. The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart moderated the panel, which included Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family Equality Council; Bryan Samuels, commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families; and the Reverend Dr. Dennis W. Wiley, of the Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ.
  • May 8th, 2012- The Center for American Progress gives Obama permission to "come out" on gay marriage. The piece was titled "Race & Beyond: Obama Can Come Out on Gay Marriage":
Black voters will be enthusiastic and fully supportive of the president. Gay and lesbian voters, too. Why am I so sure? Well, it’s the nature of politics. At some points along the way, even the most favored politician will make decisions or behave in ways that even ardent supporters dislike. In this case I’d prefer to hear President Obama be as clear and affirmative on gay marriage as others in his cabinet have. In time, I believe he will.
Permission granted! The very next day...

  • May 9th, 2012- Obama announces his support for making gay marriage legal.
  • May 17th, 2012- In less than a week, according to the Center for American Progress, Obama has already converted black voters to his newly evolved opinion. That was quick! In their piece, titled "President Obama Is Ending Black America's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy":
President Obama has single-handedly dismantled the "don't ask, don't tell" policy within the black church -- that silent disdain on issues of sexuality that renders black gay and transgender people all but invisible, shames people living with HIV, and masquerades as love-the-sinner-hate-the-sin compassion.
From what has been reported, Obama has not exactly "dismantled" anything, but after the current shaming of the black church, they can only hope to get the result this writer has already attributed to Obama.

  • May 23, 2012- Target Stores unveil a new line of pro-gay marriage apparel for "National Pride Month" (H/T to Bill Clinton on the National Pride Month thing). 100% of the proceeds are going to the Family Equality Council. It's unclear what a department store chain has to do with promoting an issue unpopular with so many of their shoppers, but apparently someone has convinced them it is a wise move....
Just one more side note- apparently George Soros bought 500,000+ shares of Target stock, reported by in the fall of 2011:

Soros bought more than 500,000 shares during the second quarter of this year and according to the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal “A half-million shares in Target isn’t that much…” I hope you all read that quote for what it was and took it too heart because 500,000 shares multiplied by approximately $50 per share...…
As originally reported:

Soros is a big-name investor, and the fact that he's buying Target (while selling some other retail stocks, including Macy's, Lowe's and has attracted attention.
Draw your own conclusions. The Soros Gay Marriage Timeline


Sweet. Another lame attempt by you turn this into another one of your anti-gay whines. One-trick pony.
George Soros is the LGBT kingmaker and adamantly has been behind the funding of the LGBT Agenda for years...
George Soros is the LGBT kingmaker and adamantly has been behind the funding of the LGBT Agenda for years...

Other than your obvious obsession with gays, what does that have to do with Soros donating money to Hillary? Hint: Nothing.
Not surprising. She along with Jeb Bush, are the NWO Global Elite preferred Candidates. And Soros is a prominent member of the club.
Ahhh heck to cry like widdo babies over this? Our whole system is predicated by huge money and both sides are guilty. The working class don't stand a chance which is why I support class warfare in American elections.
This is why Sanders / Trump are doing well... People can see through that crap..
Sanders and Hillary were vying for this man's money...and to do his bidding just like Obama did.

Seems Hillary got the "gay marriage down your stop forced gay adoption, wedding cakes, photos and more Kim Davis jailings!" nod over Sanders...

On the other side...the Koch brothers backed Bush, a woman, mexican, canadian, ect. and are going to lose their shirts..
Makes me laugh...
dang, you're going to compare the American Koch Bro's to Soros. LOL sheesh.

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