How To Achieve Single Payer Health Care

Nope. Not a fact. Rates went up at a slower rate than before the ACA. That’s the fact
I had the same plan from 1980 until Obamacare was rate would go up $20 a year...I was paying for myself...$250 a month for a my costs are for me only $780 for an HMO it sucks so bad that I'm going to have to go back to the VA and that really sucks...My sister is on medicare and for the plan D because she needs special medicine is costing her $365 just for part D...she is retired for cryin out loud...No one can tell me Obamacare is a good thing or that it is less raised the cost of all healthcare and even raised the cost of non medical insurance...that never gets figured into the mix...
Amazing, but when you take the "profit motive" out of the private sector and give it to the public sector, it ends up COSTING MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

Government leftists are not altruists. They are KLEPTOCRATS who STEAL and LIE and HATE and DISCRIMINATE.

Nope. Sorry. Medicare costs less. Fact. Eat shit.

Costs less than WHAT, exactly? How are you measuring it? And oh, how's the quality comparison? You got that at your fingertips, too?
You keep moving the goalposts while not providing the GOP replacement for ObamaCare.

Nope. Not a fact. Rates went up at a slower rate than before the ACA. That’s the fact
I had the same plan from 1980 until Obamacare was rate would go up $20 a year...I was paying for myself...$250 a month for a my costs are for me only $780 for an HMO it sucks so bad that I'm going to have to go back to the VA and that really sucks...My sister is on medicare and for the plan D because she needs special medicine is costing her $365 just for part D...she is retired for cryin out loud...No one can tell me Obamacare is a good thing or that it is less costly...
Anecdotes aren't worth the electrons they are printed on.
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
I'll Trump you by saying If you don't want to buy health insurance you don't have to. Or if you're very healthy and want one with a large deductible, you should be able to purchase that too.
I agree. If you want to not buy health insurance, you should have the right to be that stupid.

But we are long past those days. Long past. The Republicans have completely abdicated and left you out to dry.
When I was a young invincible I went for about ten years without health insurance. In that time I had to be treated once for a broken collar bone at a cost of $140. WTF is wrong with that?

Dude, I have no idea where you got full treatment for a broken collar bone for $140, but I doubt it was in this century. The X-ray alone is going to cost a minimum of $200.

Also, a broken collar bone is not necessarily the best indicator of what COULD happen, and what it could cost you.
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
Universal Health Care with a Conservative Twist I have posted this idea on couple of other occasions and do so again. A starting point in any event.
No one is saying costs went down. You need to learn how to read graphs.

The rate of growth in costs before ObamaCare was higher
I'm not buying it G5...I lived through it..your graph is delusional....Healthcare was at the bottom of the list of wants from the people when Obama took office...everyone was taken by surprised when he started talking our system down...he made a very bad mistake by tinkering with it....very very bad...people have died because of Obamacare...
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
Universal Health Care with a Conservative Twist I have posted this idea on couple of other occasions and do so again. A starting point in any event.
Yeah, UHC is inevitable now. Thanks to Republican ineptitude and laziness, and Democratic persistence.

I predicted many, many times on this forum since the passage of ObamaCare, that O'care would be so disastrous that the American people would cry out for UHC.
Why in the hell should I ever have to pay for the health care bills of other people? They can pay their own bills.

Fuck any kind of nationalized health care or health care entitlements or subsidies.
No one is saying costs went down. You need to learn how to read graphs.

The rate of growth in costs before ObamaCare was higher
I'm not buying it G5...I lived through it..your graph is delusional....Healthcare was at the bottom of the list of wants from the people when Obama took office...everyone was taken by surprised when he started talking our system down...he made a very bad mistake by tinkering with it....very very bad...people have died because of Obamacare...
Wow. You were either very young, or are suffering from amnesia.

The top issue in 2008 was the economy, of course. Our whole system was on the verge of collapse.

Second was energy. And that makes sense since oil had spiked to $150.

But right behind that was healthcare:


Section 3: Issues and the 2008 Election
I provided the actual data that health care's rate of growth was faster before ObamaCare.
Except for one wasn't.....I was alive...I lived it...we all have seen it....Obamacare is a disaster and to suggest otherwise is silly....
If it can be done without breaking the bank and done effectively I wouldn't be against it. Our current healthcare system isn't either currently.
Why in the hell should I ever have to pay for the health care bills of other people? They can pay their own bills.

Fuck any kind of nationalized health care or health care entitlements or subsidies.
Noted, but not really helpful. :lol:
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
Universal Health Care with a Conservative Twist I have posted this idea on couple of other occasions and do so again. A starting point in any event.
Yeah, UHC is inevitable now. Thanks to Republican ineptitude and laziness, and Democratic persistence.

I predicted many, many times on this forum since the passage of ObamaCare, that O'care would be so disastrous that the American people would cry out for UHC.

Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Here is another plan just speaking for myself I could support. It involves insurance for direct life threating cases. Does not cover voluntary procedures. Some exceptions I would make would make with abortions would be forced rape and incest. Life endangerment to the mother would be covered as such for example.
Amazing, but when you take the "profit motive" out of the private sector and give it to the public sector, it ends up COSTING MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

Government leftists are not altruists. They are KLEPTOCRATS who STEAL and LIE and HATE and DISCRIMINATE.

Nope. Sorry. Medicare costs less. Fact. Eat shit.

Costs less than WHAT, exactly? How are you measuring it? And oh, how's the quality comparison? You got that at your fingertips, too?
You keep moving the goalposts while not providing the GOP replacement for ObamaCare.


You ignore the fact that in the Political Class there are not two Parties. Pubs were NEVER going to repeal it, they are in on it. Were you to remove your ego from this you'd be much better at all of this. Instead you NEED to think that you are showing us how superior you are.

It's all a how kid. They are keeping everyone (like you) distracted and thinking it's all real. It isn't. You don't even know what's coming.
If it can be done without breaking the bank and done effectively I wouldn't be against it. Our current healthcare system isn't either currently.
Yep. This is the logical conclusion more and more Americans will come to. Going back is worse than what we have now. The Republicans don't have a plan. ObamaCare sucks. Therefore, the only way forward is UHC.
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
Universal Health Care with a Conservative Twist I have posted this idea on couple of other occasions and do so again. A starting point in any event.
Yeah, UHC is inevitable now. Thanks to Republican ineptitude and laziness, and Democratic persistence.

I predicted many, many times on this forum since the passage of ObamaCare, that O'care would be so disastrous that the American people would cry out for UHC.

Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Here is another plan just speaking for myself I could support. It involves insurance for direct life threating cases. Does not cover voluntary procedures. Some exceptions I would make would make with abortions would be forced rape and incest. Life endangerment to the mother would be covered as such for example.
Uh, I don't want to turn this into an abortion topic. But that would certainly be a point of contention when deciding what is and is not covered by UHC.
Please don't get ahead of me and think you know where I am going and what I desire.

So I guess I should state up front what I desire. :)

I believe you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, home, and life insurance. You should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and haggle for what you want. If you don't like what they are offering, you can hang up and call another company.

This would provide you with the maximum freedom and, more importantly, the maximum bargaining leverage.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if you are lucky enough to have an employer who offers health insurance.

In turn, your employer is hostage to whatever insurance companies are allowed to sell them insurance in their geographical area.

In turn, the insurance companies are hostage to whatever health care providers are allowed to operate in their geographical region.

The whole system is a mess, thanks to government interference in the market.

The government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors!

How's that been working for ya?

If you were able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance, you would get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts, and all the other discounts you enjoy from those other forms of insurance.

As it is now, every time you change your job you start all over from scratch.


But...the Republican Party has demonstrated they have absolutely no intention of ever putting a plan on the table which will provide you maximum freedom, maximum leverage, and lower costs.

The Republican Party has totally abdicated their role in solving our health care problems. To distract you from this fact, they attack the other guys' plans. They cast blame rather than do the hard work. They are critics rather than problem solvers. Whiners rather than helpers.

So what good are they?

Oh, by the way. When Republicans talk about buying health insurance "across state lines", they are being very misleading. They are not talking about being able to buy health insurance from any company in the country.

Thought you should know that.

The road to serfdom, next post.
Universal Health Care with a Conservative Twist I have posted this idea on couple of other occasions and do so again. A starting point in any event.
Yeah, UHC is inevitable now. Thanks to Republican ineptitude and laziness, and Democratic persistence.

I predicted many, many times on this forum since the passage of ObamaCare, that O'care would be so disastrous that the American people would cry out for UHC.

Robert C. Koons: Trump should boldly embrace a conservative single-payer system

Here is another plan just speaking for myself I could support. It involves insurance for direct life threating cases. Does not cover voluntary procedures. Some exceptions I would make would make with abortions would be forced rape and incest. Life endangerment to the mother would be covered as such for example.
Uh, I don't want to turn this into an abortion topic. But that would certainly be a point of contention when deciding what is and is not covered by UHC.

Just using that as an example. this plan would cover all direct life threating procedures, not voluntary ones. The plan does not ban abortion, that is another subject and I agree not for this thread.

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