How to cash in on dead Americans.

Gee. How can I top that? Oh I know. Just how many millions of unborn children have died since 1973? And what is one of the key columns of the Democratic campaign? Pro-abortionism.

Hows that for cashing in on death? Hmm?

God can recreate anything in the universe in a blink of an eye, except that which exercises Free Will so your comparison only strengthens the argument that the 4 Americans should be honored and not used for political points.
Hopefully most notice the vulgar names and insulting ways of the far right. Especially when they have no retort to back up their claims.

The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Hey bitch. Axelrod used the Newtown Massacre to raise funds.

Explain your double standard.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

bah---politicians will use anything for raising funds.

Very true.

Let the people decide if they find it objectionable.

VERY telling. It's almost as if Fox has an agenda.
Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. Donations and tragedy.


There is also a difference between raising money for a cause, such as gun control and this. I don't even what raising money from Benghazi says. Donate so we can have more investigations? Donate so we can have more terrorist attacks? Donate so the Republican party can have a party? What is it?
and OKTexas since he seems to think so highly of this.

Fuck off commie, if you can't understand what I wrote that's your problem not mine, both parties try to leverage anything the can to raise money, no one has the high ground here.

No, both parties don't do it. I do hope the Democrats to step out of this round of political theatre. It is about time Republicans stand in the middle of this all by themselves. Let it go down in history as the time the Republicans were the ones to finally split the government. Democrats do not have to play this game any longer. No more, "well they showed up too" Let Republicans stand alone.

So you got your head so far up your ass you can just ignore evidence provided in this thread that both parties do indeed do it. And tell me this, if there is nothing to find on Benghazi why should the dems take their ball and go home like children. Every select committee ran by dems had a majority of dem members why should this be different if republicans are running the show? Now we''ll see if you are actually a grown up.
Fuck off commie, if you can't understand what I wrote that's your problem not mine, both parties try to leverage anything the can to raise money, no one has the high ground here.

No, both parties don't do it. I do hope the Democrats to step out of this round of political theatre. It is about time Republicans stand in the middle of this all by themselves. Let it go down in history as the time the Republicans were the ones to finally split the government. Democrats do not have to play this game any longer. No more, "well they showed up too" Let Republicans stand alone.

So you got your head so far up your ass you can just ignore evidence provided in this thread that both parties do indeed do it. And tell me this, if there is nothing to find on Benghazi why should the dems take their ball and go home like children. Every select committee ran by dems had a majority of dem members why should this be different if republicans are running the show? Now we''ll see if you are actually a grown up.

Have you seen the jury the Republicans have selected for the Benghazi trial? What a bunch of wackos.
Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. Donations and tragedy.


There is also a difference between raising money for a cause, such as gun control and this. I don't even what raising money from Benghazi says. Donate so we can have more investigations? Donate so we can have more terrorist attacks? Donate so the Republican party can have a party? What is it?
What about a "cause" such as accountability in government?
left-wing nutjobs cashed in on dead soldiers in 2008

now we have an idiot from Chicago who's idea of "change' is RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS


idiots and hypocrites
Notice that I provided a link so you could verify what I posted. I noticed you have NOT provided a link. In other words, your post means absolutely nothing!

Hey rocket scientist....What you posted is an opinion piece which you attempt to describe as news. Blow it out of your ass.
Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. Donations and tragedy.


There is also a difference between raising money for a cause, such as gun control and this. I don't even what raising money from Benghazi says. Donate so we can have more investigations? Donate so we can have more terrorist attacks? Donate so the Republican party can have a party? What is it?
What about a "cause" such as accountability in government?

Either you have no idea how many hearings, committees, briefings, and pages of documents there has been on the matter or you have an alternative agenda. Which is it?
There is also a difference between raising money for a cause, such as gun control and this. I don't even what raising money from Benghazi says. Donate so we can have more investigations? Donate so we can have more terrorist attacks? Donate so the Republican party can have a party? What is it?
What about a "cause" such as accountability in government?

Either you have no idea how many hearings, committees, briefings, and pages of documents there has been on the matter or you have an alternative agenda. Which is it?
Bullshit. You think the investigation should stop because the Democrats refuse to cooperate. You're the one with an agenda.
There is also a difference between raising money for a cause, such as gun control and this. I don't even what raising money from Benghazi says. Donate so we can have more investigations? Donate so we can have more terrorist attacks? Donate so the Republican party can have a party? What is it?
What about a "cause" such as accountability in government?

Either you have no idea how many hearings, committees, briefings, and pages of documents there has been on the matter or you have an alternative agenda. Which is it?

The TRUTH, has no agenda.

No, both parties don't do it. I do hope the Democrats to step out of this round of political theatre. It is about time Republicans stand in the middle of this all by themselves. Let it go down in history as the time the Republicans were the ones to finally split the government. Democrats do not have to play this game any longer. No more, "well they showed up too" Let Republicans stand alone.

So you got your head so far up your ass you can just ignore evidence provided in this thread that both parties do indeed do it. And tell me this, if there is nothing to find on Benghazi why should the dems take their ball and go home like children. Every select committee ran by dems had a majority of dem members why should this be different if republicans are running the show? Now we''ll see if you are actually a grown up.

Have you seen the jury the Republicans have selected for the Benghazi trial? What a bunch of wackos.

Trey Gowdy is an experienced prosecutor who is well qualified to run the show and I think his plan to use depositions to get testimony is the right way to go. Doing it that way will prevent the political grandstanding we've seen on the subject so far from both parties. You're crying about events that have yet to occur, how about waiting until you have a real reason to do so.

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