how to explain gay rights to an idiot

Of that I have no doubt! It will take several generations to breed decency out of the public. Then ten year old boys won't consider it rape when the coach gets them in the shower.

Rather, they won't consider it any WORSE than if the coach does the same to 10 year old GIRLS. Either one will cost the coach his job and some time in the big house, of course.

Then the nation will fall under the weight of it's own grotesque behavior, just like every other degenerate culture has done.

Nonsense. There is no reason to expect that at all, any more than we are likely to condone victimization of children just because we stop victimizing gay people.

Of course girls. We can't discriminate against perversions. As far as spending time in "The Big House" that's just a matter of time and changing people's minds. We aren't that far removed from putting homosexuals in prison, back when we had all those nasty laws against sodomy. That changed as cultural mores and attitudes have changed. They will continue to change as we become more perverse and degenerate.
Of that I have no doubt! It will take several generations to breed decency out of the public. Then ten year old boys won't consider it rape when the coach gets them in the shower.

Rather, they won't consider it any WORSE than if the coach does the same to 10 year old GIRLS. Either one will cost the coach his job and some time in the big house, of course.

Then the nation will fall under the weight of it's own grotesque behavior, just like every other degenerate culture has done.

Nonsense. There is no reason to expect that at all, any more than we are likely to condone victimization of children just because we stop victimizing gay people.

Of course girls. We can't discriminate against perversions. As far as spending time in "The Big House" that's just a matter of time and changing people's minds. We aren't that far removed from putting homosexuals in prison, back when we had all those nasty laws against sodomy. That changed as cultural mores and attitudes have changed. They will continue to change as we become more perverse and degenerate.
Sounds like you think we should do that again.
In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also says that the state of Oklahoma will not recognize same-sex marriages performed in any other state. It has already survived three attempts to overturn it AND the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled it is constitutional. I helped pass that amendment. I gave money to the effort to pass the amendment and I believe it is the right thing for Oklahoma.

That is not the case in California and other states. And quite frankly, I believe that this is a state's rights issue. If any state in this union believes that same-sex marriage is something they want to acknowledge, then I say that they are absolutely, 100% within their right to do so.

Any other arguement is crap soup...

And what is "state's rights" code for?


No one, huh? OK: "State's Rights" is code for: "We want to have this little enclave that is immune from due process of law and equal protection and all those other, bothersome things, when it comes to matters that are important to us, such as discrimininating against those groups of people we find disgusting, such as gays, blacks, and anyone else we decide we don't like."
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Rather, they won't consider it any WORSE than if the coach does the same to 10 year old GIRLS. Either one will cost the coach his job and some time in the big house, of course.

Nonsense. There is no reason to expect that at all, any more than we are likely to condone victimization of children just because we stop victimizing gay people.

Of course girls. We can't discriminate against perversions. As far as spending time in "The Big House" that's just a matter of time and changing people's minds. We aren't that far removed from putting homosexuals in prison, back when we had all those nasty laws against sodomy. That changed as cultural mores and attitudes have changed. They will continue to change as we become more perverse and degenerate.
Sounds like you think we should do that again.

What would give you that idea? Wishful thinking?

We had a cultural prohibition against homosexuality. As the culture became more degenerate that changed. There is every indication that there will be a demand to normalize every other form of degeneracy as well. It almost can't be helped. Then the entire nation, it's people and culture will collapse under the weight of perversion. Nations that legalized same sex marriage are already being overtaken by the far more restrictive muslims. In a few years Sweden will have gone from accepting same sex couples to hanging them from lampposts. Switzerland is taking a next step with legalizing incest. Our military intends to legalize beastiality. Wisconsin took a last ditch effort to criminalize necrophilia, not that it will last long

It's the Brave New World where sexual gratification of any kind is permitted as normal. If you don't like it, that's what drugs are for.
Did I mention that pedophilia isn't mental illness anymore, it's a sexual orientation. Sort of like what happened to homosexuality on its way to normal behavior.
In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also says that the state of Oklahoma will not recognize same-sex marriages performed in any other state. It has already survived three attempts to overturn it AND the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled it is constitutional. I helped pass that amendment. I gave money to the effort to pass the amendment and I believe it is the right thing for Oklahoma.

That is not the case in California and other states. And quite frankly, I believe that this is a state's rights issue. If any state in this union believes that same-sex marriage is something they want to acknowledge, then I say that they are absolutely, 100% within their right to do so.

Any other arguement is crap soup...

A reason I would not go to Oklahoma nor advise any one I know to go thru Oklahoma. Don't need to visit a 3rd world country like place.

And the fact that you won't come to Oklahoma is supposed to make us feel... sad or something?
Did I mention that pedophilia isn't mental illness anymore, it's a sexual orientation. Sort of like what happened to homosexuality on its way to normal behavior.

No, you didn't mention that before. Who told you that? I truely want to know the source.

Read back. I provided a link.

Where is that link?

Just found it. Totally disagree with the idea....but that being said, IT DOES NOT CHANGE ONE IOTA the criminal act of forcing your attentions on a child unable to give consent. Period.
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In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also says that the state of Oklahoma will not recognize same-sex marriages performed in any other state. It has already survived three attempts to overturn it AND the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled it is constitutional. I helped pass that amendment. I gave money to the effort to pass the amendment and I believe it is the right thing for Oklahoma.

That is not the case in California and other states. And quite frankly, I believe that this is a state's rights issue. If any state in this union believes that same-sex marriage is something they want to acknowledge, then I say that they are absolutely, 100% within their right to do so.

Any other arguement is crap soup...

A reason I would not go to Oklahoma nor advise any one I know to go thru Oklahoma. Don't need to visit a 3rd world country like place.

And the fact that you won't come to Oklahoma is supposed to make us feel... sad or something?

Did I mention that pedophilia isn't mental illness anymore, it's a sexual orientation. Sort of like what happened to homosexuality on its way to normal behavior.

No, you didn't mention it... But you are bold faced liar for saying so. Thanks for letting everyone else know.
I have no issue with gay mariage and gay rights. What they do with their lives is up to them just as what I do with my life is up to me.....and whereas I would not want someone telling me I cant do something because it compromises THEIR moral convictions, I feel it is inappropriate for me to do the same to anyone else.

However, I respect those that are against it from a religious standpoint...they have the right to feel it is inappropriate and express such sentiments.

Ironically, those that are pro gay rights seem to not care about the rights of those with religious convictions.

But I guess that is a debate for another day.

I care about the rights of people with religious convictions.. I myself have religious convictions. However, we live in a Free Society where I can have my religious convictions... but I can't demand that everyone else submits to my religious convictions. Likewise, gay people can do whatever they want and should be able to do anything they want... Including have Gay pride parades and the like. But they can't make me submit to having a homosexual relationship.

It's part of living in a free society where all men(and women) are created equal.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Getting government benefits because you're shacking up with a fuck buddy is not a right.

Ummm... what government benefits would a married couple have that an unmarried one wouldn't... Claiming Married on a 1040? Is that what you are really fuckin' worried about?
No, you didn't mention that before. Who told you that? I truely want to know the source.

Read back. I provided a link.

Where is that link?

Just found it. Totally disagree with the idea....but that being said, IT DOES NOT CHANGE ONE IOTA the criminal act of forcing your attentions on a child unable to give consent. Period.

You are one serious sick fuck.

Seek help.

No, you didn't mention that before. Who told you that? I truely want to know the source.

Read back. I provided a link.

Where is that link?

Just found it. Totally disagree with the idea....but that being said, IT DOES NOT CHANGE ONE IOTA the criminal act of forcing your attentions on a child unable to give consent. Period.

Not now. Come back in five years. Especially as homosexuality is going to be taught in schools. The younger a child can be taught the normalcy of perversion, the easier it will be to use them later on. As Dragon said, it may not be children today but it will certainly be grandchildren.
The gay agenda is being taught in schools today. Children are being indoctrinated into perversions and the culture is becoming more degenerate.

The conversation shouldn't be about this water under the bridge but how to protect yourself and your family from the toxicity. One way would be to abandon this lost cause, find and support a culture that isn't degenerate. This one will collapse of its own.
Of course girls. We can't discriminate against perversions.

"Perversion" has nothing to do with it. We punish pedophiles not because they're perverts but because they victimize children. Otherwise, you're right; victimizing underage girls is just as wrong and illegal as victimizing underage boys, and that's true regardless of the gender of the person doing it.

As far as spending time in "The Big House" that's just a matter of time and changing people's minds.

But we're not interested in changing people's minds in that regard. Our interest is in STOPPING the victimization of innocent people, not in ENCOURAGING it.

Seriously, if you can't tell the moral difference between the rape of a child and a sexual act performed between consenting adults, I despair for your moral sense, which seems to be so atrophied by reliance on authoritarian moral codes that it may never recover.
In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also says that the state of Oklahoma will not recognize same-sex marriages performed in any other state. It has already survived three attempts to overturn it AND the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled it is constitutional. I helped pass that amendment. I gave money to the effort to pass the amendment and I believe it is the right thing for Oklahoma.

That is not the case in California and other states. And quite frankly, I believe that this is a state's rights issue. If any state in this union believes that same-sex marriage is something they want to acknowledge, then I say that they are absolutely, 100% within their right to do so.

Any other arguement is crap soup...

And what is "state's rights" code for?


No one, huh? OK: "State's Rights" is code for: "We want to have this little enclave that is immune from due process of law and equal protection and all those other, bothersome things, when it comes to matters that are important to us, such as discrimininating against those groups of people we find disgusting, such as gays, blacks, and anyone else we decide we don't like."
Hmm. I distinctly remember being stopped at the California border in 1965 when my brother and I were joining our parents in their new home. They asked us if we had any kind of plants in the car (we didn't) and that if we did, we had to leave them at the border. After a brief inspection of our car and trunk, they let us continue on to our parents' home to live.

I connected that with a state's rights to control what comes over its border. Also, at the time, the state we left, the drinking age may have been different than California's, which mattered to everybody else except me. I had no ambition whatever to drink, having been well-taught at my grandmother's knee what was expected of little ladies.

My first week there was like <<<culture shock>>> to put it mildly. I was horrified to see people go to a theater in casual clothing, bikinis, and anything else they cared to wear, and nobody said anything to them.

So much for my sheltered life, but I think state's rights encompass a lot more than one's freedom in matters of orientation. :eusa_whistle:

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