How many COVID deaths are attributable to Trump?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.
I would say it's the exact same number that Dr. Fauci is responsible for. Pick whatever number you want.
Even if we'd matched Germany, where the death toll was 11.72 per 100,000 residents, we'd still have seen fewer than 40,000 deaths. Instead, the number of deaths in the United States is the highest in the world, and among the highest when controlling for population.
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.

As many as Obama is responsible for during H1N1 or the various and multiple terror attacks on U.S soil.

Or, maybe someone who is caught and released and instead of going to a court and fights for asylum, they commit a crime or murder someone.
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How many are attributed to Cumo and other Governors and their poor leadership?
How many deaths attributed to covid are not actually covid deaths?
How many deaths attributed to covid were the result of covid alone with no underlying health problems?
How many deaths are attributed to the numerous experts who have given conflicting information about how to protect yourself in the early days of covid?
See how easy this who is to blame game is?
Before you blame the President of the United States for Covid deaths you have to consider policies at a state level. NY Gov. Cuomo and NYC Mayor DeBlasio referred to their constituents as "racists" early in the epidemic if they stayed home and refused to go to work. Gov Cuomo is the only governor in the entire Country who issued an executive order that virtually doomed nursing home residents by forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients or lose their license to operate. If you want to extend the Covid conspiracy to the President of the United States you have to address the misconduct of state and local elected officials that directly led to Covid deaths.
How many are attributed to Cumo and other Governors and their poor leadership?
How many deaths attributed to covid are not actually covid deaths?
How many deaths attributed to covid were the result of covid alone with no underlying health problems?
How many deaths are attributed to the numerous experts who have given conflicting information about how to protect yourself in the early days of covid?
See how easy this who is to blame game is?

Trump left the hard decisions to the Governors while he pretended COVID was no threat.
How many are attributed to Cumo and other Governors and their poor leadership?
How many deaths attributed to covid are not actually covid deaths?
How many deaths attributed to covid were the result of covid alone with no underlying health problems?
How many deaths are attributed to the numerous experts who have given conflicting information about how to protect yourself in the early days of covid?
See how easy this who is to blame game is?

Trump left the hard decisions to the Governors while he pretended COVID was no threat.
Hard decisions like forcing Kung FLu infected old folks into nursing homes to infect and kill thousands?
Even if we'd matched Germany, where the death toll was 11.72 per 100,000 residents, we'd still have seen fewer than 40,000 deaths. Instead, the number of deaths in the United States is the highest in the world, and among the highest when controlling for population.
And most of them are from New York.
So I think you need to start putting the blame where it belongs.
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.
You make a great Chinese apologist
So did you hump rpg's for chuck at night during vietnam
In this country ALL deaths are covid deaths. Creamed in a motorcycle accident ? Die from an overdose? No matter its all the china flu. Old death certificates have been recalled to change the cause of death to covid. It's no wonder the death count is so high.
How many are attributed to Cumo and other Governors and their poor leadership?
How many deaths attributed to covid are not actually covid deaths?
How many deaths attributed to covid were the result of covid alone with no underlying health problems?
How many deaths are attributed to the numerous experts who have given conflicting information about how to protect yourself in the early days of covid?
See how easy this who is to blame game is?

Trump left the hard decisions to the Governors while he pretended COVID was no threat.
Obviously the Governors made bad decisions. You could make a court case that Gov Cuomo is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands as a result of his executive order. They used to hang politicians for that.
210,000 deaths with no end in sight. The rest of the world looks at us in shock. We were once admired around the world for our healthcare and global leadership.

Now, nobody wants to be us.

One way to look at it is to compare the death toll in the United States with outcomes in other, similar countries. That's the approach taken by researchers with Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. This week, they released a report estimating that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from covid-19 didn't need to occur, had the country's response been as effective as those of other nations.

Given that healthcare facilities were incentivized to attribute deaths of any cause to COVID, not to mention a Democrat governor sending people to nursing homes so they can “die” from COVID, you may want to do an adjustment.
Can you TDS afflicted moonbat crybabies not make an Orange Mans is bads to blame for the Covids circle jerk mega thread?

That way you don't have to make another post every half an hour when you start reeeeeeing, and having a fit again..
How many are attributed to Cumo and other Governors and their poor leadership?
How many deaths attributed to covid are not actually covid deaths?
How many deaths attributed to covid were the result of covid alone with no underlying health problems?
How many deaths are attributed to the numerous experts who have given conflicting information about how to protect yourself in the early days of covid?
See how easy this who is to blame game is?

Trump left the hard decisions to the Governors while he pretended COVID was no threat.
The CDC set the guidelines the Governors then decided what they wanted to do in ways of implementing them. If Trump had tried to tell the Governors what to do you and every other board leftie would have accused him of overstepping his authority and being a dictator. Even though you like to pretend the left didn't try and downplay covid at the begining we all remember the comments from them after Trump announced the China travel ban Biden calling it racist Pelosi telling people to come on down to Chinatown for the big parade Cuomo and Deblaiso telling people go to the movies go to your favorite resturant live your life. Trump tried to downplay it at the start as well I will admit that but then again I don't suffer from selective memory.

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