How many posters in this forum are Putin supporters?

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Luiza refers to him as “Dear Uncle P“.

Because I know that it annoys a few and possibly upsets a few others .
And because very few Americans have a well developed sense of humour in general and have little idea how to read people or their posts, even when clear clues have been given .
Step forward Mr Gullible .
Why would Republicans hate a dictator who pretends to have democracy and goes around killing all his oppenents?

It's what you want, right?
I've heard that only 2% of the people are born with a defective chromosome or some such shit that makes them prone to rooting for same-sex marriage or be Democrats. Why is it then that 50% of Americans are Democrats and most of them are queers in one way or another?
I've heard that only 2% of the people are born with a defective chromosome or some such shit that makes them prone to rooting for same-sex marriage or be Democrats. Why is it then that 50% of Americans are Democrats and most of them are queers in one way or another?
Are you saying that nearly 50% of the US population is gay?

“Russian people love Putin because Putin loves Russian people. Bless them. :up:” - Skye

“Don't you love Putin? :04:” - Skye

“If I was a Russian and I was there in Russia...I would admire Putin too.....he protects Russians, he takes care of Russians! He loves his country, Unlike this idiot Turnip who stole the election in the US.” - Skye

Luiza refers to him as “Dear Uncle P“.
Foxfyre Do you know one now?

Let me're going to remain mute instead of admitting you were wrong.
Are you saying that nearly 50% of the US population is gay?
Browsing this forum, watching news, seeing your movies (which I can't really lately, they're so disgusting), looking at Biden, his press-secretary and Camala Harris, for fuck's sake, I can't help but think just that.
And because very few Americans have a well developed sense of humour in general and have little idea how to read people or their posts, even when clear clues have been given
It flabbergasts me, really. They made "The Simpsons", didn't they? They were normal, just a few decades ago. I liked them in a way despite the fact that they were our enemies, of the USSR that is. Now 50% of them are PC or IOW just plain gay, as the hairy bodied man from above said, and I'm afraid it's just the beginning.
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It flabbergasts me, really. They made "The Simpsons", didn't they? They were normal, just a few decades ago. I liked them in a way despite the fact that they were foes to us, to the USSR that is. Now 50% of them are PC or IOW just plain gay, as the hairy bodied man from above said, and I'm afraid it's just the beginning.
To reply to your post means , imho , understanding the role played by planned Mind Control over the last few decades .

And the US has suffered most, as distinct from being controlled by an authoritarian leader as per Soviet Presidents , for example , or , more collectively as per the CCP in China, or , by a religious leader , Iran being an obvious example .
I would argue that the US has been trodden under foot by Deep State with the CIA and politicians being the key weaponisers and the latter group largely composed of unwitting dupes .

And in general terms , major powers like Germany , France and the UK are closely following the US and set on a horrific downward plunge leading to compliance .
The US is at such a critical stage that for awhile humour is on the back burner .
Unlike so many American political leaders, Putin would NEVER allow an invasion of the nation he leads and loves

Unlike so many American political leaders, Putin would use force to defend Russians when they are attacked by foreign nationals

Unlike so many American political leaders, Putin would NEVER have allowed Russian citizens to be held captive by Hamas

We admire that Putin actually loves and will defend the nation he leads
Based on my observation in past few weeks, it seems like Putin's autocratic regime has infiltrated this USMB forum to try swaying saps into being pro-Putin.
I am not a Putin lover, I understand Putin's point of view and what he is doing but I actually think Russia would be better off with different leadership. I don't agree with the invasion. I do enjoy reading Russian literature like the novels "War and Peace" and "Dr. Zhivago". I always love Russia and the Russian people. I will outright say that even when I was a kid and the USSR still existed that I was never against communism. I did see a lot of advantages the USSR had over the US. I have always enjoyed studying Socialism and Marxism.
I am NOT against Putin. I do not buy into the American hatred of Putin who has done me no harm.

Putin is the leader of Russia whom American democrats hate- only the democrats hate him. That means he must be good and will not bow to them. The democrats also hate Trump.

"Political propaganda is not able to be stupid enough"
Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump ... and many, many, many, many others ... And for all of them you are only dirt under their shoes.

The German word for leader is by the way "Führer".
Unlike so many American political leaders, Putin would NEVER allow an invasion of the nation he leads and loves

See Lukashenko - the tyrant of Belarus. Same brutal "quality" like all other autocrats in the world - including Donald Trump. He came in power because of fear of Russia. He wanted to protect Belarus from the evil Russians. He said he is the only one who can do so. And when he was fired from his own people he became a spitlicker of Putin and gave him Belarus for free. Now the people of Belarus live under a terrible tyranny and are not able to speak free - if they do not like to be a deadly risk for relatives and friends and their families.
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"Political propaganda is not able to be stupid enough"
Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump ... and many, many, many, many others ... And for all of them you are only dirt under their shoes.

The German word for leader is by the way "Führer".
...or you could say something intelligent.
The plan of Putin is by the way to get back Alaska from the USA and to conquer the West coast of Canada and the USA and to isolate North-America from the Pacific.
...or you could say something intelligent.

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

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I don't know a soul at USMB or anywhere else who is pro-Putin.

Neither do I. The whole idea that conservatives were "pro-Putin" began under Obama. That was when people were comparing how strong of a leader he was to how weak of a leader Obama was. Putin was a Russian nationalist who loved his country, while everything Obama did was anti-American.

And then when Hillary ran in 2016, the left really went nuts. They were convinced that Putin had something to do with Trump willing the election. Many Democrats still believe that to this very day. Then there was the time during the 2016 debates when Trump made that joke about Russia finding Hillary's 30,000 emails. The entire left was convinced that Trump was a "Russian agent" or some kind of bullshit.

The hell of it is, it was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who gave Russia access to a quarter of our uranium. It was also the Biden family who accepted money from the Russian wife of the former mayor of Moscow, and from Chinese oligarchs who had ties to the CCP.

The left always accuses others of what they're guilty of. While they were protesting back in the 60's, waving communist banners, quoting Mao, and idolizing Che Guevara, it was we on the right who were attending anti-communist meetings at organizations like the John Birch Society.
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Sometimes I ask myselve whether all US-Americans are idiots or idiots. A gun needs a brain. Buy one.

Buy only one? I have many guns, idiot loser.

It's not my fault you're too stupid to own a firearm. You'd probably shoot yourself in the dick.

And might I add: Fuck you Germans. You fuckers are notorious for wanting to take people's guns away.
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