How It Works: A Muslim Rape Mob In Action (Video)

How does this sit with you? It's coming to America if Sanders or Clinton, even Biden is elected.

the umpteenth time this years old video from cairo is declared to be a video of cologne. well done, moron

------------------------------ already been explained and acknowledged . Course the older film is proof of how muslims work even though the time and place of the attack is wrong , Steve did a good job as he posted this . It shows 'islam' being practiced by devout muslims 'LKEder' !!
No but the OP must do, he's obviously got massive hard-on this minute.

Typical. Ignore the message and fantasize about a big dick over a rape video.
Sorry, I don't watch rapes.

I guess that gives you the opportunity to deny it happened. Out of sight, out of mind.

What happened in Köln happened very much so, unfortunately, degenerate Muslim savages.

But this video in OP, this not Köln nor anywhere in Germany or EVEN anywhere in Europa.

So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
We are allowing people who are refugees from Syria to come into out country in very limited numbers. We are NOT importing rapists.

How do you know they aren't rapists? It's not as if they're going to say:

"Hello, I'm a poor refugee from Syria, I want to come to your country to get free stuff and rape your women"

The fact is, in Islam it tells them in the Mohammed book that it's okay to rape Infidel know the Mohammed book? You know Mohammed the paedophile who married his third wife when he was 50 years-old and she Alisha was 7 years-old.
Point is, you could say that about ANY refugee from ANY country. We don't have a way to know who is and isn't a rapist. Sadly.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
I guess that gives you the opportunity to deny it happened. Out of sight, out of mind.

What happened in Köln happened very much so, unfortunately, degenerate Muslim savages.

But this video in OP, this not Köln nor anywhere in Germany or EVEN anywhere in Europa.

So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
How do you know they aren't rapists? It's not as if they're going to say:

"Hello, I'm a poor refugee from Syria, I want to come to your country to get free stuff and rape your women"

The fact is, in Islam it tells them in the Mohammed book that it's okay to rape Infidel know the Mohammed book? You know Mohammed the paedophile who married his third wife when he was 50 years-old and she Alisha was 7 years-old.
Point is, you could say that about ANY refugee from ANY country. We don't have a way to know who is and isn't a rapist. Sadly.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.

Germany. Sweden. Any questions?

If you want some muslim sausage that bad move over there.
I guess that gives you the opportunity to deny it happened. Out of sight, out of mind.

What happened in Köln happened very much so, unfortunately, degenerate Muslim savages.

But this video in OP, this not Köln nor anywhere in Germany or EVEN anywhere in Europa.

So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
How do you know they aren't rapists? It's not as if they're going to say:

"Hello, I'm a poor refugee from Syria, I want to come to your country to get free stuff and rape your women"

The fact is, in Islam it tells them in the Mohammed book that it's okay to rape Infidel know the Mohammed book? You know Mohammed the paedophile who married his third wife when he was 50 years-old and she Alisha was 7 years-old.
Point is, you could say that about ANY refugee from ANY country. We don't have a way to know who is and isn't a rapist. Sadly.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
--------------------------------- and OldLady is incorrect as immigration was stopped in the USA for a period of time in the 20s to about the 50s and i will get details if / when i find them . The real problem came about in , think it was 1965 when the dems and 'dead kennedy' were able to redo immigration policy in the USA !! ----------------- Just a comment !!
The dims is always tearin us down, and plenty of soft headed useful idiots to assist them.
Here ya go, from Wikipedia. We didn't STOP immigration.
Congress changed the nation's basic policy about immigration. The National Origins Formula of 1921 (and its final form in 1924) not only restricted the number of immigrants who might enter the United States, but also assigned slots according to quotas based on national origins. A complicated piece of legislation, it essentially gave preference to immigrants from Central, Northern and Western Europe, severely limiting the numbers from Russia and Southern Europe, and declared all potential immigrants from Asia unworthy of entry into the United States.
The legislation excluded the Western Hemisphere from the quota system, and the 1920s ushered in the penultimate era of U.S. immigration history. Immigrants could and did move quite freely from Mexico, the Caribbean (including Jamaica, Barbados, and Haiti), and other parts of Central and South America. This era, which reflected the application of the 1924 legislation, lasted until 1965. During those 40 years, the United States began to admit, case by case, limited numbers of refugees. Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany before World War II, Jewish Holocaust survivors after the war, non-Jewish displaced persons fleeing Communist rule in Central Europe and Russia, Hungarians seeking refuge after their failed uprising in 1956, and Cubans after the 1960 revolution managed to find haven in the United States when their plight moved the collective conscience of America, but the basic immigration law remained in place.
What happened in Köln happened very much so, unfortunately, degenerate Muslim savages.

But this video in OP, this not Köln nor anywhere in Germany or EVEN anywhere in Europa.

So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
Point is, you could say that about ANY refugee from ANY country. We don't have a way to know who is and isn't a rapist. Sadly.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
So sad you think everyone is as self-centered as you. I actually have some concern for my fellow citizens, including my granddaughter. But my answer stands.
more from Sweden --- Mobs of 'hundreds' of masked men rampage through Stockholm station --- interesting language as thugs are called CHILDREN as if the thugs are snuggling in their muslim mothers arms . Anyway , interesting to see what is happening in Sweden due to immigration into Sweden and Europe . -------------------------------------------- and as comment , ALL third world immigration into Western lands should be completely Stopped !! Actually , ALL immigration into western lands should be Stopped !!
So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
So sad you think everyone is as self-centered as you. I actually have some concern for my fellow citizens, including my granddaughter. But my answer stands.
---------------------------------------------------- hope that your 'grandaughter' enjoys herself in the future third world that you are helping to create OldLady !! :afro:
So? This shit is happening in Germany and Europe, is it not?

This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
------------------------------------ muslims are a special class of weird alien religion and that's why they should be excluded from Western lands . Then all that's needed is knowing muslims history of aggression , murder , mayhem even in their own lands Dhara !!
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
So sad you think everyone is as self-centered as you. I actually have some concern for my fellow citizens, including my granddaughter. But my answer stands.
------------------------------ NAIVE , generally older people use their brains but looks like some stay naïve for a lifetime ehh OldLady ??
This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
So sad you think everyone is as self-centered as you. I actually have some concern for my fellow citizens, including my granddaughter. But my answer stands.
---------------------------------------------------- hope that your 'grandaughter' enjoys herself in the future third world that you are helping to create OldLady !! :afro:
Thanks for your kind wishes, Pismoe.
This is what happens when you're an educated person, you find the ORIGINAL posted more than TWO YEARS ago and it's in EGYPT:

Egypt makes no difference. Isn't that where the 60 Minutes blonde correspondent was brutally raped? What was her name? The recent German sexual attacks were so brutal the government has ordered the surveillance tapes erased. The point is this is coming to America. The point is Muslims are bad. They will rape our women with impunity. The ones here must be deported.
Yes, the religion is foreign. It is misused. There are good people who are Muslims and there are bad.

Yes, so tell me, how do we seperate the wheat from the chaff? How do we find out who's good and who's bad? It's impossible, we can't.
We can't, and we never have been able to, but it has never stopped this country from accepting immigrants before and it shouldn't now. Islamophobes are hoping that by posting every image they can find of a Muslim male being sexually aggressive (in whatever decade), that we bleeding heart liberals will be SO SCARED we'll give in to the bigotry. Sorry, I don't scare that easy.
----------------------------- well , you are a self described 'old lady' OldLady !! You have nothing to worry about as you walk around being unnoticed .
So sad you think everyone is as self-centered as you. I actually have some concern for my fellow citizens, including my granddaughter. But my answer stands.
------------------------------ NAIVE , generally older people use their brains but looks like some stay naïve for a lifetime ehh OldLady ??
You can call it naive. I call it reason. There are too many Muslims in this country and all over this world living peacefully and what you would consider appropriately for me to drink your koolaid.

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