How ugly can ugly be if Paul Ryan bailed on politics because of this.

Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Actually, daddio, most of Trump's supporters were against free trade and open borders for decades. It's like the nuevo Ross Perot-Pat Buchanan bunch. The best part about Trump is his energy and his devotion to keeping his promises even though Democrats and the media haver made his job nearly impossible. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Actually, daddio, most of Trump's supporters were against free trade and open borders for decades. It's like the nuevo Ross Perot-Pat Buchanan bunch. The best part about Trump is his energy and his devotion to keeping his promises even though Democrats and the media haver made his job nearly impossible. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

The only thing that Trump has done is get his tax plan through. The rest of it is nothing but EO's. And the trouble with those EO's is that the next president can get rid of them if they want.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics.

Very funny. Ryan was a supply-side snake-oil salesman and a buffoon. He'd have no qualms whatsoever working together with the vulgar talking yam. He knew, with the Freedom Caucus loons in the House, his job was all but impossible, and ramming through the tax cut tailored toward the plutocrats was as good as it would get.

So, he jumped ship.

Then something very, very funny happened:

Fox Corp.

The freshly minted company unveiled its board members, including former House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Ryan, whose two decades in Congress ended in January, forged a working relationship with President Trump to advance a conservative agenda, including tax cuts.

Now Ryan will help oversee the parent of Fox News — Trump’s favorite news network.​

He's so, so, so disgusted with Trump, he chooses to work for the vulgar talking yam's propaganda outfit.

You can see the funny, I trust.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
tl;dr, except for first sentence. I think he's kinda sexy. If I were thirty years younger and worked in Congress while he was there, I would have been flirting with him. Definitely.

You must have also adored Eddie Munster.
I get it. The democrat core of creepy nerds who live in their parent's basement at age 35 freely use the term "pussy grabber"when they never got closer to the holy grail then their computer screen. Why were sissie (never had a freaking date) nerds not offended when Hillary's husband turned the term BJ into a household phrase? Mommie wouldn't like it.
Last edited:
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Lots of Repubs I know lost their liking for Ryan during the campaign, due to his treatment of candidate/nominee Trump. Then after the election, he just got worse, trying to thwart Trump at every turn. He showed his colors when he refused to campaign with Trump. So, just because Trump likes or doesn't like someone, doesn't mean that the people don't have their own personal opinion about a person. And then there is that thing about how you don't talk badly about someone with whom you have to work closely. Kinda like how Trump "supported" Pelosi's bid for Speaker... he didn't say a word against her, but we all know he doesn't like her.
How many nasty quotes would you need to realise how stupid your remark is about Scum bag being gracious with Pelosi being House speaker. He hates everyone except a few dictators around the world. SO you won't convince anyone who can think that your bullshit is true , it isn't.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

What a laugh...Amash is an anti-semetic Palestinian who had no chance of reelection except for his
desperation move to the left.

Ryan hates Trump because Romney hates Trump. Romney=loser. Trump=winner.

Simple equation.

Let me see, how can you call the person who lost more money then anyone else over the last decade with his businesses a winner. He is the ultimate loser and in more ways then just dollar bills. He is the ultimate do nothing politician.
so were is your private jet or your many hotels country clubs and golf courses so if owning all that makes one a loser what does that make you with none of that
So Daddy gives him a bucket full of money and if scum bag would have put it in a simple S&P fund he would be a lot wealthier then he is now. He's a horrible businessman but a great criminal. You just have to laugh at this nonsense you get about scum bag and what a winner he is. He is the biggest loser of the last decade .No one has lost more money then he has in the last decade. Ya that's what the hate party calls a winner.
I get it. The democrat core of creepy nerds who live in their parent's basement at age 35 freely use the term "pussy grabber"when they never got closer to the holy grail then their computer screen. Why were sissie (never had a freaking date) nerds not offended when Hillary's husband turned the term BJ into a household phrase? Mommie wouldn't like it.
One more ridiculous stupid nonsense like that and your gone. Say go ahead.
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Actually, daddio, most of Trump's supporters were against free trade and open borders for decades. It's like the nuevo Ross Perot-Pat Buchanan bunch. The best part about Trump is his energy and his devotion to keeping his promises even though Democrats and the media haver made his job nearly impossible. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.
The day he leaves office everything he has done will be erased. Which will be easy because he hasn't done anything except tax cuts for the rich. The man has done nothing in office. Long list of things that you haters are are suppose to hate but achievement ZERO!
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Actually, daddio, most of Trump's supporters were against free trade and open borders for decades. It's like the nuevo Ross Perot-Pat Buchanan bunch. The best part about Trump is his energy and his devotion to keeping his promises even though Democrats and the media haver made his job nearly impossible. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.
The day he leaves office everything he has done will be erased. Which will be easy because he hasn't done anything except tax cuts for the rich. The man has done nothing in office. Long list of things that you haters are are suppose to hate but achievement ZERO!
What are you talking about daddio? In 2024, the Great Jim Jordan will pick up right where Trump left off. And by that time a lot of these Democrat socialists will be where they belong, back home.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
tl;dr, except for first sentence. I think he's kinda sexy. If I were thirty years younger and worked in Congress while he was there, I would have been flirting with him. Definitely.

Were you drinking when you posted this?:abgg2q.jpg:
Trump thought Ryan was a great guy, but now that his book has come out and it says some less than complimentary things about Trump, he's now saying that Ryan is not a good person.
Ryan has been a good liberal when it comes to ILLEGAL Immigration.

Really? Ryan supports illegal immigration? This article says different............

After Enabling Trump's Anti-Immigration Policies, Paul Ryan Makes Exception for Immigrants From His Own Homeland

After spending much of the past two years enabling President Donald Trump's hard-line immigration policy and blocking the House from voting on bipartisan legislation to protect young immigrants, outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) is showing recent enthusiasm for welcoming a select group of immigrants—not the thousands of Central Americans who are in a camp in Tijuana, Mexico, waiting to seek asylum in the U.S., but people from his family's own homeland.

Ryan pushed through a bill that passed in the House late last month, giving thousands of E-3 work visas to Irish nationals. The bill is expected to pass in the Senate this week.
Yes. He is tard soft on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. He supports amnesty

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan sought to head off revolts on Wednesday from the right and center of his Republican Party as lawmakers battled over legislation that would protect young illegal immigrants from deportation.

House Speaker Ryan seeks to head off Republican revolt on immigration - Reuters
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
No, he has ALWAYS been soft on illegals. That's why the Chamber of Commerce loved him.

He was a disciple of Jack Kemp, whom I also intensely dislike. They believe millions of uneducated brown people are good for the ECONOMY without ever considering the impact on the CULTURE.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

What a laugh...Amash is an anti-semetic Palestinian who had no chance of reelection except for his
desperation move to the left.

Ryan hates Trump because Romney hates Trump. Romney=loser. Trump=winner.

Simple equation.

Let me see, how can you call the person who lost more money then anyone else over the last decade with his businesses a winner. He is the ultimate loser and in more ways then just dollar bills. He is the ultimate do nothing politician.

It’s easy to call Trump a winner you delusional Tard because he is.

How about considering facts for once in your dumb ass Tard life.

He defeated your Queen and made fools of you, your

lying media and all of your Hollywood Tards while

at the same time cleaning house with all the rinos in his own party...

Look at the economy now, I could go on and on but I know it’s

useless with a closed mind Zealot like yourself.
Wow.....................this shows how fickle the Trump part of the GOP can be. If Trump likes someone, then his supporters also think that person is a good person. If Trump says something bad about a person he previously supported, his followers also turn on and attack the person they had previously held in high esteem.
Actually, daddio, most of Trump's supporters were against free trade and open borders for decades. It's like the nuevo Ross Perot-Pat Buchanan bunch. The best part about Trump is his energy and his devotion to keeping his promises even though Democrats and the media haver made his job nearly impossible. Viva Trump, best since Eisenhower.

The only thing that Trump has done is get his tax plan through. The rest of it is nothing but EO's. And the trouble with those EO's is that the next president can get rid of them if they want.

Trump will be your next President Tard...

You can't win with all of your crazy ass left wing....

Thank you AOC...……..
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
tl;dr, except for first sentence. I think he's kinda sexy. If I were thirty years younger and worked in Congress while he was there, I would have been flirting with him. Definitely.

You must have also adored Eddie Munster.
He's looking happier already. His wife must not have been home when he dressed that morning, though. Oh ugh that shirt.
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.
tl;dr, except for first sentence. I think he's kinda sexy. If I were thirty years younger and worked in Congress while he was there, I would have been flirting with him. Definitely.

Were you drinking when you posted this?:abgg2q.jpg:
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. He's intelligent, he's a leader, and he's got incredible blue eyes. What can I tell you?
Paul Ryan, who is right there at the top of the ugly scale thinks that the pussy grabber is a wacko and literally is the reason he got out of politics. 39 haters from the hate party quit or retired, of that only 12 were quitting to make a lateral move to another political position. Justin Amash literally quit the hate party, thinking that your leader needs to be impeached. 16 hate party members left early bailing on the pussy grabber, Rep. Andy McKean quit the hate party because The pussy grabber is such a liar. That was all in 2018 , just two years into the pussy grabbers disaster.

Since then two more just up and left office and 8 more won't run in 2020. These people were close enough to the pussy grabber to see just how ugly ugly can be. Just off hand I'm guessing by 2020 a half dozen more will bail because of the pussy grabber. The reason that the pussy grabber has support still is because many people who society norms and values has kept under the thumb of American consciousness have found a voice in this hate group leader. These ugly Americans have to be put back in their box to save this country but they won't go without a fight because they know they will lose their voice for ever . This is the last time these people who found their voice in the pussy grabber will be listened to.

The Pussy Grabber is MAGA you dumb ass Tard...

There is no doubt he lost the house because of the swamp rat rinos....

But the good thing is Trump is purging the party of these sell outs.

2020 is right around the corner and will get the house back from you nut cases...

You Tards have all gone nuts because Trump plays your game better than you...

You Tards were used to rinos that would turn and run at the first hint

of being called a racist or such.

Trump is a Political Warrior and history will remember him as one of our

Greatest Presidents, true objective psychologist of the future will puzzle

over Trump Derangement Syndrome for hundreds of years.

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