Don’t be Gay? Vote for Foreign Radicals.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
In a you can’t make this up story. Well let’s start with it.

Her slogan is Don’t be Gay, vote for me. A Colombian Native.

She pledges to burn all the Gay and Lesbian books. This is hilarious. Missouri where a 16 year old girl can open carry a Rifle, carry a baby to term, but can’t read a book. I guess they’re afraid she might catch Gay from the book. Or something.

You can’t make this stuff up.
In a you can’t make this up story. Well let’s start with it.

Her slogan is Don’t be Gay, vote for me. A Colombian Native.

She pledges to burn all the Gay and Lesbian books. This is hilarious. Missouri where a 16 year old girl can open carry a Rifle, carry a baby to term, but can’t read a book. I guess they’re afraid she might catch Gay from the book. Or something.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Don’t be Gay? Vote for Foreign Radicals.​

hahahaha…and just like that the left hate them some “foreign radicals”…You can’t make this stuff up.
Now this is a brown person I can get behind…in more ways than one….See Unkotare I’m no racist.
She’s absolutely right…”In America you can be whatever you want”…..Why the fuck would you choose to be gay or a tranny or both? Just think, if you purple hairs stopped trying to glamorize and glorify faggotry none of this shit happens.
This chick seems like a bonafide badass….the GOP desperately needs about 1,000 more of her.
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In a you can’t make this up story. Well let’s start with it.

Her slogan is Don’t be Gay, vote for me. A Colombian Native.

She pledges to burn all the Gay and Lesbian books. This is hilarious. Missouri where a 16 year old girl can open carry a Rifle, carry a baby to term, but can’t read a book. I guess they’re afraid she might catch Gay from the book. Or something.

You can’t make this stuff up.
^^^Fake news. Stop being weak and gay, Savannahmann.

In a you can’t make this up story. Well let’s start with it.

Her slogan is Don’t be Gay, vote for me. A Colombian Native.

She pledges to burn all the Gay and Lesbian books. This is hilarious. Missouri where a 16 year old girl can open carry a Rifle, carry a baby to term, but can’t read a book. I guess they’re afraid she might catch Gay from the book. Or something.

You can’t make this stuff up.

This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
Says the wackadoodle that no republican agrees with and everyone hates.

Ever think you're the dipshit that's out of touch?

Newsflash. You are.
This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
Most likely it is men dressing as women reading gay literature to 6-year-olds in public schools and males going into female rest rooms in schools. Trump does not even make any comments on this. Most Republican voters are not unreasonable. Anyway, the roots are advancing, and most guys will eventually just have sex artificial lifeforms live with and stop with the aggravation. No children and with a tradeoff of peace and calm. Women most likely will do the same to a degree. The end result of the evolved 21st century that Progs promote.
Says the wackadoodle that no republican agrees with and everyone hates.

Ever think you're the dipshit that's out of touch?

Newsflash. You are.

Nikki Haley received almost 25% of the vote in suburban counties in yesterday's primary in Nebraska, a very red state. She's been out of the race for few months now. There are plenty of people who agree with me and this is the problem your candidate is going to run into the general election. Suburbanites, who used to be fertile ground for the GOP, are not amused by the current state of the party.

This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
The “result of Trumpism” is the restoration of normalcy.
Have you reached the low where heterosexuality being communicated as preferred is “extreme” and “radical”?
”Extremist candidates” and “whack jobs” he says….hahahaha

Nikki Haley received almost 25% of the vote in suburban counties in yesterday's primary in Nebraska, a very red state. She's been out of the race for few months now. There are plenty of people who agree with me and this is the problem your candidate is going to run into the general election. Suburbanites, who used to be fertile ground for the GOP, are not amused by the current state of the party.

The scent of revenge for people screwed over or the perception of it is magnificent. Prog ladies are the death of the west. And they will drag it down to the depths of depravity and mass impoverishment as I knew they will. Thank you. I see China on the side mirrors getting closer and closer. A patriarchal society with resolve to become the greatest nation on earth.
In a you can’t make this up story. Well let’s start with it.

Her slogan is Don’t be Gay, vote for me. A Colombian Native.

She pledges to burn all the Gay and Lesbian books. This is hilarious. Missouri where a 16 year old girl can open carry a Rifle, carry a baby to term, but can’t read a book. I guess they’re afraid she might catch Gay from the book. Or something.

You can’t make this stuff up.
You folks should totally send an all-American Democrat like Ilhan Omar to counter her message. Oh wait...
Nikki Haley received almost 25% of the vote in suburban counties in yesterday's primary in Nebraska, a very red state. She's been out of the race for few months now. There are plenty of people who agree with me and this is the problem your candidate is going to run into the general election. Suburbanites, who used to be fertile ground for the GOP, are not amused by the current state of the party.


Democrats and people like YOU who haven't voted for a Republican presidential candidate in a general election in 20 years voted for Nikki Hillary!

Republicans are United behind President Trump. Your state is polling for President Trump.

If you want a Nikki Haley. YOU'RE THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

The status quo candidates have got us to where we are today.

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.

It's time to shake things up. Put some FIGHTERS in office...not more of the same milquetoast Rino neocon warmongers.
This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
This type of rightwing extremism was well before Trump.

Trump simply capitalized on it.

Only someone who wasn't paying attention would think that this just came out of nowhere.

Democrats and people like YOU who haven't voted for a Republican presidential candidate in a general election in 20 years voted for Nikki Hillary!

Republicans are United behind President Trump. Your state is polling for President Trump.

If you want a Nikki Haley. YOU'RE THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

The status quo candidates have got us to where we are today.

The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.

It's time to shake things up. Put some FIGHTERS in office...not more of the same milquetoast Rino neocon warmongers.

Pennsylvania's primary was closed and the result was the same in the suburbs. You'll have to find another excuse.
This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.

No the country has been inundated with the weak and the gay.

The weak can be anyone but particularly the younger people. They are soft, weak willed and lack ambition. They are easily brainwashed as well. Much like all the college protestors and cancel culture kids have proven. They are weak and have no value that's why they spend all their time on social media complaining about having to work 40 hours.

The gay have also become an issue because even politicians sacrifice average Americans for them. They call for forced diversity by giving positions to someone because they are gay, they cater to them and tell non gays they are homophobic just because they don't agree with them, they waste millions of gay related nonsense to get their votes, they don't say a word when they have bondage and gay acts in public, they tell us men pretending to be women are women, they allow men pretending to be women to crush women in women's sports, they even allow children to be trans with surgeries. All of those things damage our country and weaken us as a nation because they care more about gays than America.

But of course we all know you will ignore anything bad for the country just so you can over and over and over and over again try to make it about trump. You're a contrarian, you care more about hating 1 person than you do about reality or the general welfare of our country
This is the result of Trumpism. The GOP has been inundated with extremist candidates for several years now. In Missouri, she might still win, but overall, it's stuff like this that makes the Republicans look like a party of whack jobs.
Actually Trumpism is the result of decades of the Uniparty selling out Americans and pushing a bizarre morality onto the public.
Pennsylvania's primary was closed and the result was the same in the suburbs. You'll have to find another excuse.
Fake news. Nikki Haley received a paltry 16% of the vote in PA.

In 2016 Cruz got 21% and Kasich got 19%...

...And Trump won Pennsylvania that year in the general election ... the first time a Republican has won Pa since Reagan in 1984.


Get some treatment for your TDS. You're out of straws to grasp at.
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Nikki Haley received almost 25% of the vote in suburban counties in yesterday's primary in Nebraska, a very red state. She's been out of the race for few months now. There are plenty of people who agree with me and this is the problem your candidate is going to run into the general election. Suburbanites, who used to be fertile ground for the GOP, are not amused by the current state of the party.

is that why Trumps polling leading Briben by double digits in Nebraska ?

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