How should an American Christian respond to a totalitarian takeover of America?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
How should an American Christian respond to a totalitarian takeover by the left through, for example, election fraud? Here is how I believe Jesus wants us to respond. Obey the government (Romans 13: 1-2) and do no harm and, in fact, pray for those that are engaged in fraud (Matthew 5:44). I say "obey the government", provided that they don't command you to do something that violates God's laws, in which case, we must decline (Matthew 22:21). Jesus knew (knows) that this world is doomed (John 2:15-17) and beyond salvation by man alone. We must focus our energies on following Jesus' teachings and on bringing non-believers (Mark 16:15) to him. After all, what good is it to save our democracy (Mark 8:36) but lose a brother or sister's soul? Jesus did not engage in politics nor did he ever encourage his disciples to do so. As difficult as it is, we should emulate Jesus' example. And, besides, vengeance belongs to our father in Heaven! (Romans 12:19) Thanks for reading!
I do not believe that the God that created the countless galaxies cares a bit about an election on one part of a small planet in one of those many galaxies.

It's meaningless. God was never about elections.
If you read Revelations Jesus is supposed to be a one world dictator also. I think both these systems were put in place by the Jesuits because in the end it ends up being a one world dictator either way.
How should an American Christian respond to a totalitarian takeover by the left through, for example, election fraud? Here is how I believe Jesus wants us to respond. Obey the government (Romans 13: 1-2) and do no harm and, in fact, pray for those that are engaged in fraud (Matthew 5:44). I say "obey the government", provided that they don't command you to do something that violates God's laws, in which case, we must decline (Matthew 22:21). Jesus knew (knows) that this world is doomed (John 2:15-17) and beyond salvation by man alone. We must focus our energies on following Jesus' teachings and on bringing non-believers (Mark 16:15) to him. After all, what good is it to save our democracy (Mark 8:36) but lose a brother or sister's soul? Jesus did not engage in politics nor did he ever encourage his disciples to do so. As difficult as it is, we should emulate Jesus' example. And, besides, vengeance belongs to our father in Heaven! (Romans 12:19) Thanks for reading!
Don't worry a Christen will have no problem figuring it out
How should an American Christian respond to a totalitarian takeover by the left through, for example, election fraud? Here is how I believe Jesus wants us to respond. Obey the government (Romans 13: 1-2) and do no harm and, in fact, pray for those that are engaged in fraud (Matthew 5:44). I say "obey the government", provided that they don't command you to do something that violates God's laws, in which case, we must decline (Matthew 22:21). Jesus knew (knows) that this world is doomed (John 2:15-17) and beyond salvation by man alone. We must focus our energies on following Jesus' teachings and on bringing non-believers (Mark 16:15) to him. After all, what good is it to save our democracy (Mark 8:36) but lose a brother or sister's soul? Jesus did not engage in politics nor did he ever encourage his disciples to do so. As difficult as it is, we should emulate Jesus' example. And, besides, vengeance belongs to our father in Heaven! (Romans 12:19) Thanks for reading!

If God wanted Trump to win the election, he would have won the election. Nobody can cheat God. God didn't want Trump to win.
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If God wanted Trump to win the election, he would have won the election. Nobody can cheat God. God didn't want Trump to win.

For the most part, I believe God lets us exercise our free will and, accordingly, permits events to take their natural course. He does, of course, intervene at times but that is the exception and certainly not the rule.
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As usual, this is the problem with threads on faith in the religion forum. Trolls come in and flame and hijack the thread to the point that it's difficult to have a decent discussion. That's the reason I seldom post anymore on this forum.
Jesus wanted his followers to be courageous and smart. When I say to quit letting people scare you into supporting evil men you can be assured that Jesus would tell you the same thing. Live your life as if you live in a free country until someone makes you stop. Don't fear, don't hate and do what it takes to keep a clear conscience.
When I say to quit letting people scare you into supporting evil men you can be assured that Jesus would tell you the same thing.

The topic of my post is how Christians should respond to a hypothetical and totalitarian takeover of America. Do you want to discuss the topic of my thread or do you want to talk about something else?
When I say to quit letting people scare you into supporting evil men you can be assured that Jesus would tell you the same thing.

The topic of my post is how Christians should respond to a hypothetical and totalitarian takeover of America. Do you want to discuss the topic of my thread or do you want to talk about something else?
I pretty much suggested you do what Jesus would have done. Be courageous, kind, generous and confront the world with your eyes wide open. That's how Christians should be no matter what the world is like. The gospels suggest Jesus ministered to the world knowing he would be murdered for it. Be like that. Strive to be the best human you can be and do not fear the consequences. Confront evil with goodness even if it means your life.
When I say to quit letting people scare you into supporting evil men you can be assured that Jesus would tell you the same thing.

The topic of my post is how Christians should respond to a hypothetical and totalitarian takeover of America. Do you want to discuss the topic of my thread or do you want to talk about something else?
I pretty much suggested you do what Jesus would have done. Be courageous, kind, generous and confront the world with your eyes wide open. That's how Christians should be no matter what the world is like. The gospels suggest Jesus ministered to the world knowing he would be murdered for it. Be like that. Strive to be the best human you can be and do not fear the consequences. Confront evil with goodness even if it means your life.

Ok, thanks.
For the most part, I believe God lets us exercise our free will and, accordingly, permits events to take their natural course. He does, of course, intervene at times but that is the exception and certainly not the rule.
Godvernment does the same thing- with frequent intervention- imagine that- the Devils that wear a suit and Tie in the District of Criminals, treated like saints, believe themselves omnipotent on BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party- pretending it ain't so doesn't change a thing-

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