How Many Coerced "Vaccine" Dead Have Employers Murdered?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”
CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”

That isn't causality. It just a count of Vaccine and Died. There is also No Vaccine and Died, No Vaccine and Didn't Die, Vaccine and Didn't die. Vaccine and Covid and Died. Flu Vaccine and Died, Vaccine and Heart Condition and Died, Ventilator and Died, Guy with Gun and Died, Car and Died, In Car and Guy with Gun and Died, Coffee and Died, Alchohol and Died.

Until there is a comparison to other things, all it is is coincidence. It's not even correlation. It's called data.

Oh, it's less than that.

It says, "Search Results from the VAERS Database"

That means it is from Group 1. What is group 1?

Here is the search parameter page. What are the search parameters?

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CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”

It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.
CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”

"Because some cases have multiple vaccinations and symptoms, a single case can account for multiple entries in this table. This is the reason why the Total Count is greater than 329021 (the number of cases found), and the Total Percentage is greater than 100."
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

I'm just curious why you dipshits didn't care when 600k Americans died but feel like vaccines are a health hazard because a very, teeny, tiny fraction of a percent got heart inflammation that may or may not be linked to the vaccine.
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

I'm just curious why you dipshits didn't care when 600k Americans died but feel like vaccines are a health hazard because a very, teeny, tiny fraction of a percent got heart inflammation that may or may not be linked to the vaccine.



just right there....I'm not bothering answering you.
CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”

More people have been vaccinated with COVID

There were 309M COVID vaccines in US in 2020
There were 189.4 million flu vaccines in 2020

There were 190k cases found of FLU

Compared to 193k COVID

So, COVID vaccines is 309/190... lets call that 50% more COVID vaccines and almost the same number of COVID cases at flu.

So, that would mean that the COVID vaccine has a lower correlation to cases than the Flu vaccine.

This is why you should be trying to do math.

You don't know how to use it.
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

It's not. The flu vaccine has less cases than the COVID vaccine.

And that is just correlation of cases, not causal.

This is why your make bad choices.
CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible


Update to link: now over 5,000 not 4,000. Alien to my way of thinking, but now talking to guys who were told if they wanted to keep their jobs they would have to be in the ongoing, de-facto mRNA clinical trials i.e. take the "Vax".

Maybe not all these deaths are related. But some are. Even though Pfizer/Moderna got their legal indemnity, not so for employers who do the actual act of coercion, against the Nuremberg Code. It is child's play for a lawyer to build the case that employers killed the employees who wouldn't have submitted otherwise. Feeding one's family is not the same as a trip to the water park.

UK warns people with food allergies, CBS News:

“England’s National Health Service warned on Wednesday that people “with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food” should not be given the COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioTech.”
That is even less dangerous potentially dying from the pathogen.

It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

I'm just curious why you dipshits didn't care when 600k Americans died but feel like vaccines are a health hazard because a very, teeny, tiny fraction of a percent got heart inflammation that may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

It's about being compelled to take a medication one does not choose to partake in. If there's even a remote possibility that the medication could cause an adverse side effect resulting in death or other health consequence, why should an otherwise healthy person (or one who already had covid and thus has natural immunity) who does not want to take that risk be forced to submit? Don't say it's about other people, because those other people are fully at liberty to take the vaccine treatment if they so choose.

I understand that people might have differing views on whether such a risk legitimately exists, but that's not the issue I'm driving at -- the question I'm asking is why should a person be COMPELLED to take the medication if they don't wish to do so?
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I'm not here to stop those who want to inject themselves with the....the...well with that vaccine.

All I know is that I will not. Not now not never.
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

I'm just curious why you dipshits didn't care when 600k Americans died but feel like vaccines are a health hazard because a very, teeny, tiny fraction of a percent got heart inflammation that may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

It's about being compelled to take a medication one does not choose to partake in. If there's even a remote possibility that the medication could cause an adverse side effect resulting in death, why should an otherwise healthy person (or one who already had covid and thus has natural immunity) who does not want to take that risk be forced to submit? Don't say it's about other people, because those other people are fully at liberty to take the vaccine treatment if they so choose.

Statistically you are way more likely to catch COVID and die than face any issues with a vaccine.

Don't worry about it as it appears those who have gotten vaccinated (and were more likely to wear masks) are defeating the virus and may only be spreading in wingnuts who don't get vaccinated.
It is what it is my friends.

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought​

The heart of the problem getting vaccinated...

June 14, 2021
Let's stop everything. Of the hundreds of millions to get vaccinated we have 220 people with heart inflammation and of those 80% got better on their own.

Nobody is going to change course over this.

Look do what you want to do.

What do I care.:)

I'm just curious why you dipshits didn't care when 600k Americans died but feel like vaccines are a health hazard because a very, teeny, tiny fraction of a percent got heart inflammation that may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

It's about being compelled to take a medication one does not choose to partake in. If there's even a remote possibility that the medication could cause an adverse side effect resulting in death, why should an otherwise healthy person (or one who already had covid and thus has natural immunity) who does not want to take that risk be forced to submit? Don't say it's about other people, because those other people are fully at liberty to take the vaccine treatment if they so choose.

Statistically you are way more likely to catch COVID and die than face any issues with a vaccine.

Don't worry about it as it appears those who have gotten vaccinated (and were more likely to wear masks) are defeating the virus and may only be spreading in wingnuts who don't get vaccinated.

Yes, the same thing happened with the ferrets, mice when they were initially injected. They responded very well. They all died when they were attenuated with the wild virus. We have no idea of what's going to happen with this experimental injection. We're about to find out though.
#14 thinks that convalescent serum will suffice. It might, but then you’ll have to admit to others that you are playing Russian roulette with a genome you haven’t enough information about, evemn if you got to meet your great grandfather in person. Neutralization is higher with vaccine than convalescent serum. Duh
#18 should provide a citation with the claim in the post. Who are the authors of the study referred to?

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