Gold Member
Trump has resurrected one of the most important political issues of our time, our disgusting trade deals with China.
Some historians try to claim China was the most advanced society in the world, so what happened?
The answer is, totalitarianism stifled their advancement.
China then further poisoned their society with the teachings of Karl Marx and more totalitarianism, by turning communist.
Right now, the Chinese are having a good ol' time, moving from rice fields into the big city, buying apartments and SUVs, all paid for by the USA.
As a Socialist nation, China would crumble and fail, but the Socialists in the west have engineered trade deals where China builds everything for the USA, and wealth is transferred to their country.
We have an atheist, nuclear armed, powerhouse in the East, with a disgusting oppressive government that has no tolerance for Christianity , and a reported 8 million people in slave labor.
...and we send our money there.
The real facts about the horrors of China are hidden from the west.
It's nice to have Republican candidates in suits, stand up there and say "if you're Christian you should vote for me", but actions speak louder than words, every Christian in America should be dedicated , day and night, to repealing our trade deals with China.
Some historians try to claim China was the most advanced society in the world, so what happened?
The answer is, totalitarianism stifled their advancement.
China then further poisoned their society with the teachings of Karl Marx and more totalitarianism, by turning communist.
Right now, the Chinese are having a good ol' time, moving from rice fields into the big city, buying apartments and SUVs, all paid for by the USA.
As a Socialist nation, China would crumble and fail, but the Socialists in the west have engineered trade deals where China builds everything for the USA, and wealth is transferred to their country.
We have an atheist, nuclear armed, powerhouse in the East, with a disgusting oppressive government that has no tolerance for Christianity , and a reported 8 million people in slave labor.
...and we send our money there.
The real facts about the horrors of China are hidden from the west.
It's nice to have Republican candidates in suits, stand up there and say "if you're Christian you should vote for me", but actions speak louder than words, every Christian in America should be dedicated , day and night, to repealing our trade deals with China.