How The Deep State Took Corbyn Down In The UK

This is how the Establishment/Deep State deal with anyone who threatens the status quo,Corbyn was the best hope for change in Britain in my lifetime, he was a threat to the neoliberal status quo, they threw the kitchen sink at the man.

The "they" in this case was the British electorate, asshole. Stop trying to learn about the real world from comic books.
They are doing the same thing to Trump.
There is probably a element to that, but as you can see it doesn't matter how much evidence is given about the establishment/ Deep state some are in total denial, i call it weaponised ignorance, but they should be worried because those Deep state criminals can turn against anyone, big mistake Corbyn made was not suing the arse off some people for libel.
This is how the Establishment/Deep State deal with anyone who threatens the status quo,Corbyn was the best hope for change in Britain in my lifetime, he was a threat to the neoliberal status quo, they threw the kitchen sink at the man.

There was genuine hope.
There is very little under starmer.
They vilified a man who made jam in his spare time and then nicked a lot of his policies.
There was genuine hope.
There is very little under starmer.
They vilified a man who made jam in his spare time and then nicked a lot of his policies.
Starmer is a joke, he is Blair 2, fully signed up to the Nato criminal enterprise and the Israeli State, the funny thing is he has expelled many more jews from the labour party than Corbyn ever did, in fact i don't think Corbyn expelled any, i refuse to vote for a party that worked to make sure it's own leader and party lost the election.
Bullshit. The Party couldn't win elections under his leadership and so they dumped him.
I already showed you how the deep state and the Israeli lobby took him down, he almost won the 2017 election, that scared the living daylights out of the establishment so they made sure he didn't win the 2019 election, i saw the smear campaign first hand, it was 24/7 on every tv and radio station and the Oligarch owned media and press, and MPs from his own party and party workers, those bastards enabled the election of Bozo the Clown Johnson.
I already showed you how the deep state and the Israeli lobby took him down, he almost won the 2017 election, that scared the living daylights out of the establishment so they made sure he didn't win the 2019 election, i saw the smear campaign first hand, it was 24/7 on every tv and radio station and the Oligarch owned media and press, and MPs from his own party and party workers, those bastards enabled the election of Bozo the Clown Johnson.
What you showed me was that you are a whacko conspiracy theorist who isn't smart enough to understand what is happening, so you are drawn to simplistic comic book scenarios. The voters took hm down and the Party dropped him because they couldn't win elections under his leadership.
What you showed me was that you are a whacko conspiracy theorist who isn't smart enough to understand what is happening, so you are drawn to simplistic comic book scenarios. The voters took hm down and the Party dropped him because they couldn't win elections under his leadership.
Don't tell me what happened, i live in the UK and saw it first hand, like i said he almost won in 2017, even in 2019 when Billy Bunter Johnson won and after the intensive smear campaign Corbyn still got over ten million votes, watch and learn.

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Don't tell me what happened, i live in the UK and saw it first hand, like i said he almost won in 2017, even in 2019 when Billy Bunter Johnson won and after the intensive smear campaign Corbyn still got over ten million votes, watch and learn.

The bottom line is, the Party couldn't win elections under his leadership, so they dumped him. Almost winning is losing. Negative campaigning is part of the process, so if he can't stand up to it or if the public believes one side's negative ads more than the other, you only sound like a fool when you yell, unfair. Blaming the deep state is another sign of idiocy. Each side has stakeholders who to keep some things the way they were or the way they think they should be, and the other sides stakeholders are always called the deep state.

It is sad that you live in the UK and yet have no idea what is going on there.
Never say Israel when you mean Netanyahu and never say get rid of nukes lol. Labour sucked, they should call themselves Socialists and educate English speakers that socialists are simply for fair capitalism and always for democracy, NOT COMMUNISTS!!!! . That is half the reason Savage Capitalist UK and the USA keep going this way, the most unfair unequal giveaway to the rich scumbags going..... Tories and the GOP are the worst. France is just 20 miles away and socialist along with the rest of Europe and they called themselves socialists, it's ridiculous. The video itself says he was almost socialist because he wanted to get rid of nukes OMG.... Long live Francois Mitterrand and his two families L O L,
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This is how the Establishment/Deep State deal with anyone who threatens the status quo,Corbyn was the best hope for change in Britain in my lifetime, he was a threat to the neoliberal status quo, they threw the kitchen sink at the man.

Well... Corbyn didn't play the game.... he didn't understand the game.

He was telling British people that Palestine was one of the most important issues for the British people... he was too far left to get the center ground... he lost
The bottom line is, the Party couldn't win elections under his leadership, so they dumped him. Almost winning is losing. Negative campaigning is part of the process, so if he can't stand up to it or if the public believes one side's negative ads more than the other, you only sound like a fool when you yell, unfair. Blaming the deep state is another sign of idiocy. Each side has stakeholders who to keep some things the way they were or the way they think they should be, and the other sides stakeholders are always called the deep state.

It is sad that you live in the UK and yet have no idea what is going on there.
Don't be ridiculous, i know just what is going on i have lived with it all my life, i told you what is going on you just don't get it, you seem to be in denial about the Deep state and whether it even exists, it does trust me.
Starmer is a joke, he is Blair 2, fully signed up to the Nato criminal enterprise and the Israeli State, the funny thing is he has expelled many more jews from the labour party than Corbyn ever did, in fact i don't think Corbyn expelled any, i refuse to vote for a party that worked to make sure it's own leader and party lost the election.
Blair delivered on devolution. I respect that.

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